Here is how to do it: If the Start Menu open every 45 seconds. Steam. Go to the Control Panel . Windows will accept input from both devices, so wait until your victim's doing something fiddly and then send their mouse pointer on an adventure. Just about when he's going to say something else, he jumps at the viewer with, There were also 2 sequel episodes. If you want to stop it, just move the mouse pointer to the top-left corner of the screen. - Ask the person next to you if they know how to tap into top-secret Pentagon files. We shall stay away from such pranks, and keep to those which will only bring out a few harmless laughs. The jump scare has been described as "one of the most basic building blocks of horror movies". BA1 1UA. Here's the idea. Starts with 2 easy to win levels, then it captures your full attention towards the end of the third level. shutdown -s -t 1925000 -c "System error: You are not allowed to use this computer, fool" This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Flip screen upside down and turn on sticky keys, then disable the shortcut for sticky keys. Then in the Replace field, type a common word such as and, I, the etc. After they hear it a few times they might get the message. The Mouse Properties dialog is surprisingly handy for pranksters. Yes, thats all it lakes to prank the hell out of someone. Sit down at their desk and wait for them to return. I like to jump on and send a quick email or teams message to their entire department that they left their computer unlocked and someone suspicious is having fun with it. Opens a new window. My favourite was putting a sticker on the users screen edge, which had to stay there until they saw another users machine unlocked, at which point they could move the sticker to that user. For Android: Go to Settings > Language & Input > Google Keyboard (or other default keyboard) > Text Correction > Personal Dictionary. Depending on the video card installed in the system you're fiddling with, you may be able to rotate the screen by 90, 180 or 270 by either pressing [CTRL]+ [ALT] and the arrow keys or by. Drive people crazy by changing the mouse pointer to look constantly busy, 3. It's an expensive productivity tool, and someone screwing around with it could cost time, work, or even hundreds of dollars. You have all that power, all of those tracks and instruments and you are often tweaking it all with a mouse and pointer. AutoCorrect In Word (and many other text based programs) is a godsend - and it isn't long before people start to rely on it. With VNC installed on your machine and your target's, you can take control of their PC from anywhere with an internet connection. So, I change her desktop photo to one that she would never use, or one that she hasn't. Download and run theBlue Screen Screensaveron the computer. First, you have to browse to C>Users>User>AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Windows>Start Menu>Programs>Startup. Cybersickness refers to a cluster of symptoms that occur in the absence of physical motion, similar to motion sickness. That's been fixed, but I never put the restart policy back into place. The basic premise here is to add a custom entry into the AutoCorrect keyboard feature to replace a common word (or the spacebar) with something else entirely. "Look away from the screen. When you stare at a screen for hours on end, you're not only straining your eyes, but also you might then trigger pain in other areas of the body as result. To stop the prank, just move the cursor tothe top-left corner of the screen. Here is the syntax: [norandom] Disables the random reading of the clippy.txt file. Then lets do it, To do this prank, all you need is a copy of. Then search for Sound settings, and open the Sound settings window, then select the , Lets say I want the computer to play a fart noise when the user closes a program, I will select the Close Program option and then click on . If the computer is connected to a DisplayLink dock, those monitors won't be affected, so this is best done on singular screens or laptops. Your computer is under attack! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This will stop the program from running in memory. Simply select a scary picture (like the one of Linda Blair from Exorcist) and set it as desktop wallpaper while the victim is away from his PC! #include int nRandWidth = 150, nRandHeight = 15, nSpeed = 0.5;int nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight;LRESULT WINAPI MelterProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){switch(Msg){case WM_CREATE:{HDC hdcDesktop = GetDC(HWND_DESKTOP);HDC hdcWindow = GetDC(hWnd);BitBlt(hdcWindow, 0, 0, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight, hdcDesktop, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdcWindow);ReleaseDC(HWND_DESKTOP, hdcDesktop);SetTimer(hWnd, 0, nSpeed, NULL);ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW);}return 0;case WM_ERASEBKGND:return 0;case WM_PAINT:ValidateRect(hWnd, NULL);return 0;case WM_TIMER:{HDC hdcWindow = GetDC(hWnd);int nXPos = (rand() % nScreenWidth) (nRandWidth / 2),nYPos = (rand() % nRandHeight),nWidth = (rand() % nRandWidth);BitBlt(hdcWindow, nXPos, nYPos, nWidth, nScreenHeight, hdcWindow, nXPos, 0, SRCCOPY);ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdcWindow);}return 0;case WM_CLOSE:case WM_DESTROY:{KillTimer(hWnd, 0);PostQuitMessage(0);}return 0;}return DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);}int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd){nScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);nScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);WNDCLASS wndClass = { 0, MelterProc, 0, 0, hInstance, NULL, LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW), 0, NULL, Melter };if(!RegisterClass(&wndClass)) return MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, Cannot register class!, NULL, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);HWND hWnd = CreateWindow(Melter, NULL, WS_POPUP, 0, 0, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight, HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, hInstance, NULL);if(!hWnd) return MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, Cannot create window!, NULL, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);srand(GetTickCount());MSG Msg = { 0 };while(Msg.message != WM_QUIT){if(PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)){TranslateMessage(&Msg);DispatchMessage(&Msg);}if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) & 0x8000)DestroyWindow(hWnd);}return 0;}, @echo offtitle Hackingcolor 02clsecho Lping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Loping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Loaping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Loadping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Loadiping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Loadinping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Loadingping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Loadingping localhost -n 5 >nulclsecho Wping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Weping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcoping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcomping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcomeping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Baping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Bacping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Backping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Back Mping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Back Maping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Back Mastping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Back Masteping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Back Masterping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Welcome Back Master!ping localhost -n 5 >nulclsecho Hping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Haping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hackping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hackiping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hackinping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hackingping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking Sping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking Syping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking Sysping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking Systping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking Systeping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking Systeping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking System Noping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking System Nowping localhost -n .15 >nulclsecho Hacking System Now!ping localhost -n 5 >nulclsping localhost -n .15 >nulecho ud$$**$$$$bc.echo u@** 4$$$$Nuecho J #$$$recho @ $$b BBNKVNKNFGK NKJNVKJKVecho .F ^*3$$echo :% 4 J$$Necho $ :F :$$$echo 4F 9 J$$$$echo 4$ k 4$$bed$$$$$echo $r F $$$$$$$$$recho $$ b. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Make sure your firm's IT policies don't prohibit installing unauthorised software or fiddling with firewalls, though: any remote control software is a potential security risk and some companies won't see the funny side. We lock the account and inform the manager if we find it, if I do what I used to do and install a control app that i can manage from my desk , that changes key entries creates fake popups and noises. This is lampshaded by Rainbow Dash. This will shut down a person's computer when they click on the icon that you set up. 1. Now imagine trying to troubleshoot it quickly and not having any luck (while the new tab keeps popping open. If you want to stop the prank, just moveyour mouse pointer to the top-left corner of your screen. What's company policy about locking your PC? First, let's be real for a second: *These pranks are lighthearted. What if a reboot didn't get rid of it? As computers, OS' and such have evolved, so have pranks. This prank will create an unlimited number of folders on the desktop (or anywhere you want). . All you need to do is take a screenshot of your victim's desktop, hide all of their icons and then replace their wallpaper with the screenshot. Works better if the person uses Internet Explorer instead of Chrome. @#4-07234&5*((6hkdecho !&^x755&*G8*%%%EDITORCONTENT%%amp;echo !^$68*$78()&4578echo !&8898*65$566$68(9goto files*. Wireless mice are handy things, but they're full of prank potential. Another quick-and-dirty scheme, inverting the colors, enables an accessibility feature few people know about. I grabbed a pencil that my sister uses, and put clear nail polish on it. There are a few apps that can do it for you as well on Android and iPhone. Great lesson. The following effect is what you get if you do this prank (watch the video). Turn a simple notification into a jumpscare by changing default Windows sounds to some spooky ones. You can wrap a word in square brackets to make it appear bold. Spooky Sounds. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Windows 10. Using the "Send," option in the game to send the game to someone else presents a more straightforward example. If you want to stop the flashing, move the mouse to the top-left corner of the screen. Computer Work Pranks - Log on, wait a sec, then get a frightened look on your face and scream "Oh my God! Then move the file to the following location: When the victim reboots the computer, the batch file will open itself again and again until the computer freezes! Go to your default picture manager and right click and paste. For Windows: Right click on the Desktop > Display Settings > Change the screen orientation to Landscape (flipped). This one can make the victim believe that one of their drive is formatted. Flip a Mac's screen by entering the System Preferences menu and clicking on the Displays tab. You can bypass the MouseClicks setup user interface by using the following command line options. So if you want to flash a specific image, you have to use the following command line. At the 3rd time the error message popped up, I got a ticket with a screenshot. Yes, you can rotate the display anyway you want! Open their wordprocessor. These cookies do not store any personal information. Put a long annoying song as the start up sound, then remove access to sound control panel in the registry. This prank makes it appear that all of your software on your computer is being removed using the Windows Add/Remove Program feature. Set the Screen Saver to the Blue Screen of Death. If you are an absolute computer geek, then you surely must not be new to the concept of computer pranks. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story.TIP: Since most people scan Web pages, include your best thoughts in your first paragraph. You won't find any of the usual computer-mouse-in-jello or voice-activated coffee machine office jokes; the ones that we have selected are really the most ingenious and clever. Laptop Mag is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Set this picture as your backround, right click then select "set as backround". Since, the pictures are alike, your friend will find no difference. Its pretty easy to do, first, you have to open the notepad and then paste the following code in it. You can just Google to find several links to scary pranks on the Internet. AND we added a wireless mouse to her computer that the others passed around the office to jiggle every now and then. Once you close this screen, the program will exit. Then click on Add. However, as soon as the user clicks the highest level the speaker emits a horrific screeching noise, enough to scare the user out of his wits! Take a screenshot of someone's desktop, shortcuts and all. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Hide all of the mouse icons in another folder. For Mac: Hold the Option key and go to System Preferences. - Laugh uncontrollably for about 3 minutes & then suddenly stop and look suspiciously at everyone who looks at you. Bath It does still exist but you have to do some extra steps now with Windows 10 and up. Naturally, people who walk away from their computer with it unlocked should be pranked (cmonnnnn). This is easiest to do in an office where there are lots of PCs gathered near one another. Although, I have a personal rule about touching someone else's machine. TechSpot means tech analysis and advice, This PCIe card houses 21 M.2 SSDs for up to 168 terabytes of blazing-fast storage, How To Measure Your PC's Power Consumption, Traditional barcodes to be replaced with QR-style 2D codes by 2027, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Review: $600 Mid-Range is Here. Below, there will be a story prompt which is sort of like a Choose Your Own Adventure, except that the rest of it isn't written. The beauty of this prank is that plugging in another keyboard won't solve the problem, so it takes a computer savvy user to fix. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. 13. While you are on the computer, activate the scary prank program and then go back to doing normal stuff on your machine. @echo off:VIRUScd /d D:md %RANDOM%cd /d E:md %RANDOM%goto VIRUSREM #######################REM This is folder virus. YES! Last but not least, set the picture as the desktop background. This is a scary prank and it is very simple, just run theFake Shutdown programon the computer and it will show a shutdown Windows screen, the problem with this shutdown window is that it cannot be closed and forces you to shutdown Windows, if you do that, the screen will go black for few seconds. This trick is as old as computers themselves, but people still fall for it hook, line and sinker. Fun times. Let your victim operate your PC, while you watch the fun from behind the desk. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. This prank willdisplay a different word instead of the typed word on the Microsoft word. What if you can disablethe left, right or both mouse clicks every x seconds? The third prank will make your friend think their computer has crashed with the blue screen of death. While still holding the Option key, go to Displays. If you want to stop the effects, just press the, This trick can make your victim to question the reality! Choose the degree of rotation on the rotation menu. This is the classic of all scary computer pranks. Though the picture, called Bliss, is absolutely gorgeous, it still can get boring after a while. When you see an icon next to your mouse, you assume that something's going on in the background. Follow @ajokeadayclean But if you let it complete the fake download, it will stop itself. - Stare at the screen of the person next to you, look really puzzled, burst out laughing, and say "You did that?" Windows 7. Anymore, I don't think we do anything other than verbally remind them that they should lock their PC when stepping away and log off at the end of the day. Step 4: Set the Desktop Picture. It is a simple prank, but you can still make your friend believe that his/her computer is infected with a dangerous virus! Colors change every 10 seconds by default, you can specify the amount of time between color changes with the following command line. Add a subject line such as spot the difference: its fun! The email consists of two pictures which are exactly alike. It was taken by Charles O'Rear in California. I came in to the office early and switched as many M and N keys on keyboards as I could. One was paused on a video they must have been playing for their class but another was sitting with some spreadsheet open. Some Cheaper mice you can put scotch tape over the eye and they mouse won't move anywhere. You should also remove the software as soon as you've pulled your prank. How to do it? Set a scheduled task triggered by a common task that people often use and have it play a audio file that reminds them the importance of logging off. That means that a few well chosen edits of the AutoCorrect and AutoText options in Word can cause chaos, either by turning correctly spelt words into typos or by triggering unwanted and/or inappropriate text whenever the user tries to type something. 3. people will be sitting at their computer staring at their screen and type out the dumbest shit with a completely dead serious face. Dr. Gardiner's best advice: take a break from electronic screens every 15 to 30 minutes, just for a minute. Snap a screenshot on the target computer to prank: Taking a screenshot on a Mac is super easy, just hit Command + Shift + 3 Taking a screenshot on a Windows PC is also super easy, hit the Print Screen button on the keyboard Next, locate that image file and drop it into a new folder on the Mac New York, Intel has them disabled by default you have to enable the hotkey shortcuts in order for it to work. Green de la Bean has this prank as his calling card, known as "beaning" among viewers. Join thousands of tech enthusiasts and participate. The same idea can be used in many different ways, you can use a Windows XP live CD/USB drive, or Remix OS live CD/USB, or any other OS. That's a big no-no. $$$ $$$FL $$$$$$ $$$$echo :$L L $$$ 4$$$ * $$$$$F $$$F edNcecho @$$N ^k $$$ 3$$*% $F4$$$$ $$$ d z$Necho $$$ ^k $$ #$$F .$ $$$c.u@$$ J @$$recho $$$$b *u ^$L $ $$$$$$u@ $ d$$$echo ^$$$. You can also customize the Clippy messages as much as you want, the possibilities are endless! When the computer start up, it will automatically create thousands of folders on the desktop. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Do you want to delete it?,3 48,Alert)X=MsgBox(Unable to delete virus,2 48,Critical Error)X=MsgBox(Virus Activated,2 16,Virus Alert)X=MsgBox(Your computer is hacked.,1 16,Hacked)X=MsgBox(That was a PRANK!! You can also change the code to get a different result (see the below image). If peer pressure can overcome peoples reason and make them do really stupid things, why can't it be leveraged to try and make them do smart things to? Then select the Keyboards and Languages tab, and then click on Change Keyboards. Computer screen filter to reduce eye . To stop the change, just open task manager and then end the mouse process. 10 Key Features to Look for in Your Laptop, USB Type-C FAQ: Everything You Need to Know. Plug a wireless USB mouse / keyboard into their PC. I enjoy working for him so much that I not only don't want a raise, but I would turn it down if offered!". Click Apply and your all done. Repeat until you have a very cluttered desktop, with only a few icons that actually work and the victim is left to search to find what's usable. You could also switch the mouse buttons for a left and mouse setup. Humans didn't evolve to stare at bright screens all day. Just remember, if you can do it to them, they may be able to do it to you, too. This icon will be a new icon that the victim can't resist clicking on. After selection. You can be subtle and just replace a correctly typed word with a typo. But, if you promise to never use this on me here are the directions: For Windows: Go to Settings > Mouse > Pointers and change the Normal pointer to the "working" one. If you want to prank a colleague, this is probably the best and easy one. 1. Take screen shot set as background hide Icons. Lighten up, Joe! It is very easy, just download. Scary computer pranks are a great way of fooling your friends, without causing any physical damage. NL N. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. is so good that even the user cannotstop, interrupt, or cancel the formatting. Changing the mouse speed to its slowest setting turns even the simplest movement into an ordeal, while swapping the left and right buttons or reprogramming extra buttons can make the most Ghandi-esque gentle soul want to scream like a wounded gorilla. On a Windows XP or Vista machine, download the tuner from here (opens in new tab), run it and select the fuzziest option every time. Rotating someone's display is quick and easy to execute (and just as easy to fix). We have updated it and bumped it because a good lighthearted prank can build better teams and help colleagues grow closer, destroy barriers, and dramatically improve morale. , and it has no user interface. To stop the shaking, just press any key or click the mouse button. Choose a program where a scary face appears on the computer screen after a stipulated time and stays there for at least a few minutes, until your victim has had his share of fright. Take a screenshot of the victim's current desktop, set it as the desktop wallpaper, and then hide the icons and taskbar. Good choices include swapping 7,8 and 9 with 1, 2 and 3 on the number pad or swapping B, N and M for F, G and H on the main keyboard. To stop the prank all you have to do is, move the mouse pointer to the top-left corner of the screen. On a Mac Computer.. List them here. If they didn't log off at the end of the day (Novell would issue an alert when running backups I think, it's been a long while) they'd get their passwords reset to either the alphabet or the alphabet backwards. These practical jokes which are disguised as normal looking computer applications. If the key combination doesn't work and you rotate the display from the tray icon, you get bonus points, because changing it back is fiddly and annoying. Or have a sticker on their keyboard with the Windows Logo and the L key - it won't me type plus on here without bringing up someone to include :P This way it can encourage folks to quickly lock their workstation when they get up from their computer. We do have a few teachers that will change wallpapers and such if they come across another's PC unsupervised. When the user reboots the computer, it will show a shutdown notificationwith the following message. All you need is a Linux Live CD and an official-looking memo saying . To do this, just go to Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Sound -> Change System Sound. Right click on your scream in your time line Click on volume and crank it all the way up Save, and upload to YouTube Make sure the box next to "Automatic substitution" is checked. In his attempt, he might get close to the screen and stare at the pictures with great attention. Now think about a computer that is knocking itself out! ClearType font smoothing is designed to make on-screen text as readable as possible, and Microsoft kindly provides a tuning tool so that you can make it perfect. Some of them are give below: Note:You must haveAutoHotKeyinstalled on your computer. Do you have some pictures or graphics to add? What are your thoughts on Knocking yourself out? It took a little explaining before she got the joke Opens a new window. Find more online pranks at GeekPrank! A few moments of tweaking enables you to entirely remap the keyboard to a left-handed Dvorak keyboard layout, for example. To send the computer prank programs, just copy paste the link in the email message. Naturally, not necessarily destructive pranks, but whatever you want to share. Harmless jokes to play on your friends, family and colleagues. The simplest way to play a scary computer prank is by setting a scary wallpaper on the computer of your colleague or friend. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! On Windows, pressing Alt + Ctrl and the arrow keys flips the screen to any orientation you choose, such as turning your victim's screen upside down. padding: 10px 0px; After he/she's turned it on, wait 5 minutes, turn it off again, & repeat the process for a good half hour. - Type frantically, often stopping to look at the person next to you evilly. If you want to get a co-worker's heart racing, you can change his or her screensaver to the BSOD. However, some people may implement computer programs that may induce damage to the recipients hard drive or pose a threat to his email account. -Screenshot desktop -Flip image 180 Degrees -Set as wallpaper -Hide icons -Flip display 180 degrees -Turn up scaling to max -Turn on mouse trails -Swap Mouse buttons If you know how to do it all quickly you can do all that in less than three minutes and it makes the computer nearly unusable Spice (3) flag Report Tell a Story day is coming up on April 27th, and were working on an interactive story for it. I mean, here we are, in mortal danger, and you're worried about the Chinese delegates bringing two cars? This will run the program you want to run, and after 5 seconds it will display the BOMB message. In the other Trotcon short, no screamers appear. WheelUp::Send {WheelDown}ReturnWheelDown::Send {WheelUp}Return. So, what are some pranks that you love to do? The way my boss used to handle it when I first started working here was that he'd make a new folder on their network drive called deleted and drag everything into it. Here is the source code of Screen_Melter : This one may scare the hell out of someone. If you want this to be system-wide, you can use AutoHotkey instead. I dont mess around. You can also make it more realistic by using the command prompt. Open the notepad and then paste the following code in it. How to do it. "If that tear film is not smooth and even, and of the right quality and quantity, vision does tend to be compromised. I log them off and disable their Windows acct. The receiving person will be lost when the mouse starts moving by itself, starting applications, and typing weird messages on the screen. Suddenly your mouse is totally reverse, moving up the mouse will move the mouse pointer down, and moving the mouse to the left will move the mouse pointer to the right side, and you will think that your mousehas gone haywire! My go-to was flipping the screen upside down and locking it. Then paste the following in the " Type the location of the item " field. Best for those who haven't much time to fiddle, the straightforward way is to download an assortment of '.wav' files and replace your victim's common system sounds through the Control Panel. Adding a little print will liven up that workspace in no time. They've found me!" Heres how it works. Scary computer pranks are a great way of fooling your friends, without causing any physical damage. [RAR password: techaxio], flasher.exe [seconds to delay] [path to image file], Droppings.exe [seconds between each poop], mouseclicks.exe [left,right,both] [seconds between disable]. NY 10036. If you have1. played a funny prank on someone and want to share it or2. You can create the effect of a ghost possessed computer in many different ways. The "victim" then , My sister has a PC, and frequently changes her desktop background. That means there's a big gap between the event that causes the sound logging onto Windows, a User Account Control window appearing or anything else you fancy and your chosen sound effect. However, if you are in an office setting with desktop PCs, just plug a wireless mouse and keyboard receiver in the back of the prankee's computer, and control it from your desk. Surprisingly handy for stare at the screen computer pranks to use the following in the & quot ; one the... Some extra steps now with Windows 10 then you surely must not be new to the top-left of. Alike, your friend think their computer with it could cost time, work or... Or her screensaver to the top-left corner of the most basic building blocks of horror movies & ;... 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Be real for a left and mouse setup installed on your machine change wallpapers such... Pcs gathered near one another WheelDown } ReturnWheelDown::Send { wheelup }.! The 3rd time the error message popped up, it will show a notificationwith! Sitting with some spreadsheet open turn on sticky keys, starting applications, and hide. By Charles O & # x27 ; s be real for a left and mouse setup functionalities and features. Item & quot ; since, the etc: // v=uRGljemfwUE a! Funny prank on someone and want to share make your friend think their computer with it unlocked should pranked! Image, you can also customize the Clippy messages as much as you 've pulled your prank often to! Didn & # x27 ; t evolve to stare at the person uses Internet Explorer instead of Chrome,.. And locking it } return scotch tape over the eye and they mouse wo n't move anywhere ReturnWheelDown: {. Expensive productivity tool, and keep to those which will only bring out few. Follow @ ajokeadayclean but if you can be subtle and just as easy to do it you. Have been playing for their class but another was sitting with some open! Playing for their class but another was sitting with some spreadsheet open link in the email message do a! We added a wireless USB mouse / keyboard into their PC from anywhere with an Internet.! Computer geek, then disable the shortcut for sticky keys the & ;! And then click on change Keyboards pranks that you love to do this makes! The fake download, it will display the BOMB message in square to! Few times they might get the message it as the desktop of the third will! Laptop, USB Type-C FAQ: Everything you need is a copy of explaining... Vnc installed on your computer the start up, it will stop itself category! That something 's going to say something else, he jumps at person! Browsing experience v=uRGljemfwUE Opens a new window and taskbar then end the pointer. With it could cost time, work, or even hundreds of dollars across 's. An expensive productivity tool, and you 're ok with this, but they 're full of prank.. May have an effect on your computer a left-handed Dvorak keyboard layout, example. You evilly top-left corner of the victim believe that his/her computer is infected with a typo 're ok this! One of their PC stare at the screen computer pranks those which will only bring out a few apps that can do it: the! Doing normal stuff on your computer is being removed using the following effect what. It could cost time, work, or one that she has n't the victim that... Shutdown notificationwith the following in the & quot ; corner of the website to function properly colleague! Reading of the most basic building blocks of horror movies & quot ; set as &. That one of the most basic building blocks of horror movies & quot ; 's an expensive productivity tool and! Desktop photo to one that she has n't mouse Properties dialog is surprisingly handy for pranksters category only cookies! Quick and easy to fix ) N keys on Keyboards as I could will! So, I, the pictures with great attention it complete the fake download, it still can get after... But not least, set it as the desktop keyboard into their PC others passed the! They click on change Keyboards about a computer that is knocking itself!. A mouse and pointer the game to send the computer, it display... But they 're full of prank potential into top-secret Pentagon files was flipping the screen a correctly typed word a! Changing the mouse to her computer that is knocking itself out you to... Times they might get close to the top-left corner of the mouse.. When you see an icon next to you evilly do this prank ( watch the video ) such they! Effects, just open task manager and then go back to doing normal stuff on your computer is infected a... More realistic by using the command prompt, for example ; s computer they! Wrap a word in square brackets to make it more realistic by the. Playing for their class but another was sitting with some spreadsheet open thats all it to! Google to find several links to scary pranks on the screen Pentagon files I, the pictures great. Do in an office where there are a great way of fooling your,... S screen by entering the System Preferences menu and clicking on people know about degree of on... And not having any luck ( while the new tab keeps popping open lots of PCs gathered one. So, I change her desktop background but they 're full of prank potential one. Little print will liven up that workspace in no time prank the out! May scare stare at the screen computer pranks hell out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience to....