C for Clerics, D for Champions. Batpoop crazy edicts and anathema make this one for evil campaigns only. If you can synchronise well, its two turns in a row with +1 to hit and +4 damage, which is nice. Gozreh, God of Hugging Trees and Stormy Seas N (NG, LN, N, CN, NE). | Heroes and Monsters SRD Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type slashing Category one-handed Proficiency martial Weapon Group heavy blades Either way, its pretty niche. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Seriously, the Versatile trait is overpriced. Its not going to reach its full potential much of the time, but its excellent when it does. Champions (C). Artistic Flourish (D) lets you apply an item bonus to a weapon or skill tool. The shortsword is an adequate weapon, and the whole toolkit makes for an effective infiltrator, but the Cleric chassis isnt otherwise well suited to this. You have some good domain choices in Destruction and Knowledge, your choice of Divine Font, simple edicts, and a broad choice of alignments. Shelyn enables all good causes, and her edicts and anathema wont cause any problems for you. Scimitar has Forceful. You dont get Divine Lance, mindlink and ghostly weapon are fairly niche, and the domains are underwhelming. Just check with allies first. Warpriests (D). Hurtling Stone (B if you have a good casting ability, D otherwise) is a single action ranged spell attack that scales very well. Destruction Domain. B: A strong choice. Cloistered Clerics (C). | 13th Age SRD Gorum, the God of Kicking Ass and Taking Names CN (CN, CE). Flying creatures are immune though, and it seems to harm yourself if you choose the radius effect. Warpriests (B). A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. Darkness Domain B, assuming you and your team have low light vision. Deaths Call (C for Clerics, D for Champions, B if regularly fighting undead) grants temporary hit points on a reaction when something dies, and more if its undead. Champions (B). 500 foot range makes it maybe tolerable if youre in terrain with nothing but cliffs and long drops. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. You dont get much from her focus spells, and the anathema is liable to clash with your tenets. If you can find the time, its flexible enough that itll always have some use. Maybe Death domain for extra HP, but it's largely inferior to Lay on Hands. Divine Lance is awkwardly limited to Lawful, though. A mace is a one-handed d8 weapon for you, which is where you want to be most of the time, since its as good as it gets with a shield, and you can get the boost to fire for Emblazon Armament. In return, they can gain access to domain focus spells, and clerics gain a few more choices for their spell list. Desna, Goddess of Hippie Dreamers CG (NG, CG, CN). At 7th level, it can affect any creature, provided they could find you attractive. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. Calistria, Goddess of Spite and Hookers CN (CG, CN, CE). Enduring Might (C, D if youre built to Shield Block) soaks a respectable amount of damage, but is somewhat redundant if youre a shield user. Shop the Open Gaming Store! LG gives you the best Divine Lance, though. Most of her domains have the advanced domain spell as the only attractive option, which leaves you worse off early on. The whip is an okayish weapon, though you'll never want to actually utilise the finesse trait (and a d4 is very underwhelming). The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. You still use your Strength modifier when calculating damage. C for backliners, A for frontliners. A highly technical weapon, the chain sword is valued by duelists and experienced soldiers alike in the nations of Nirmathas and Molthune. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Warpriests (D). The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. Read Fate (D) is a mini-Augury that targets a single creature and is very GM dependent. Touch of Idiocy and Hallucination are good spells, you get CG for your Divine Lance, and your edicts and anathema are easy to manage. Recent Changes | Everyday Heroes SRD Safeguard Secret (scales from A in intrigue campaigns, down to F for West Marshes campaigns) is a powerful social tool if you need to lie to someone about something. C to A, depending on campaign. Powerful enough that its worth considering multiclassing Cleric or Champion to gain access to. When the time comes though, the Antipaladins will love him. Earth and Travel Domains are okay, but nothing spectacular. Alignment, edicts and anathema are also important. Needing Crafting investment makes this worse. Warpriests (C). Filters: Numbers PFS Sources & Spoilers Options: Query type Result display The edicts and anathema encourage a peaceful and social character. Destruction domain is amazing for you (sonic boost for Emblazon Energy is just extra gravy), and Might Domain is solid. Also notable for being an excellent out-of-combat healing tool, albeit one that makes you highly visible. (This climbs to an A if youre already a Monk/Cleric, Rogue/Cleric, Ranger/Cleric, or Barbarian/Cleric). If youre not sure, PLEASE, talk to your GM about this one. Overstuff (D) instantly fills a creatures stomach with nourishing food, which tends to make them sickened and want to vomit. The critical fail backfire effect means you want a strong Will save to begin with, though. You can get a fire boost for Emblazon Energy, but that clashes a bit with accessing the Travel domain. Access to Nature and Travel domain is very good. When they eventually can, hell be good for the CN version and the Antipaladin. Certain feats, class features, weapon runes, and other effects can grant you additional benefits when you make a Strike with certain weapons and get a critical success. Would be A or even S if it didnt need sustaining. All up a very solid package. Domains tend to be rated more heavily towards their primary Domain spell, since its available earlier, and is a prerequisite for the Advanced Domain spell. 599 4.0. Alignment enables Paladins only. | Cepheus SRD Base Weapon Longsword Smoke constantly belches from this +1 magic longsword. Shes best suited to charismatic characters in intrigue campaigns. Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. Depending on whether magic or might forms the foundation of their combat style, different characters wont be interested in the same options, As such, many options will therefore have more than one rating, and specific explanations explaining who its good for (or not). Cost 15 gp Weight 4 lbs.Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type slashingCategory one-handed Proficiency martialWeapon Group heavy blades. | Starjammer SRD Attributes Cost 15 gp Critical Damage x2 Critical Range 19-20 Damage (Medium) 1d8 Damage (Small) 1d6 Damage Type Slashing Weapon Category One-Handed Melee Weapon Type Martial Agile: Finesse: Versatile S: Source Core Rulebook pg. | d20 Anime SRD Cloistered Clerics (C). Dont worry too much about the Strength requirement. Natural attacks with this trait can be used to attack creatures up to the listed distance away instead of only adjacent creatures. From 5th level, hide your party as well. Urgathoa, Goddess of Nightmare Fuel NE (LE, NE, CE). You need a lot of healing spells before this starts being worth it, though. Considering how many monsters have Grab, this should come up regularly enough. Weapons with this trait are long and can be used to attack creatures up to 10 feet away instead of only adjacent creatures. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. The only place in the CRB I can find where it bothers to make a distinction is create food. Champions (B). Im also not opposed to reflavoring another weapon as a sword, like the elven dueling spear, and having the disarm be from catching weapons with the crossguard rather than the fork. As above, make sure your backstory wont screw you over with your anathema. A really good base if youre picking up expert weaponry from another source in the long run (Fighter or Ancestry), or taking Ranger Dedication to specialise in archery. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. You do have to be evil, which is a downside in my book, but his edicts and anathema are surprisingly non-invasive provided the rest of the party also lacks any morality. Charming Touch (D if youre ugly, B if youre hot) is a mostly social tool to make humanoid NPCs friendly, provided they can find you attractive. Blind Ambition (D) offers a small bonus to specific coerce checks. Its nifty if you need to close a gap to start a fight, or run away in a hurry, and the Athletics boost is good for grappling and tripping. It gets a lot of its rating for being a form of healing that can be recharged by Refocusing for ten minutes out of combat and therefore is mostly redundant with Lay on Hands. | Dungeon World SRD Protectors Sacrifice (D for Clerics, F for Champions) enables you to absorb some damage from when an ally is attacked. You wont be as tanky without the shield, but thats okay- youre just there to bring the pain. Nightmare Domain. Rebuke Death (B for Clerics, D for Champions) is a reasonably effective multiple target heal spell with a limited range. Warpriests (C). A variant of the Light theme, based on the Rulebooks. Cloistered Clerics want a good deity, and ideally a lawful or chaotic one, as to be able to maximise use of Divine Lance. Cloistered Clerics (C). For Clerics and Champions however, its a core aspect of their being. Since Champions get free reactions to prevent damage, it's abysmal for them. They apply these bonuses to both attack and damage rolls when used in combat. If you cast it in the first round of combat and trade it in when necessary, it seems good enough. Overall a decent package. Longsword Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Advertisement Create a free account Attributes Longsword Longsword: This sword is about 3-1/2 feet in length. Thanks to action economy, crossbows do not make for ideal primary weapons. Disperse into Air (C for squishies, D for tanks) is a pretty nifty tool if youre in the warpath of a rampaging endboss. Finesse: Reach: Sweep: Uncommon: Recall Knowledge Source Core Rulebook pg. Lightning Bolt for big AOE damage is just gravy at that point. Confidence, Fire, Trickery and Tyranny are all solid options for casters. Sleep is a strong spell early on, but the incapacitation trait sucks, and the other two are situationally useful. The edicts and anathema can be a little demanding at times, but nothing unmanageable. Appearance of Wealth (D, or C if often dealing with humanoids or dragons) creates the illusion of a giant pile of money, which distracts creatures nearby. Protection domain can work if you're keeping to the backline. Edicts and anathema are very easy to work with. It also provides the seldom-resisted sonic damage type for Emblazon Energy for Warpriests. You get the Battleaxe (d8) for your weapon, which lets you use a shield, the Destruction and Nature domains, your choice of Font, and some terrain control spells. Abadar, God of Capitalism LN (LG, LN, LE). The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. Longsword has Versatile P. Great. Weapon Surge (D, but often feels like F) grants a +1 status bonus to hit and an extra die of damage to one weapon attack. Needs a high save DC. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. It is essentially an automatic success on certain Diplomacy checks, and can reliably turn the tide of entire campaigns. | Forge Engine SRD Irori, God of Nerds Who Got Swole LN (LG, LN, LE). Both kinds of Clerics care about their Divine Font options, with Heal usually being preferable to Harm, and the choice between both being best. But Im still new to the system so I dont know if theres a better way to do it, I liked the aldori swordlord in the kingmaker video game I played, but that was 1e, and was my only pathfinder experience since when I played way back in high school. This trait indicates the alternate damage type. Touch of the Moon (B) is a weird status buff for frontliners, which cycles through strong and weak effects each turn. It can represent extra damage on an AOE, but is more potentially clutch for Dispel Magic, the Remove line of spells, and other counteract tools (which Clerics have an abundance of). | d20PFSRD A variant of the Round feel, more compact. A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. It is pretty good if you spend a lot of time infiltrating organised dungeons and bases. o Raziel was a human vampire hunter turned vampire and eventually turned wraith following his execution at the command of his sire - seemingly for evolving wings before him o His preferred weapon is the Wraith Blade/Soul Reaver, a symbiotic weapon that contains his very soul due to time shenanigans. S. Downpour (C) is a large AOE which conceals everyone in it and grants generous fire resistance. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. B for knowledge-rich characters, D otherwise. The only draw here is the awesome Phantasmal Killer spell. You get LG for Divine Lance, and access to the Earth and Family domains, but the granted spells are pitiful, with Earthbind being the only one worth noting. The edicts and anathema mesh nicely with your tenets. Its pretty good against casters, and gives a small debuff to anyones Will saves, letting you chain this into other debuffs. Harm-only Divine Font is less than ideal. This weapon makes wide sweeping or spinning attacks, making it easier to attack multiple enemies. Shield is excellent, +2 AC and blocks. Source Core Rulebook pg. Captivating Adoration (C) is an okay AOE debuff centred on yourself. So a longsword would be a "thin steel material" while a bow would be . Cloistered Clerics (D). Its a neat buff for the martial character to help protect them from opposing casters, if not terribly efficient. You choose the damage type each time you make an attack. Glimpse the Turth (D) gives you a chance of ignoring illusions while youve got it on but you basically have to suspect theres illusions in the first place. Nethys is unique among the divine in that he offers a full NINE granted spells, as opposed to the usual three. Cloistered Clerics (D). It is equivalent to a longsword. Perfected Form (F) lets you reroll a saving throw against a morph, petrification or polymorph effect, which is ridiculously specific. PF2, on the other hand, treats small and medium interchangeably. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. C, but talk to your GM first. You choose the damage type each time you make an attack. Free hand and weapon allows you to be able to grab, push and all those things. For Champions, this can mean a small boost to their Fortitude or Will save, and for Clerics, it can mean a big boost to their Will save. Warpriests (B). | GumshoeSRD Its not a strong debuff, but it helps in a pinch, and you can also use this in survival situations where you need food and can tolerate horrible discomfort as it materialises in your stomach. Harm only Divine Font is not great, and Might is the only half-decent domain available. You get some adequate domain choices and an easy anathema to manage, but nothing that actually makes you better at punching things, meaning that unarmed Champions arent going to work well. Protectors Sphere (C) grants a solid amount of DR to you and your nearby allies, but needing sustaining each turn is rough. Competitive Edge (C for casters, B for martials) is a powerful status self-buff which is likely to get much better for a few rounds. Bit of Luck (C) offers the better of two dice on one chosen saving throw in the next minute. Pharasma, Goddess of Whether or Not You Get Rezzed, So Be Nice N (NG, LN, N). The only downside is the inability to use Divine Lance, which is best managed by getting a different cantrip as a human. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. Alignment enables Redeemers and Liberators. You can find the stats of various material here. All up a very solid package. Longsword. It gets better if you're Shield Blocking to draw out the fight. The dagger is a d6 for you, which is passable, but the rest of the package does little for you. An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. D10 two-handed with abilities that only work with multiple attacks isnt ideal for Warpriests, since your ability to reliably land multiple hits is underwhelming, and you generally want a shield. Finesse plus disarm and trip opens up DEX based manoeuvres, though this gimps your damage. Just accept that this isnt the deity for the cloth priests. Champions ( C ). Has no use in combat, and needs Intimidation investment. Archived post. Check out our other SRD sites! The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. Treerazer, Wannabe Demonlord and a Hippies Worst Nightmare CE (NE, CE). Warpriests (B). Cloistered Clerics (C). Champions cannot currently serve Gogunta. Sudden Shift (D) lets you get away from an enemy as a reaction, and grants concealment but only when they miss you with an attack. An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. Two-handed weapons feel weird. | Five Torches Deep SRD Its an adequate debuff with a very niche bonus against a sleeping creature. Soothing Words (C) lets you protect your teammates from emotion effects, and otherwise grants a small and brief Will boost. Thanks in advance. Death Domain. Needs a high save DC. Unarmed attacks arent too bad, since theyre a d6 finesse agile weapon for you. A for Warpriests, C otherwise. Sweet Dream (C) is a 10 minute buff that requires a minute long nap to activate. Cities Domain. Its enough that this works. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! This is called a critical specialization effect. Warpriests (C). New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. | Into The Unknown Group Sword These blades come in a variety of shapes and styles, but they are typically 2 feet long. Warpriests (D/A+). The blade is the same width most of the length, except for the tip, and even the tip of the sword is broader than the tip of a longsword. Pulse of the City (D) is basically a news report for the nearest piece of civilization, and generally better when youre between cities. Pathfinder 2e player here! Good for slowing down fights, and amazing against fire elementals, red dragons, and anything else fire related. Cloistered Clerics (C). a "trip weapon") when making a trip combat maneuver: if your trip attack fails by 10 or more, you can drop the trip weapon . Tricksters Twin (B) is a solid single-target illusion which should distract them and keep them off you for at least a turn or two, and potentially more. #5. The Forceful weapon property adds (dice) damage for your second attack and double that damage on your third and future attacks. Alignment enables Paladins and Redeemers. Spiritual Weapon combos well for casters. Edicts and anathema shouldnt be too tough. The longsword is the meat-and-potatoes martial weapon. This trait indicates the alternate damage type. Otherwise, you get the excellent Destruction domain, and a lot of the granted spells dont need high saves. | Monad Echo SRD Solid selection of illusion spells, but a Harm only Font, a garbage Divine Lance, and an underwhelming selection of focus spells. Archived post. Champions cannot currently serve Lamashtu. The classic look for the Archives of Nethys. A variant of the Round feel, more compact. Your edict pushes you to be evil, but its open to interpretation and therefore gives you adequate wiggle room to make it work. Weapons with this trait are long and can be used to attack creatures up to 10 feet away instead of only adjacent creatures. Cloistered Clerics (C). The domains are okay (Travel is good later on), and Lightning Bolt is a great blasting tool (4d12 is a lot), but you cant use Divine Lance at all. Darkness, Destruction and Pain are solid domains, you get two alignments for Divine Lance, and you get two generally useful and one specifically excellent granted spell. The staff is a d6 weapon for you with no other bonuses, which is underwhelming but adequate. Magic weapons have enhancement bonuses ranging from +1 to +5. Word of Truth (A) is an insane social buff. Mostly average domains (Truth is nice), underwhelming spells. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. Shared Nightmare (D) is a fairly powerful debuff if they fail, but backfires if they succeed (and should never be used against a boss). The anathema might be a little awkward in certain campaigns. The glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon! As with Rebuke Death, it competes with Lay on Hands. A variant of the Round feel, more compact. D: An underwhelming or overly situational choice. Its a nice reaction for Clerics, but competes with Champions for theirs. True Strike, an early wall spell, the amazing Nature Domain, the Earth domain theres a lot of gas here for Warpriests. I thought about using the damage armor entry but it states metal has a hardness of 9 and the oozes corrosive surface only does 2d4 damage, so seems pretty redundant. Iomedae, Goddess of Paladins and Humanity LG (LG, NG). | OGN Articles Natural attacks with this trait can be used to attack creatures up to the listed distance away instead of only adjacent creatures. Just make sure you set up your backstory so that youre not violating your anathema. You choose the damage type each time you make an attack. Weapons have enhancement bonuses ranging from +1 to +5 ( this climbs to an a if youre a! 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