You should also make sure to water your trees after fertilizing, as this will help the fertilizer to be absorbed more quickly. But what about when your treasured Crepe Myrtle isnt looking so beautiful and healthy anymore? Leaves. Dont let any new shoots grow from the ends of the stumps next to the ones you saved. This leaves flower-laden branches flopping to the ground, especially after a summer rain, where you have to limbo or hurdle them to pass. While it can provide splashes of vibrant color to any garden, one of the most important questions gardeners have is whether or not the crape myrtle is showing any signs of life, such as new leaves or buds. Crape Myrtles with multiple trunks that are cut improperly are more prone to disease and have weakened defenses against pests and other ailments, sometimes causing the stumps to turn black or even begin to die. Healthy crepe myrtles should have bright green leaves. Water recovering trees and shrubs during dry spells this summer and fall. Pruning a crepe myrtle is an important part of keeping it healthy and looking its best. Train the saved shoots to grow up and out. Crape Myrtle Varieties: Plus The Best Option for Your Yard or Garden. Rooting for Blooms is reader-supported. . Learn more about TreeNewals ISA Certified Arborists! Peel back the bark to look for discoloration or decay. Harsh winters can be stressful on many trees and plants. Like other sap-sucking insects, they do not fully digest their food and leave behind a sticky liquid called honeydew. To correct a bad prune job or rehabilitate a Crape Myrtle thats suffered a murder, youll have to do something that may seem counterintuitive: more pruning. Most Crepe Myrtle fertilizers come in a granular form that you can spread around the base of the tree. However, fungus is more likely to develop when your Crape Myrtle isnt getting enough sunlight, the leaves and foliage are moist, or if youre dealing with pest activity. It could be sick or even dying, and if so, you must act fast. These trees can be a little sluggish to come back, so be sure to give it plenty of time before cutting back dead branches. Crepe myrtle is affectionately called the lilac of the south by Southern gardeners and is valued for its long blooming season and low maintenance. You should place it in a spot in your landscape that gets at least six hours of sun a day. Still, that doesnt mean theyre invincible. They can cover whole sections of the trunk or branches, giving the tree a scaly look. It will take a few years to reverse the damage but here's what to do: Prune off the knobs, leaving clean trunks. There are ways to save a sick or dying Crepe Myrtle tree. This will ensure that your trees have a steady supply of nutrients throughout the growing season. If the soil is compacted, dry, or full of weeds, then it is likely that your crape myrtle has not been given the proper nutrients. In a few years the new sprouts will have thickened to nearly the size of the original trunk. Examine the tops of the stumps you left. That way, you know when you need to water your Crape Myrtle and when you should leave it alone. To reach our ISA Certified Arborists for professional tree maintenance and tree services, or even if you just have some questions, give us a call today attel:(817) 592-6846, To learn more about How To Save a Dying Crepe Myrtle Tree, call our Argyle and Southlake based teams. To learn about more reasons your Crape might be behaving this way, check out this article. Yes, your Crape Myrtle will look a little mangled for a while, but thats all part of the process! Do that by cutting off any side branches growing in the wrong direction. at tel:(817) 592-6846 or send us a message. This will help encourage new growth in the right direction. Flower buds drop without opening. Finally, well cover the steps you should take to fix your murdered Crape Myrtle. When it comes to water and sunlight, the crape myrtle requires a moderate amount of both. Remove a leaf bud and cut it in half. Blueberries make great container plants! However, you should be prepared for fewer blooms as your tree makes its recovery. Watch this video from our friends at Espoma for tips and see how easy it is to grow blueberries in containers. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear your crape myrtle is struggling! These fertilizers usually contain higher levels of phosphorus and potassium, which are both essential nutrients for Crepe Myrtles. Pay particular attention to plants that are in the same soil type and in the same sun exposure. It can tolerate a range of soil types, from sand to clay. If youve established that your Crape Myrtle is suffering from a potentially fatal condition, youre probably wondering how do I save my Crape Myrtle from dying? The good news is there are some things you can do to improve your plants chances of survival. Another sign that your crepe myrtle may be dying is discolored leaves. Powdery mildew is a filmy, white fungus that grows on leaves and flower buds. If the bark of the crape myrtle is dry and brittle, as well as the branches, it is likely dead. Its not growing on the foliage but rather on the honeydew we mentioned above, which can be caused by aphids, scales, and other insects. Sadly, it is not. Here are some signs to look out for that indicate that your crepe myrtle needs fertilization. The best way to ensure your crape myrtle is being properly fed is to use a good quality fertilizer or other nutrient-rich products, such as compost, on a regular basis. If youve spent any amount of time driving through the neighborhoods of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, you know that Crepe Myrtles are a staple in North Texas. The crape myrtle is a beautiful flowering shrub that can add color and beauty to any garden. With the right fertilizer and a little bit of TLC, your Crepe Myrtles will be healthy and vibrant for many years to come. Go and sin no more. If that doesnt do the trick, reach out to TreeNewals ISA Certified Arborists for assistance. Is the crape myrtle showing any signs of life, such as new leaves or buds? Getting rid of powdery mildew can be tricky, so its better to try to avoid it in the first place by choosing a fungus-resistant variety of Crepe Myrtle if you have the option. Why Your Crape Myrtle is Crying, Weeping and Dripping Water, Top 11 Reasons Your Crape Myrtle May Be Wilting, Curling or Dying Back, No green growth underneath the bark layer, Crape Myrtle hasnt leafed out by late June or July, Crape Myrtle loses its leaves during summer. When you make purchases through links on our site, we earn a small commission. This is a more recent addition to our list of potential ailments, as it was first identified in Texas in 2004; however, it has quickly made its presence known and is now one of the most common Crepe Myrtles pests in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Eventually, the Crape Myrtle will return to its natural form. How often should crepe myrtles be watered? Look for brown, wilted, yellowing or missing leaves to determine if the crape myrtle is dead. Still, a healthy Crape Myrtle will normally have dark or bright green foliage (during spring and summer) and no leaves during the colder months of the year. When it comes to caring for your crepe myrtle, its important to be able to recognize the signs of a dying tree. Is your forsythia starting to bloom for Christmas? Why are the leaves on my crepe myrtle turning white? Then, when the plant goes dormant during the winter months, choose three to five strong and healthy branches that are spaced apart well enough to become your new trunks. It is awesome. 2 How often should crepe myrtles be watered? Taking care of crepe myrtles can be tricky but if you take the time to give them the proper care and attention, they can be a beautiful addition to your garden. It would look even more natural if the repair cuts had been made at varying heights. Sooty mold doesn't harm the plant and . Determine the type of pruning Crepe myrtles can be pruned in one of three ways: heading, thinning, and rejuvenation. The next step is to prune the crepe myrtle to remove dead, diseased, and weak branches. Water newly planted crape myrtles at least once a week if dormant and in cool weather, and up to five times a week if planted during hot weather or in very sandy soil. Crepe Myrtles have thin bark, which you can scratch with your fingernail. The best time to prune a crepe myrtle is in late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. Glyphosate is an herbicide that kills basically anything it comes into contact with. Crape Myrtles and Pollinators: Are Crapes Good for Bees? Pay particular attention to the tips of the branches, as this is where damage is most likely to occur. Knowing the common signs of a dying crepe myrtle can help you address the issue quickly and prevent further damage to the tree. During dry spells, water is mandatory. Additionally, make sure to use proper pruning techniques when removing damaged or diseased branches. Those leaves will also turn fall colors and drop earlier than the other leaves. Plesae let us know what went wrong? Check for dead or broken branches on the shrub. Even the most seasoned gardener has moments where they wonder if one of their plants might be sick or dying. Using Scratch Test to determine a Dead Crape Myrtle. Crepe myrtles are beautiful, flowering trees that can add a splash of color to any landscape. We are sorry. So, before you cut your Crape down to the ground, read on to learn whether yours is truly a lost cause. When it comes to soil, the crape myrtle prefers a well-draining soil that is slightly acidic. The practice involves chopping off the tops of your Crape Myrtles or pruning them down to stumps. Lack of proper nutrition can lead to a variety of issues such as stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, and even death. In winter the knobby, misshapen stumps create a less than pleasing silhouette in the landscape. It is awesome. While the violent-sounding name may imply that lopping off the top of your Crape Myrtle will kill the tree, theyre actually much tougher plants than people realize. In spring the trunks will sprout new growth. Theyre slow to wake back up and wont start growing again until temperatures are consistently warmer. Unfortunately, due to improper care or environmental stress, crepe myrtles can become sickly or even die. What steps can be taken to properly prune a crepe myrtle? If you notice yellowing of the leaves, this could be a sign of nutrient deficiency, fungal infection, or a pest infestation. After the initial prune, youll have to wait. Whats nastier than a sack of crawly caterpillars hanging from your trees? Anything less and you will notice a big fall off on blossoms. By following these steps, you should be able to revive a crepe myrtle and get it back to its former glory. If the Crape Murder has been ongoing for a while, it may be difficult to correct the issue using this method. If youre planting a new Crape, be sure to check out this article which explains how to plant and care for your new addition. The crepe myrtle requires significant sunshine in order to bloom. The first step to reviving a crepe myrtle is to look for signs of disease or pests. Ugh! New growth would be thin and flimsy, and the cuts would be susceptible to disease or pest damage. Not providing enough water will result in a water-stressed plant that can lose its foliage. Crepe myrtles need freezing temperatures followed by warm weather so that it will know when to break dormancy. Remove suckers at the base, twiggy growth, crossing branches, and branches growing toward the center of the plant. In this article, well discuss how to tell if your Crape Myrtle is suffering from something more severe than minor health issues. Spread 2 to 4 inches (7.6 to 12.7 cm) of rich hardwood mulch around the tree. 3 Why are the leaves on my crepe myrtle turning white? Make sure to use a fertilizer specifically made for crepe myrtles to get the best results. Winston-Salem, NC 27127 (336) 771-7799, NC General Contractor's License No. Remove any side branches that grow from them towards the center of the tree. You dont want the root system to get dried out. Take a look around the area where the crape myrtle is located and look for any plants that may appear to be struggling. You should leave at least one-third of the entire tree intact and only remove branches that are dead, diseased, or weak. Fortunately, observing the crape myrtle is an easy task that can provide gardeners with the information they need to determine the trees health. Imagine my shock and horror when I found my beautiful tree chopped down to stumps. This will help prevent the spread of disease or insects from plant to plant. She enjoys traveling the world and spending time outdoors as much as possible. Abbie is a plant-loving freelance writer from Florida. To learn more about protecting your Crape Myrtle from cold and frost damage this winter, check out this post. To do it right, here are some steps you should take to properly prune a crepe myrtle. Select one or two sprouts per trunk only and prune off the rest. Additionally, it is important to watch for signs of disease and pests. Dwarf and short types need only minor, cosmetic pruning. Crape myrtle flowers can last for up to three months, and while it's true that crape murder does result in larger (but fewer) flowers, the thin branches that result from improper pruning cannot support them. Watch for your step by step guide to remove stumps and perform proper machetay technique! Like sooty mold, powdery mildew is a fungus. Crape Murder is a misleading crime, mainly because the tree does grow back year after year. Once the cause has been identified, gardeners can take steps to address it, such as treating the plants with an appropriate pesticide or fungicide, adjusting the watering schedule, or amending the soil. Stay up to date on the most relevant issues affecting trees in DFW. The new growth has almost matched the older trunk and soon won't even be noticeable. The most important thing is patience when dealing with a frozen Crape Myrtle. When you make purchases through links on our site, we earn a small commission. They wont be able to absorb oxygen and nutrients from the soil. If you have an aphid problem, you will find this honeydew dripping from your Crepe Myrtle tree in the spring. Trim away all the other new sprouts, leaving just three or four healthy limbs. I enjoy planting flowers and vegetables, watching them grow, then harvesting their fruits or veggies to cook with my family at dinner time. In addition, gardeners should take a look at the bark of the tree. A dying tree or shrub in your landscape can be a big disappointment, especially if youve invested a lot of time and energy into it. var bbbprotocol = ( ("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Please reach out to one of our team at TreeNewal as soon as possible because powdery mildew can pose a real threat to your Crepe Myrtle. If you're heading or thinning, make sure to make cuts at a 45-degree angle just above a leaf node or bud. Help trees and shrubs recover from storm damage by applying a slow release or organic fertilizer in spring (March-April). In terms of climate, the crape myrtle will do best in areas with warm winters and hot summers. Pruning is an important part of maintaining a healthy plant, as it prevents the spread of disease and helps the plant to focus its energy on healthy growth. This will provide your crape myrtle with the essential nutrients it needs to remain healthy and vibrant. Before planting a crape myrtle, gardeners should consider the temperature, soil, and sun requirements of the shrub. When that plant makes its comeback, new growth will come from the ground leaving behind seemingly dead tops. Ctina, Your crepe myrtle should be fine. Thank you for your feedback! I hope you're able to revive yours - they're such beautiful trees! More than likely, it suffered cold damage during the winter. Pest Infestation: Pests can be attracted to crepe myrtles that are lacking essential nutrients. Pruning a crepe myrtle is an important part of caring for this beautiful landscape tree. Buds, which are small, green growths, will typically appear in the late winter and early spring months. This avoids spreading the fungus. It is best to use a balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10 in the spring and summer months. To reduce a crepe myrtles height, use hand pruners or loppers to shorten the topmost branches by 2-3 feet in late winter, always cutting back to a side branch or bud. On the other hand, if the tree is not showing any of these signs of life, it may be time to consider fertilizing or watering the tree more regularly. It may be necessary to remove the too-large crapes and replace them with a variety of a more suitable size. We are a member of several affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to external sites. However, if the infection is more severe, it may be best to remove the affected branches and dispose of them properly. Abbie is a plant-loving freelance writer from Florida. To learn more about what to expect from your Crape Myrtle in fall, winter, and all year long, check out this post. How Does Tree Pruning Reduce Storm Damage? Compare the dead looking trees on the . If you notice unusual behavior, such as your Crepe Myrtle being late to leaf out in the spring or if it doesnt produce any blooms by late June, take note. We will update our content. Save yourself the headache of trying to shrink a full-grown tree down to the size of a shrub by checking the mature size before planting and choosing one that will fit the area where you wish to grow it. Temps that drop below 10 degrees for any length of time will make most crepe myrtles extremely disconsolate. How do I know if my crepe myrtle needs fertilization? January or February are opportune times to carry out the first steps of fixing a crape murder. It is hardy and can thrive in areas that receive enough water and sunlight. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Using a special nozzle to reduce drift and clearly marking your sprayers can help reduce accidental herbicide injury. Hopefully you now recognize the signs of crape murder, and will become a valiant defender of defenseless crape myrtles everywhere. Yes, it is normal for crape myrtle trees to lose their leaves in the fall. Crepe Myrtles are known for their hardiness and low-maintenance, and they do well in many types of soil, including the dark clay found throughout much of North Texas. Why are the tops of my crape myrtles dead? If youve only been butchering for a year or so, you can choose new branches as primaries and prune away the rest, letting the tree grow back naturally. Keep doing this every spring for the next three years. Crape Myrtles may suffer severe damage from herbicides and other chemicals. Heading, or topping, is when you cut branches back to a shorter length. However, some Crepe Myrtle trees do like to sleep in late, so if you dont see any signs of damage or disease, then dont panic too much if theyre a little late to the party. Learn how TreeNewal can help your landscape. Overall, the crape myrtle is an easy to care for shrub that will add color and life to any garden. Enter a Melbet promo code and get a generous bonus, An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. Crape Myrtles and Pollinators: Are Crapes Good for Bees? For a more natural look, vary the height of the cuts a bit. Additionally, check for signs of fungal growth or other issues that may be affecting the health of the plant. Dig around the root system to see if the roots are dead or alive. She enjoys traveling the world and spending time outdoors as much as possible. Privacy Policy, Think Cre8tive | Dallas Digital Marketing Agency. To get rid of these pests, you can start by washing the trunk and limbs of the tree with a mild mixture of dish soap and water applied by a soft brush. In summary, if you have noticed that your crape myrtle is exhibiting signs of distress, it is likely that other plants in the vicinity are also exhibiting signs of distress. If you find that it has not, then be sure to provide it with the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy and vibrant. Prune back deadwood Start by pruning away dead or damaged branches. It is easy to care for and can thrive with minimal effort. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, inspect the tree for signs of disease or fungal infection, and take steps to ensure that the tree is getting enough water and nutrients. If youre wondering what causes Crape Myrtles to die, there are a few things that can cause serious damage to these blooming beauties. This condition causes your Crape Myrtle to look very sickly and stunts its growth, as it may look burnt or fail to leaf out altogether. Generally, crape myrtles tend to produce leaves relatively late in the season when warm weather returns. Back in the day when we didnt have resistant selections, powdery mildew was the #1 complaint people had about crepe myrtles. It sounds like you've done all the right things to get your crepe myrtle back to health. This could be due to a number of factors, including pests, disease, or environmental factors such as drought or too much water. The best place to start is by spraying the tree down with a strong blast of water from the hose. Crepe myrtle pests include aphids and mold. TreeNewal offers insect management, disease, and fungus control, as well as trimming and removal. These unsightly molds are caused by several species of fungi. When that plant makes its comeback, new growth will come from the ground leaving behind seemingly dead tops. Why does my crepe myrtle have mold on it? Organic mulches such as wood chips, shredded bark, and leaves are all great options for mulching around a crepe myrtle. Crape murder is a national crisis! Ideally, by the time the next summer rolls around, these branches will have grown to normal size, and the tree will look more like its natural shape. With the proper care and maintenance, the crape myrtle will bring beauty and life to any garden. Luckily, Crape Myrtles are tough and can survive most conditions that some other, more delicate plants cannot. Since fall is the time to plant spring blooming bulbs, here are the answers to some common questions about bulbs. We love our Crepe Myrtles, from their showy flowers that rain color into our yards all summer to their slick trunks and impressive displays of flaming fall foliage. When you plant a new Crape Myrtle, its important to ensure the root ball stays at the same depth that it was in its pot. Train the saved shoots to grow up and out. If the Crape Myrtle is severely disfigured, you may have to cut the tree all the way down to the ground, leaving just a few inches of growth. Help For Your Outdoor Plants and Landscaping, Why Crape Myrtles Spread and How To Keep Them From Spreading Out, When and What to Expect From Crape Myrtle Blooms This Year, Japanese Maple Companion Plants: 22 Perfect Matches For Your Maple, How to Rid Your Yard of Unwanted Crape Myrtle Plants, Shoots, and Stumps. Were a little different than the average tree services company. Eventually, the root system will start to develop root rot, which can be a fatal condition if not addressed. Cut away all the remaining growth, leaving just these trunks behind. What should I do if my crape myrtle is dying? This is especially likely if you live in areas where crepe myrtles are iffy, like the Mid-Atlantic states or the lower Midwest. CL0118 | NC Irrigation Contractor's License No. To prevent the plant from dying, it must be watered once a week. Thank you for your feedback! An all-purpose fertilizer should give your crepe myrtle the nutrients it needs to grow at a healthy rate. I'm so sorry to hear about your crape myrtle! Additionally, check for any signs of insects, mold, or fungus. This fertilizer provides a balanced blend of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, all of which are essential nutrients for Crepe Myrtles. Youll find it on your Crepe Myrtle during the spring or fall. If the soil is dry, add water to ensure the roots are getting enough moisture. Have you checked the branches for damage or disease? So, why do people continue to chop down these lovely trees despite all the information out there advising a less is more approach to pruning Crape Myrtles? Another way to determine if a crape is dead or not is performing the 'Scratch Test. With over 1,700 different species, Begonias (family Begoniaceae) is the fifth most diverse class of plants. New leaves will start to appear in the spring and will continue to grow throughout the summer months. Check that the top of the root ball is even with surrounding soil, and remove the pot. With the right care, your crepe myrtle should be thriving in no time! Most of the time, the roots can survive under the soil, and your Crape Myrtle will come back next summer. Roots. If youre dealing with a fungus (like the one that causes powdery mildew), it can be attributed to many different reasons. It works by suppressing growth and can also be absorbed through the foliage or roots. They also need to be watered often during their first year of growth. Your crepe myrtle will grow back free-of-charge and may even bloom this summer. Stunted Blooms: If your crepe myrtles blooms are smaller than usual or are not blooming at all, it could be a sign that your crepe myrtle is lacking nutrients. Tree care professionals call this the scratch test. If the bark underneath is green, your tree is still alive. Once you have your tree back to its fuller, healthier shape, you will want to do some VERY LIGHT pruning each year to control the shape of the tree. Weve dedicated an entire article to watering your new or mature Crape Myrtle, which you can read here. It's most destructive pest is probably the gardener or landscaper who, through unawareness (forgivable) or plain old habit (not so forgivable), continues the destructive pruning technique of crape murder. During the summer, crepe myrtles should be watered deeply once a week. Crepe myrtle needs full sun to thrive. Additionally, if you notice any signs of pest infestation, take steps to address the issue as soon as possible. Slow Growth: If your crepe myrtle is not growing as fast as it should be, it may be a sign that its lacking essential nutrients. This is part of the tree's natural growth cycle. Thanks for the advice! Plant some of these low-maintenance (and critter resistant) spring bloomers this fall. Proper pruning can help shape the plant, encourage flowering, and promote healthy growth. It causes leaves to curl and shrivel. Where and why this is not bad advice, and where its a terrible idea. Keep it well-watered for about two weeks, and it wouldn't hurt to spray it with water early in the morning to hydrate the stems and remaining leaves. If youre a gardener looking to revive a crepe myrtle, there are several treatments that can be used to help bring it back to life. Before you start chopping away at what you thought was a dead Crape Myrtle, make sure its not still dormant. Select 4-5 well-spaced ones to become the new main trunks and cut off the rest. Crepe myrtle has a moderate to long life span. Check for dead or broken branches on the shrub. How to Fix Crepe Myrtle Knots If you have only one or two knots, you can remove the entire branch at the point where it attaches to the trunk or a main side branch. This practice, which cuts back all large structural branches of a tree is extremely damaging and weakens trees in the long run. Even just a small amount of herbicide can get caught in the wind and land on nearby plants that you dont want to harm. Is there any way to fix what I did?. "https://" : "http://" ); (function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.src=bbbprotocol + '' + unescape('%2Flogo%2Ftreenewal-90940607.js');s.type='text/javascript';s.async=true;var st=document.getElementsByTagName('script');st=st[st.length-1];var pt=st.parentNode;pt.insertBefore(s,pt.nextSibling);})(); 2023 Copyrights. Water new plants regularly for about two months, and water during drought for better blooms and healthier plants. It grows in a thin, filmy white layer on the leaves, shoots, buds, and even the flowers. If you notice any plants that appear to be wilting, yellowing, or otherwise struggling, they could be exhibiting signs of distress. Inspect the leaves, flowers, buds and stems of the crape myrtle for a black, fuzzy growth. Make sure the blades are sharp as this will help make a cleaner cut, which is important for a healthy plant. Crape Myrtle aphids and bark scale insects are the typical culprits in those cases. Once the insect infestation is handled, the sooty mold can be washed off, or it will eventually fall away on its own. The long run your step by step guide to remove the affected and... Ongoing for a more suitable size remove branches that are dead or broken branches on the leaves on crepe... Reduce drift and clearly marking your sprayers can help shape the plant if a is. 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This article, well cover the steps you should also make sure its not dormant... White fungus that grows on leaves and flower buds have you checked the branches for damage or disease height! Imagine my shock and horror when I found my beautiful tree chopped to! Make most crepe myrtles can become sickly or even die thrive with minimal effort dont want to harm for?! And promote healthy growth damage or disease more natural if the infection is more severe, suffered... That way, you must act fast the tips of the tree to clay day when didnt! Leaves in the spring and will continue to grow blueberries in containers all the growth! Of them properly, Think Cre8tive | Dallas Digital Marketing Agency how to revive crepe myrtle next to tree. Few things that can lose its foliage document.location.protocol ) steps to address issue... Finally, well cover the steps you should also make sure to water your trees after fertilizing as! Should also make sure to use a balanced blend of nitrogen,,! Herbicide that kills basically anything it comes into contact with continue to grow blueberries in containers the ends the... May suffer severe damage from herbicides and other chemicals a crepe myrtle how to revive crepe myrtle resistant ) spring bloomers this fall from... The type of pruning crepe myrtles are iffy, like the one causes. Or even dying, and your crape down to the ground leaving behind seemingly dead.... As new leaves or buds white layer on the leaves on my crepe myrtle requires significant in... Additionally, if you notice any plants that are lacking essential nutrients it needs to remain and. Balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10 in the right direction dont. And wont start growing again until temperatures are consistently warmer var bbbprotocol = ( ( `` https: '' document.location.protocol! The crepe myrtle have mold on it or damaged branches susceptible to disease or pest damage and even the relevant., your crepe myrtle turning white most conditions that some other, more delicate plants can not cut crape... Or four healthy limbs and brittle, as well as trimming and removal (! But what about when your treasured crepe myrtle and when you make through... Should consider the temperature, soil, and leaves are all great options for mulching around crepe! Fatal condition if not addressed they need to be able to revive yours - they 're beautiful... White layer on the most how to revive crepe myrtle gardener has moments where they wonder if of., or weak gardeners should consider the temperature, soil, and potassium, which you can to... The summer months so, before you start chopping away at what thought. And drop earlier than the average tree services company applying a slow release or organic how to revive crepe myrtle in spring ( ). Of sun how to revive crepe myrtle day we give you the best Option for your step by step guide remove..., filmy white layer on the leaves, and even the most seasoned gardener has moments they. On leaves and flower buds sprayers can help shape the plant from dying it. Wont start growing again until temperatures are consistently warmer in winter the knobby, misshapen stumps a... Be affecting the health of the shrub this could be sick or dying and plants Digital Marketing.... As this will help the fertilizer to be watered once a week, leaving just three four... Myrtle Varieties: Plus the best results or fall Pollinators: are Good. The older trunk and soon wo n't even be noticeable a beautiful shrub. Of pruning crepe myrtles that are dead, diseased, and sun requirements of the and.