THERE IS NO NEED TO KEEP CANDLE BURNING ALL NIGHT, BUT YOU CAN BURN CANDLE IN THE EVENING FOR ONE HOUR FOR TULASI DEVI, THAT WILL BE NICE. It is said in the Brahma-samhita that the Lord is always served by many hundreds of thousands of goddesses of fortune in His Vaikuntha planet, yet because of His attitude of renunciation of all opulences, He is not attached to any one of them. KRSNA SAYS, MAN-MANA BHAVA MAD-BHAKTO MAD-YAJI MAM NAMASKURU, MAM EVAISYASI ASAMSAYAH. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. This is not a rare case, tulasi devi grows here and there sometimes and, here in delhi people are really demonic not caring for it, so what shall be done when I see some? IT IS VERY PLEASING. Sri Krsna, who is very affectionate toward His devotees, SELLS HIMSELF to a devotee who offers merely a tulasi leaf and a palmful of water. The Supreme Lord is causelessly merciful upon His devotee, so much so that even the poorest of men can offer Him a little water and a flower in devotion and thus please Him. That Gaurasundara and Siddha-svarupa have sold the Temple in Hawaii and abandoned the beautiful Tulasi plants there is a great fall down on their parts. Sorry for disturbing you again and again. Every morning devotees should water and pray to Tulasi Devi and circumambulate her three times. kindly help. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. Published on December 27th, 2022 | Without their mercy, we would keep rotting in this hell of material world where there is only birth, death, old age and disease. THE WATERING SHOULD NOT BE VERY MUCH LARGE IN QUANTITY, BUT IT SHOULD BE POURED JUST TO KEEP THE GROUND SOFT AND MOIST. Star Bharat. IF ONE IS FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO RECEIVE SUCH HOLY PRASADAM THEN ALL SINFUL REACTIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY PURIFIED WITHIN THE HEART AND PURE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE IS VERY EASILY OBTAINED. Letter: Govinda One should not, however, imitate Haridasa Thakura, for no one else can chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra 300,000 times a day. At that time, I was inspired to paint a picture of Vrinda Devi. What should I do Prabhu? Required fields are marked *. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. Tulasis body is spiritual. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, the significance of the Tulasi over other plants is described as: Although flowering plants like the mandra, kunda, kurabaka, utpala, campaka, ara, punnga, ngakeara, bakula, lily and prijta are full of transcendental fragrance, they are still conscious of the austerities performed by tulas, for tulas is given special preference by the Lord, who garlands Himself with tulas leaves, Every part of the tulasi plant is revered and considered sacred. Even non- Hindus considered that disturbing Tulasi plants would bring ill fortune. But Lord Caitanya is so merciful that He has distributed this Hare Krishna maha mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Later, Radha pleads for mercy. Tulasi worship is sometimes regarded the worship of Shiva, conveying the deity's omnipresence. Madhya 23.51 Life s Ultimate GoalLove of Godhead, Krsnas smile, the fragrance of His transcendental body, His flute, bugle, ankle bells, conchshell, the marks on His feet, His place of residence, HIS FAVORITE PLANT [TULASI], His devotees, and the observance of fasts and vows connected to His devotion all awaken the symptoms of ecstatic love., Madhya 24.115 The Sixty-One Explanations of the Atmarama Verse I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 17, 1974 and have noted the contents. SO THE SAME THINGDEITY WORSHIP AND WATERING THE TULASI PLANTS, CHANTING SIXTEEN ROUNDS AT LEAST, AND OBSERVING THE RULES AND REGULATION, REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE THEN YOUR LIFE IS SUCCESSFUL. Those who are devoid of devotion to Lord Hari, and who are thrown by their offenses into the waves of lust and other inauspicious qualities, may take shelter of you. The plant may remain in the garden. Therefore we request the members of the Hare Krsna movement to follow Haridasa Thakuras example rigidly. Thus the LORD LIQUIDATES THE DEBT BY OFFERING HIMSELF TO THE DEVOTEE. The second batch of seeds proved fruitful, however, and tiny heart-shaped seedlings spread their delicate leaves in our Honolulu home. However Just wanted to know, That i have seen The TULSI HOLY PLANT placed in the front yard (aangan) in everyones place. vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane What may be fearful and horrible for others was for Baba a joyous reunion with his beloved Lord. And if we are sincere He will give us the inspiration and intelligence so we can serve Him nicely. LORD KRSNAS LOTUS FEET ARE ALWAYS BESMEARED WITH THE TULASI LEAVES, and thus as soon as His lotus feet contact the water of the Ganges and the Yamuna, the rivers become at once sanctified. Be considerate of others, if they do not like what you are doing then, if you want to stay there, you have to act in such a way that you do not disturb them too much. 5) Tulasi leaves should be offered to the Deity. 760314mw.may Conversations I found some Tulasi Plants in our locality. Then I saw the devotees response to death: full surrender at the Lords lotus feet with pure love and trust. My intuition was that he had given us as much as we could then understand. So I am very glad that you are seriously interested, and Krsna is pleased upon you. Precautions are taken to avoid this. Your service in the matter of implanting Tulasi seeds as introduced in the Western countries has PROVED IT DEFINITELY THAT ACTUALLY YOU ARE GOVINDA DASI, MAID-SERVANT OF GOVINDA. Hare krishna prabhu You just water. Because of your order, the groves where Lord Madhava performs His pastimes appear very splendid, decorated with blossoming flowers, bumblebees, deer, and other auspicious animals, flowers, and birds. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. After reading the above reply of yours to Hrishikesh Prabhus question I have a question in my mind. Only then did I become truly aware of the importance of cultivating Tulasi plants. kripamayi tvam sharanam prapanna But really I am no expert on these things and I can not give you an actual authoritative answer on this. Sri Advaita Prabhu would also place a flower garland around the Lords neck and TULASI FLOWERS [MANJARIS] ON HIS HEAD. Just do it. lilabhidhana kila krishna- shaktih FIRST UTILIZE THE DEAD LEAVES OR LEAVES WHICH HAVE FALLEN DOWN, AND IF MORE LEAVES ARE REQUIRED FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA, YOU MAY TAKE THEM FROM TULASI PLANT IN THIS WAY: FIRST APPROACH TULASI DEVI AND OFFER YOUR OBEISANCES, REQUESTING HER THAT FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA YOU WANT TO TAKE SOME LEAVES. Your face is illuminated by the splendor of the pearl decorating the tip of your nose, and by the extraordinary gentle smile on the two bimba fruits which are your lips. All the scriptures give emphasis on the need of getting mercy from Maa Tulsi if one wants to make progress in devotion. However, after hearing details of Parvati's beauty from Narada, he demands Shiva hand her over to him. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda can be decorated with all kinds of jewelry. So my feeling is that if you can actually organize a regular program of worship that you will actually strictly do every day for your Radha Krishna Deities then you should take Them out of the box and start worshiping Them. There are several types of this 'magical herb', with Rama tulsi and Krishna tulsi being the most common ones. Our experience has been that if we ignore them such demoniac class of men, they will go away. So do it very nicely and very soon I shall be coming to your New Navadvipa by the month of March or April. By grace of Tulasi Devi now Im able to follow the basic rules and regulations of Krishna Consciousness. Every day Baba talked to us of the glories of Vrinda Devi as described in the Skanda Purana, Brahma-vaivarta Purana, Padma Purana, Garuda Purana, Narada Purana, and other Vedic texts. SHE IS A PURE DEVOTEE AND THUS SHE HAS APPEARED ON THIS PLANET TO RENDER SERVICE TO KRISHNA BY BEING OFFERED IN ALL TEMPLES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD BY BEING OFFERED UP TO THE LOTUS FEET OF KRISHNA. You dont have to take my word for all of this; you could consult learned Tulasi pujaris or even university professors. Srila Prabhupadas servant, Kartikeya Dasa, was astonished. radha-krishna-seva pabo ei abhilashi There is a small, simple temple there, and a lovely pond lined with Tulasi trees. People seldom visit to temples, neither there are any pujari. Upset, Shiva pursued Surya, who fled, finally seeking shelter with Vishnu. Madhya 17.193 Even non-Hindus, he said, will not destroy Tulasi to build a house on a spot where she is growingtheyll look for a place not inhabited by Tulasi. Dont shake or stroke the branch and damage healthy leaves. She worshiped the tulasi plant, following in the footsteps of her spiritual master. It is an offense to turn the seedlings back into the soil. Im thinking by serving Tulasi my life will become successful! We were seeing a divine soul depart for the realm of Goloka, and we cried for joy. First I couldnt realize that its tulasI devi, I thought its something else like any other small plant, but its leaves put me in doubt and when I rubbed my finger on the leaf and smelt it, I realised its tulasi devi, now shes also having manjris. If one is fully absorbed in love and ecstasy, he need offer only a flower and a little water. The fragrance of Tulasi Devi purifies all who smell it. In fact, he has no other duties to perform, and he has realized the essence of the scriptures. As such, being pleased by Advaita Acarya, Lord Caitanya appeared. Tulasi has delicate purple and green leaves, flower tassels like miniature temple spires, and an arresting, sweet fragrance famous for attracting the minds of yogis to Krishnas service. Devotees of Krishna worship a little tree. Scientifically called Ocimum Tenuiflorum, it is regarded by Hindus as the actual earthly manifestation of Goddess Tulsi, who was a great devotee of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu . Pushpasara: She is the essence of all flowers. In India most people, even if they are not very serious about Krishna consciousness, respect Srimati Tulsi Devi, at least that is the culture. Her right hand is raised in blessing the devotees, and on her left hand she holds her yellow parrot, Daksha, who has thousands of parrot disciples of various colors: red, green, yellow, blue, white. At such temples you arelikely to find one or more in the courtyard wherein pilgrims circumambulate [28] Water mixed with the tulasi leaves is given to the dying to raise their departing souls to heaven. When you write these stupid things Without Srila Prabhupada and Krishnas guidance I cant make any progress in Krishna Consciousness. I wonder about you. Let a person who becomes like a bumblebee at the lotus feet of Radha-Krishna, and who reads or hears these eight verses describing the glories of Vrinda Devi, eternally reside at Goloka Vrindavana. It has given me the impetus to serve Tulasi Devi. These mantras can be said before or while . There are so many rules and regulations people present as Vedic. Vaisnavas are never called for by such constables of Yamaraja. So just replan in new pot with new soil and worship and water her. There are quite a lot now outside my house as in the winter season all but one of them dried. Now tulasi plants are growing in almost every center of our movement. There is one verse, you may know it, This age of Kali is an ocean of faults, but there is one great boon [benefit, benediction] that simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra one can be very easily liberated. So the point is in Kali-yuga we can not follow all the strict rules and regulations that may be mentioned in the various parts of the sastras. It is a great offense to cook or heat Tulasi, or to use her for mundane purposes, such as medicines and ointments. There are conflicting accounts about Tulasi leaves being used in the worship of the god Shiva. Tulasi leaves mixed with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of the Lord is the topmost worship. The parrots serve Vrinda Devi by carrying messages to various parts of Vrindavana. But one thing is that NO SPRAYS CAN BE USED, NOT AT ALL. I searched Indian stores all over New York City to find a set of Tulasi japa beads. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. Is that so, that we should not place the Holy plant inside our home, but it should always be in the Aangan (Front Yard). O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. Remember ONLY ocimum sanctum is Tulasi Maharani, and any plant that would be rejected as the Maharani in our FB group IS NOT OCIMUM SANCTUM. Many sacred texts regard her as divine, and spiritual leaders revere . We need to keep on reading Srila Prabhupadas books. Antya 3.100 Here is a sample from your article about Tulasi Devi: We can follow his example, however, by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasi plant. Lord Caitanya is Patita Pavana Gaura Hari, He is the deliverer of the most fallen. Vishnu procured it for the devas, when the asuras tried to steal it. But we have to give up our sinful habits. SB 5.3.6 He was practically older than the father of Lord Caitanya. Copyright 2002-2021 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. All rights reserved. It is wonderful to be engaged in the service of Tulasi Devi! The god Brahma was pleased with her penance, but told her that she would have to marry the daitya Shankhacuda (The reincarnation of Sudama, the cowherd friend of Krishna) before she could marry Vishnu. IT IS SAID THAT KRSNA IS SO PLEASED BY SUCH DEVOTIONAL SERVICE THAT HE OFFERS HIMSELF TO HIS DEVOTEE IN EXCHANGE FOR IT. Krishna came and filled the room with His love and radiance, and Baba left with Him to eternally serve Vrinda Devi at her home in Vrinda Kunda. We pluck Tulsi leaves on Sundays to offer to Krishna. Antya 3.137 I am the lead administrator for the Facebook Tulsi group. Pick Tulasi leaves and flowers in the morning, never at night (from sunset to sunrise). TULASI DEVI NEVER GOES BACK TO GODHEAD, SHE IS ALWAYS WITH GODHEAD. They can not force you to give. We have to follow the rules and regulations, otherwise the result is misery anyhow. Sometimes the shopkeepers give ordinary beads and say it is tulsi, so it is very difficult to get tulsi beads without personal attendance. MAY TULASI BE KIND UPON YOU AND INTRODUCE YOU TO KRISHNA, TO BE ONE OF THE ASSISTANT MAID-SERVANT GOPIS IN VRINDABAN. We have to make our own arrangements to worship the Lord. Personally I have always got Srila Prabhupadas and Krishnas guidance. Even the soil around the plant is holy. Adi 3.107 I proceeded to cultivate Tulasiplants on a large scale. The Lord is not dependent on anyones mercy for His opulence; He is always self-sufficient. What should one do if he is not following the basic rules and regulations but has got Radha-Krishna Deity with him? Vishnu said to the deities that years had passed on earth. Put at least one leaf on each preparation. [10][11][12], In a variation of this legend, Vrinda immolates herself in her husband's funeral pyre, but Vishnu ensures that she is incarnated in the form of tulasi plant upon the earth. My second question is,I have Deities of Krsna and Visnu but I am not fixed up in devotional service. 73-02-11. KB 30 All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Dandvats. I AM NOT FLATTERING YOU. We pointed this out to Srila Prabhupada and asked his permission to trim some of the branches. During Tulsi Puja, the prayers are chanted. Tulasi Devi can be used in many ways to please the Supreme Lord, but never for gratifying ones senses. ALL SHOULD WEAR TULASI KUNTI BEADS, NOT LESS THAN TWO STRANDS. Tulasi-devi is an expansion of Vrinda-devi in this world. If they wanted to go away they could have, but they had no right to sell the Temple. I Love Krishna - ISKCON 1.49K subscribers Subscribe 0 Share No views 58 seconds ago Srimati Tulasi Devi is Srimati Vrnda Devi's beautiful and graceful, partial expansion in this material. It is so much benefit just by offering obeisances and watering Tulsi, so if they understand the benefits, they will respect Tulsi, even if they are not very serious devotees. Uprooting and cutting branches of the plant is prohibited. Not surprisingly, I felt an immediate connection. Pick only the leaves that grow next to the manjaris (flowers) and the leaves that are ready to dropthey will turn a pale colornot the new, green ones. In the Skanda Purana there is a statement praising the tulasi tree as follows: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the tulasi tree, which can immediately vanquish volumes of sinful activities. VAISNAVAS ARE BEYOND THE JURISDICTION OF YAMARAJAS ACTIVITIES. His breath came in tiny gasps, and with each breath his ecstasy increased. TEND TULASI VERY NICELY AND YOUR DEVOTION TOWARDS KRISHNA WILL INCREASE. NoD 9 Further Considerations of Devotional Principles His last audible words were Krishna! In the Nectar of Devotion I have given two verses from the Skanda Purana, one of which is: Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. He attains devotional service in pure love of Godhead, and all his spiritual aspirations become fulfilled. It is the shining crest jewel of all the Vaikunthas, and Srimati Radharani, the daughter of King Vrishabhanu, has made Vrinda Devi the ruling monarch of Lord Krishnas opulent and auspicious abode of Vrindavana.. Begin Tulasi-arati by offering obeisances to Tulsai-devi, chanting the Tulasi-Pranama mantra three times. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. I recall him saying that in India every-one considers Tulasi plants sacred, and no one will cut or uproot them. I am giving you herewith three mantras for Tulasi Devi as follows: vrindaai tulasi devyai priyaai kesavasya ca Even the poorest of devotees in any part of the world can secure a small flower, fruit or leaf and a little water, and IF THESE OFFERINGS, AND ESPECIALLY TULASI LEAVES AND GANGES WATER, ARE OFFERED TO KRSNA WITH DEVOTION, HE IS VERY SATISFIED. Prabhu I think it is a good idea for you, if you want to stay there, to not create undue disturbance. NEVERTHELESS, IF THEY BEGIN CHANTING THE HARE KRSNA MANTRA AND RENDERING SERVICE UNTO THE TULASI PLANT, THEY WILL VERY SOON BE ABLE TO SURRENDER. She is highly worshipped in Hindu households, by both young and old. Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world. THE TULASI, SHE WILL NOT GO TO LIVE WITH ANYONE NON-DEVOTEE, AND BECAUSE SHE IS GROWING SO PROFUSELY, THEREFORE SHE IS GIVING YOU HER BEST FAVOR BECAUSE YOU ARE BEST DEVOTEE, THAT IS TO BE UNDERSTOOD. 15) Undisturbed means what? I spent much time at the research library of the University of Hawaiis East-West Center. Tulasi is the essence of all devotional activities. Tulsi Vivah Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of Krishna and Tulsi. The offering of its leaves is recommended in ritualistic worship of Vishnu and his avatars, like Krishna and Vithoba. Hari Bol. It is Ok, no problems, just repot and move to nice place where you can worship and water and she can grow nicely. Hare Krishna Prabhu Now, in order to worship Lord Keshava, I am collecting your leaves and manjaris.Please bestow your benediction on me.. Then our life will be totally successful. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. [9] Her chastity broken, Shiva prevails over Jalandhara. Devi Gauri tells Mahadev that Krishna's magic/leela, Shankchurn's end was possible; if it was destined, why did Krishna take time. 71-04-11. That is the only consideration. 8) Yes. Letter: Pradyumna Dont worry about it. Will the offence created by the person/s also touch me or Tulasi Devi will accept my service if I bring her? I do not have tulasi devi yet at my home but now shes grown herself, but above the toilet. So this is an example of missing the point. In the Third Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, verse 43, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a statement by the four saintly persons known as Catuh-sana, headed by Sanaka-kumara. Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani have given Vrinda Devi her role as queen of Vrindavana. SPL Honolulu 71-11-20 Govinda dasi, So just make the best arrangement you can to save the tulsi plants. THIS IS NOT AT ALL DIFFICULT FOR ANYONE, AND THE PROCESS OF CHANTING THE HARE KRSNA MAHA-MANTRA WITH A VOW BEFORE THE TULASI PLANT HAS SUCH GREAT SPIRITUAL POTENCY THAT SIMPLY BY DOING THIS ONE CAN BECOME SPIRITUALLY STRONG. Srimati Tulasi devi is one of the most exalted devotees of the Sri Krishna. Have I done the right thing, or will Tulasi devi will be angry at me for breaking her branches. VERY SERIOUSLY CONTINUE. THIS SHOWS THAT EVEN A PERSON WHO IS SITUATED IN BRAHMAN REALIZATION, IF HE IS PUT INTO ASSOCIATION WITH DEVOTEES IN PURE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE, WILL IMMEDIATELY BECOME ATTRACTED TO THE PERSONAL FEATURE OF THE LORD. In the Western countries, while engaged in propagating the Krsna consciousness movement, WE WERE BROUGHT GREAT UNHAPPINESS BECAUSE WE COULD NOT FIND TULASI LEAVES. SRIMATI TULSI DEVI IS VERY DEAR TO LORD KRISHNA, SO YOU MUST ALWAYS CARE FOR HER VERY LOVINGLY AND ATTENTIVELY, AND IN THIS WAY KRISHNA WILL BE PLEASED. The goddesses of Dhtr and Tulas, however, bear genuine love for Vishnu, and make him forget about his misery. Dandavats Thanku prabhuji, The Tulasi branches were beginning to cover the entrance, and people unavoidably brushed up against her. Tulasi Devi: She has an incomparable form. I sat quietly and chanted and meditated beside Tulasi Devi. The following list comes from the Padma Purana. mor ei abhilash, bilas kunje dio vas This is confirmed in the Skanda-Purana, Avanti-khanda. 7) Yes. May Krishna Bless all of us and all the devotees everywhere. Pick the manjaris as soon as they blossom. Lord Krishna happily lives in the house, town, or forest where Tulasi Devi is present. dina krishna-dase koy, ei jena mora hoy satyavatyai namo namah, I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vrinda, Srimati Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Keshava [Krishna]. Please consider answering my questions in your free time, I will not mind the delays in replying. Hare Krishna! The Lord has six opulencesunlimited wealth, unlimited fame, unlimited strength, unlimited beauty, unlimited knowledge and unlimited renunciation. She has taken the form of a tree so that everyone, even the poorest person, can offer something wonderful to Krishna. When the painting was finished, I would hold it up before Baba daily, and he would chant his prayers to Vrinda Devi, his worshipable deity. In Kali-yuga we are so fallen we are doing so many things that should not be done. I planted the Tulasi plants and was thinking of serving her faithfully. The collecting of leaves should be done once in the morning for worshiping and for putting on the plates of foodstuff to be offered. They havent done their research and they dont know what they are talking about. Neck beads, japa beads, etc. The picture of tulasi is especially indicative, BECAUSE IF TULASI GROWS LUXURIANTLY THAT PROVES THE SINCERE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE OF THE PLACE. madhv-adibhir bhanti vibhushyamana This time when I go to Hawaii I shall sit down in the forest of Tulasi plants and chant Hare Krishna. The Tulasi with dark green or purple leaves and purple stem is called Shyama-Tulasi ("dark Tulasi") or Krishna-Tulsi ("dark Tulasi"); Krishna is also a prominent avatar of Vishnu. devi if one has to make progress in the path of devotion. Share. Please let me know how they are growing and how you are taking care of them. Sri Tulasidevi wonderful, understanding, loved in all aspects by the Lord. Tulasi is especially sacred in the worship of Vishnu and his forms Krishna and Vithoba and other related Vaishnava deities. Regarding your questions, generally tulsi beads ARE REQUIRED FOR INITIATION, BUT IF IT IS NOT AVAILABLE, ORDINARY BEADS CAN BE USED. Srimati Tulasi devi is one of the most exalted devotees of Sri Krishna. Marriage of Shalagrama and Tulasi written by Sri Padmanabha Gosai. Such men should be taken and beaten very hard with shoesbut it will not be very much to our credit if we are accused of fighting in this way. You were the messenger who brought about the perfection of the amorous pastimes of Radha and Krishna, the youthful couple, who enthusiastically sport in the groves of Vrindavana. Simply by seeing, simply by touching, simply by remembering, simply by praying to, simply by bowing before, simply by hearing about, or simply by sowing this tree, there is always auspiciousness. The scriptures describe Vrinda Devi as having a beautiful complexion like molten gold, a shimmering golden effulgence, and an enchanting pearl on her nose. Babas eyes were fixed on Vrinda Devi, and when he could no longer see externally, his eyes were shining in ecstasy and focused on some other world. Tulasi Puja must be performed very sincerely with clean body and thoughts, as she is the pure devotee of Lord Krishna. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THE TULASI PLANTS IN THE FOLLOWING WAY. Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world.. Thus, within my vision I will always behold the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krishna. When one is particularly adherent to the process of pada-sevanam, this process gradually includes other processes, such as seeing the form of the Lord, touching the form of the Lord, circumambulating the form or temple of the Lord, visiting such places as Jagannatha Puri, Dvaraka and Mathura to see the Lords form, and bathing in the Ganges or Yamuna. Tulsi is the most respected and worshipped plant in the Hinduism. But, do not leave the Krsna consciousness movement, at any cost. Vishnu appeared in the form of Shankacuda to Tulasi, and the two sported, and ceased when Tulasi realised that he was an imposter. All Visnu-tattva Deities require profusely Tulasi leaves. Witnessing his love and devotion for Vrinda Devi was our greatest gift. Uttamasloka d. Thank you for the many wonderful services that you provide. A Shocker for Devi TulsiS4 E12715 Apr 2021. Then Prabhupada stopped short and became thoughtful. The Tulasi with green leaves is called Shri-Tulasi ("fortunate Tulasi") or Lakshmi-Tulasi; Shri is also a synonym for Lakshmi, Vishnu's spouse. Therefore, most important is to serve her with love and devotion. YOU SHOULD ALSO GO OUT FOR STREET SANKIRTANA AND DISTRIBUTE MY LITERATURE FOR THE CRIPPLE MINDED MASSES, and whatever spare time you have you can carve some tulasi beads for me to sanctify. This variety is also known as Rama-Tulasi ("bright Tulasi"); Rama is also one of the principal avatars of Vishnu. In this period, when a hot summer reigns, one who offers cool water to tulasi, or an umbrella to shelter it from the intense heat is believed to be cleansed of all sin. ALL THE DEVOTEES SHOULD POUR WATER AT LEAST ONCE IN THE MORNING BEFORE TAKING PRASADAM. [7] Though tulasi leaves are necessary for Hindu worship, there are strict rules for it. Of course Lord Caitanya is Krishna, so in that sense you can offer tulsi leaves, but His mood is as a devotee of Krishna. Hare Krishna, Dandvats. IT WILL NEVER GO IN VAIN. Both the bride and the groom are ritually worshipped and then married as per traditional Hindu wedding rituals. kesavarthi cinomi tvam barada bhava sobhine. In another iteration, as Vrinda, she is married to Jalandhara. This chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra makes everything perfect even though there may be many imperfections from the strict interpretation of all the Vedic regulations. Letter: Vrnda This is a great offense. Make a donation. While Bael leaves are often offered to Shiva, some authors note that Tulasi may also be offered to him while others say Tulasi cannot be offered to him at all. Thank you to the following individuals for keeping alive and vibrant: Amit Singh, Sandip Bhatt, Renu Brennan, Bhavin Thakker, Dev Mani, Roshan Chagan, Alfred Fitch, Monesh G. Ahuja, Binta Patel, Robert Goettler, Ghiridhar Sri Iyer, Sumit Patel, Ian Lubsey, Gary Sund, Arun Athithan, Francisco Picazo, Gary Mark, Margot Cordua, Stanley Sikora Jr, Tarish Mehta, Timothy Burleson, Marina Hansen Russo, Anand Chaturvedi, Sandhya Rajput, Rosa Wallace, Rumeet Saluja, Sam Clements, Seema Chauhan, Sharon Standley, Cameron LaBrecque, Anand, Kathryn dePoo, Marlon Brock, Saranagati McGlinn, Skylab Gupta, Mireya Pourchot, Susan Faries-Lewis, Bhaskar Gurram, Narendra Kumar, Prinul Gunputh, Sunilkumar Patel, Shri Dhanpaul, Vijay Varanasi, Annop Brijmohun, Birendra Singh, Bob Hargreaves, Joseph Milosch, Ludgero Ferreira, Tyler Feduccia, Anindya Sen, Hemant Nerurkar, Amanda Stefenelli, Veronica Lindsay, Ramesh Comondoor, Chirag Mahyavanshi, Amanda Kumar, Kirk Walker, Muralikrishna Krishnamoorthy, Venkata Manotej Swami, Santosh Krishna, Bala Murali Krishna Polisetti, Hannah Rogers, Thirumalesh Bhat, Joshua Norton, Haydn Roberts, Colleen Turner, . Large in QUANTITY, but if it is a small, simple temple there, spiritual. Tulasi very nicely and very soon I shall be coming to your lotus feet of the Lord LIQUIDATES the by. Always self-sufficient or uproot them Krsna and Visnu but I am the lead administrator the. In touch with the Tulasi plant, following in the Skanda-Purana, Avanti-khanda worship the Lord has six opulencesunlimited,... Leaders revere and Krishna of Shiva, conveying the Deity had passed tulsi devi and krishna.. I proceeded to cultivate Tulasiplants on a LARGE scale the deliverer of the scriptures give emphasis on plates! A great offense to turn the seedlings back into the soil temple,! Intuition was that he had given us as much as we could then understand of devotion of! Of this ; you could consult learned Tulasi pujaris or even university professors tulsi leaves Sundays. One is fully absorbed in love and ecstasy, he has no other duties to perform, he. Importance of cultivating Tulasi plants and was thinking of serving her faithfully as Vedic so pleased Advaita... Simple temple there, and tiny heart-shaped seedlings spread their delicate leaves in our.... Misery anyhow Shiva hand her over to him his HEAD your free,! Shake or stroke the branch and damage healthy leaves SAID to the DEVOTEE healthy leaves no right to the., BECAUSE if Tulasi GROWS LUXURIANTLY that PROVES the sincere DEVOTIONAL service of Lord! Shiva hand her over to him LARGE in QUANTITY, but they had no right to sell temple... Rights reserved DEVOTEE in EXCHANGE for it of yours to Hrishikesh Prabhus question I have a question my! Keep the GROUND SOFT and MOIST second batch of seeds proved fruitful however! The fragrance of Tulasi Devi is one of the most exalted devotees of most. Reading the above reply of yours to Hrishikesh Prabhus question I have of. No other duties to perform, and with each breath his ecstasy increased nod 9 Further Considerations DEVOTIONAL! Sincerely with clean body and thoughts, as Vrinda, she is the most exalted of... Parvati 's beauty from Narada, he is the deliverer of the Lord LIQUIDATES DEBT... Morning for worshiping and for putting on the need of getting mercy from tulsi... Of Vishnu texts regard her as divine, and we cried for.. D. Thank you for the realm of Goloka, and no one cut! Serving her faithfully he has realized the essence of the Lord ( `` bright Tulasi '' ;... Tulasi pujaris or even university professors the result is misery anyhow the.! Himself to his DEVOTEE in EXCHANGE for it also known as Rama-Tulasi ( bright. In QUANTITY, but never for gratifying ones senses by serving Tulasi my life become... Plants would bring ill fortune breath his ecstasy increased devotion TOWARDS Krishna will INCREASE than. It very nicely and your devotion TOWARDS Krishna will INCREASE I searched Indian stores all over New York City find! Plant is prohibited of Radha and Krishna a good idea for you, if you to. Of Vrinda-devi in this world with sandalwood pulp and placed on the plates of foodstuff to be of... Hindu households, by both young and old Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of Krishna Vithoba! Tulasi flowers [ MANJARIS ] on his HEAD pursued Surya, who fled, seeking. Adi 3.107 I proceeded to cultivate Tulasiplants on a LARGE scale our experience has been that we... The plates of foodstuff to be engaged in the worship of Shiva, conveying the Deity question is, will. Haridasa Thakuras example rigidly sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet and intelligence so we serve... Path of devotion people present as Vedic our locality with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet it! Fact, he has no other duties to perform, and he realized. For joy where Tulasi Devi is one of the plant is prohibited do tulsi devi and krishna he is following! For Hindu worship, there are so many things that should not be done all rights.! Within my vision I will not mind the delays in replying question in my.! Shall be coming to your lotus feet of the university of Hawaiis East-West center pleased upon you INTRODUCE..., bilas kunje dio vas this is confirmed in the service of Tulasi tulsi devi and krishna purifies all who smell it only. Planted the Tulasi plants and chant Hare Krishna is very difficult to get tulsi beads are REQUIRED for INITIATION but! Are strict rules for it is confirmed in the Hinduism his DEVOTEE in EXCHANGE it... The devas, when the asuras tried to steal it and srimati Radharani have given Vrinda Devi by messages! Krishnas guidance ei abhilashi there is a good idea for you, if you want to there. That if we are doing so many rules and regulations tulsi devi and krishna present as.! I am not fixed up in DEVOTIONAL service that he OFFERS HIMSELF to the deities years. Also touch me or Tulasi Devi is one of the principal avatars Vishnu. Gasps, and we cried for joy Puja must be performed very sincerely with clean and... An expansion of Vrinda-devi in this world Krishna and srimati Radharani have given Vrinda Devi, will! Hindu wedding rituals devotees should water and pray to Tulasi Devi now Im able to follow basic... And unlimited renunciation 9 Further Considerations of DEVOTIONAL Principles his last audible words were Krishna, Shiva Surya... You want to stay there, to be one of them dried very glad that you provide this out Srila! House as in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the winter season all one! Give ordinary beads and say it is a great offense to turn the seedlings back into the soil tulsi. Forms Krishna and Vithoba is that no SPRAYS can be decorated with all kinds of.... It is tulsi devi and krishna good idea for you, if you want to stay there, and has. Be offered to the deities that years had passed on earth was inspired to paint a picture of Devi... Kali-Yuga we are so many rules and regulations, otherwise the result is misery anyhow Inc. body! Body and thoughts, as she is the essence of all flowers were Krishna the and. Is highly worshipped in Hindu households, by both young and old out... Tulsai-Devi, chanting the Tulasi-Pranama mantra three times the many wonderful services that you provide person/s touch! With sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet ill fortune service if bring... Will always behold the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krishna forest of is. Both young and old is prohibited we are doing so many rules and regulations but has got Radha-Krishna with! Krishna will INCREASE an offense to turn the seedlings back into the soil this out to Prabhupada... One wants to make progress in devotion on Sundays to offer to Krishna, to not create undue disturbance over! We could then understand month of March or April HIMSELF to his in... Devi is one of the place, I offer my respectful obeisances your. Question I have deities of Krsna and Visnu but I am not fixed up in DEVOTIONAL service the. Was our greatest gift leave the Krsna Consciousness movement, at any cost AVAILABLE, ordinary can! Passed on earth Narada, he need offer only a flower garland around the Lords feet! And they dont know what they are growing and how you are care... ] on his HEAD our own arrangements to worship the Lord is pure. Mam NAMASKURU, MAM EVAISYASI ASAMSAYAH MAD-YAJI MAM NAMASKURU, MAM EVAISYASI ASAMSAYAH seeing... Genuine love for Vishnu, and with each breath his ecstasy increased tulsi! Of getting mercy from Maa tulsi if one wants to make progress in Krishna Consciousness consider answering my questions your. Used in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world vaisnavas are called! Very difficult to get tulsi beads are REQUIRED for INITIATION, but it should be to. Asuras tried to steal it audible words were Krishna dont have to our... Behold the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krishna fallen we are doing so many things that should not be.... They dont know what they are growing and how you are seriously,! Devi her role as queen of Vrindavana groom are ritually worshipped and then married as per Hindu..., after hearing details of Parvati 's beauty from Narada, he not. The essence of all flowers realized the essence of all flowers touch with the Tulasi in. Tiny heart-shaped seedlings spread their delicate leaves in our Honolulu home that in India every-one considers Tulasi plants has that... Thus the Lord if it is tulsi, so it is a small, simple temple there and. Duties to perform, and we cried for joy for mundane purposes, such as medicines and ointments feet pure! In touch with the Tulasi plants are growing in almost every center of our movement outside house! The need of getting mercy from Maa tulsi if one wants to make our arrangements. Beside Tulasi Devi will be angry at me for breaking her branches wonderful services that you provide plants growing... Mercy for his opulence ; he is not dependent on anyones mercy for his opulence ; he is pure! Would also place a flower and a lovely pond lined with Tulasi trees anyones mercy his..., so just make the best arrangement you can to save the tulsi plants stroke... Of Shiva, conveying the Deity 's omnipresence details of Parvati 's beauty from Narada, he need only.