Rush Kick is a great upgrade for players as it does not change the way your Special works, though will allow players to deal damage twice, both dealing 40 damage. The only issue with Hoarding Slash, in my opinion, is the fact that its not useful against Hades, the final boss, since players will typically spend all of their Charons Obol by this point, though depending on what upgrades and rewards players have received along the way, it might not be a bad idea to keep a good amount of Charons Obol just to deal more damage. Cluster Bomb is by far an absolute favourite of mine, though it might not seem as interesting to players as it is to me. Quake Cutter is another great combination with Draining Cutter if you are already running that. Your Igneus Eden Attack fires 3 beams in a spread pattern (Aspect of Lucifer). Your Special becomes a charged ranged attack that deals 50 base damage. The only technical re-roll players will have access to is using the Anvil of Fates. Both Charged Shot and Power Shot ignore shields wielded by Greatshields and Theseus. While not necessary, having extra damage on your Dash Strike can be nice, especially because you can utilize Rolling Knuckle to bounce between groups of enemies, essentially preforming a Dash-Strike at the end of your chain to move to the next enemy. Essentially with the Aspect of Lucifer, the longer a player is damaging enemies the more damage the players will do, so with Concentrated Beam players will be able to ramp up their damage 100% faster. Once you get used to dash-striking and releasing your arrow at the right moment for a power-shot, you'll quickly realise just how insanely strong this bow can be. I strangely prefer it to the other slows players can receive on their Adamant Rail, however, admittedly its not my all time favourite and Id rather the slow be on the basic attack. While realistically the player is not going to deal a whole lot of damage to enemies using Chain Skewer, being that it will only deal 30% damage to enemies that are effected, this can be very helpful when up against hoards, especially if players are finding it difficult to fully secure a kill with them. Your Spin Attack becomes Punishing Sweep. Technically there is no downside to choosing this upgrade as the reality is that players will not be relying on the Knockback in most situations. You'll have to become well-versed in manually reloading your weapon at the right moment, but after that - and with some good upgrades - not much can withstand Exagryph. It should also be noted that players cannot use Charged Volley when they are using Relentless Volley. You can also dash instead of releasing, and you'll dash forward to unleash the Spin Attack. Though this isnt technically an increase of damage, it does mean that players will be able to deal the most damage faster and for a bit longer than usual. Hold Special for up to 300% damage; minimum range is reduced. If you have no better options, go for it honestly. It should be noted that players will not be able to receive Exploding Launcher if they are using Chain Skewer or Vicious Skewer, similarly players will not be able to use it with Aspect of Achilles and Aspect of Guan Yu, making it one of those elusive upgrades you dont really see in the end-game. It should be noted that players cannot use Eternal Chamber with Concentrated Beam. Your Special becomes Magnetic Cutter; its pull deals 20 damage. Players will also be unable to access Explosive Fire if they have the Aspect of Lucifer on. Breaching Gross, to me isnt essential, especially because there are a number of Boons you can get that will pierce through Armour. Add a Comment. Naeglings Board moveset deals higher damage than usual, and you can load your Cast into your Bull Rush to turn it into an upgraded Dragon Rush. The Daedalus Hammer will almost always trump a Boon. After landing 12 strikes, your next Special hits more times (+1/2/3/4/5), You have the Claws of Enkidu, whose Dash-Upper can maim foes for bonus damage (100/175/200/325/400). Your Special deals +150% damage in a large area, but can hurt you. Thrusts already deal a higher amount of damage, though with this upgrade players will deal 200% more damage and have a 40% chance to Critical Hit. Exploding Launcher is a very interesting upgrade for players to choose as it changes the way that a players Special works. Realistically, 20% isnt much, but if players are focussing on Special damage or have like to rely on their Special for the majority of their damage, this isnt a bad choice as the potential for dealing more AoE damage is greatly heightened. Once players have reached the Temple of Styx, they have the chance for the Anvil of Fates to appear, which will swap a single upgrade from the Daedalus Hammer and provide the player with 2 new ones. With Triple Beam, players will deal damage straight forward as well as in a V formation, essentially being able to target three enemies at a time as long as they are in the range of the lasers. But this can prolong the amount of health you have if youre someone who struggles with health. Spear of Hades can also deal with targets that are far away using the Extending Jab upgrade that increases the damage by 40% for all distant enemies. Charged Shot: This enables the Bull Rush power to fire a piercing shot that cannot be blocked and does 80 damage. If I get access to Cluster Bomb, realistically I begin focusing the majority of my damage of my Special, making it my main source of damage. Players may also see the Anvil of Fates in tandem with the Daedalus Hammer, meaning that players may want to purchase the Anvil of Fates before the Daedalus Hammer if they already have an upgrade they hate and want changed out. As the Heart-Seeking Bows special doesnt deal a whole lot of damage, this isnt the most useful upgrade for most players, but when used for niche uses it can be a great idea. Players should note that if they break their combo midway through this breaks the stack of damage. Essentially with Cluster Bomb players will shoot out 5 Bombs using their Special, all at once in spread out pattern. Your Attack restores 2 Health, but you have -60% Health. Charged Gunshot is an exclusive trait for the Technomancer class. It should be noted that Delta Chamber cannot be combined with Spread Fire, Flurry Fire or Concentrated Fire. Again, players will not need this upgrade early on, however, in the late game all the rewards mentioned will be the better choices, especially when players have purchased enough upgrades from the House Contractor to provide them with other rewards that equally as useful. In my opinion, this upgrade is necessary and should always be chosen. A lot of you are going to hate me for saying this. Create your ReedPop ID & unlock community features and much, much more! As much as 80% isnt the biggest increase, players will really see a bonus in damage while using Empowered Flight, especially if they already have damage built up on their basic attack. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Quite frankly, this is one of my favourite utilities for the Heart-Seeking Bow as it outweighs the very low damage of the Special and makes it much more useful. Mastery of this powerful bow relies on good timing, because you'll need to get used to its power-shot with and without dash-striking (more on this shortly), but once you've got that down, this weapon allows you to deal massive and consistent damage from a safe distance, which will help an awful lot in the later realms (particularly Styx) when you're almost guaranteed to take damage getting into melee range with certain enemies. For 8s after absorbing your Specials blast, deal bonus damage (+15/30/45/60/75%), After manually reloading, your next shot deals bonus damage (+50/75/100/125/150). It can be good with a Poseidon Boon that has Knockback, but realistically Im not very impressed. Your Attack deals +150% damage to nearby foes. What is the best weapon in Hades? Sniper Shot allows players to deal 200% damage to all distant foes, being one of the strongest upgrades players can access when using the Heart-Seeking Bow. Cursed Slash is going to heavily depend on a players play style as it can be overwhelming risky for those who do not have Deflect or some means of ensuring that they have stability. I hate the Spin Attack. Eh. Though with Aspect Chiron players would have the best chance to deal the most damage with Concentrated Volley. I have to admit, this can be a good amount of damage, especially if players are using Boons to get their Special Damage up, though as much as I use the Eternal Spears Special quite a bit more than I use the Special of other Weapons, I prefer to deal more damage using my regular attacks. While essentially Breaching Rush will not be adding a whole lot of base damage for a player, players will be happy in the final few stages of their escape as Armour can significantly increase the amount of time it takes to clear these areas. I would say that its pretty niche for a player to use this, and is honestly going to depend on your playstyle. With Vicious Skewer players will deal 50% additive damage to enemies and will have a 50% Critical Chance when recovering their Eternal Spear. A good upgrade, although I typically dont use it. Truthfully, this is one of my favourite upgrades to get, because its just helpful for dealing damage. You gain bonus damage for your next 4 attacks/casts. Players will also be unable to combine the Cruel Thrust with World Splitter or Flurry Slash. Instead of having the typical attacks, players will now have a Big Chop that deals more DPS, though acts slower. Once you unlock the Aspect of Chiron, which guides your arrow spray special to hit the targeted enemy, your damage potential will increase even further. Players will also not be able to use this if they have the Aspect of Lucifer. It should be noted that Quick Spin cannot be used with Flurry Jab. There is some chance that if a player doesnt have two Daedalus Hammers by the time they reach the Temple of Styx that there will be a Daedalus Hammer waiting for you to purchase. While this can be useful for players to catch up to quick enemies and will provide them with some extra durability when they use it, the reality is that there are plenty of times that the Dash Nova can put a player into danger (ie. With Charged Skewer, players can rely on their Special for the majority of their damage, though this will simply come down to play style. Which is a strange idea, because the weapon is nothing without the Boons, Aspects, and Daedalus Upgrades that go with it. Coronacht is probably the weapon I've had most success with in Hades. It should be noted that Rush Kick will shoot a player forward, being able to avoid low barriers, though because of this it can be a bit difficult to control, so just be ready. Essentially with Ricochet Fire, players will deal damage to an extra foe anytime they deal damage with their basic attack as long as there is an enemy in the area. If youre someone who never uses Bull Rush, I strongly recommend taking Sudden Rush as it can help teach you how important it can be to use when playing with the Shield of Chaos as it is simply one of the harder Weapons to deal a good amount of damage with. Heavy Knuckle changes a players combo, essentially making it a slow 3-hit sequence that stabilizes the amount of damage players output. [Heat 32] Shield of Chaos + Charged Shot RULE! Dashing Flight is a bit of a hit and miss for me. Your Attack deals +300% damage in an area, but charges slower. Essentially with Explosive Return when players catch their Special they will deal 50 damage to nearby foes. To further clarify the locations of the Daedalus Hammers, players will only be able to locate a single one in Tartarus or Asphodel (the first two locations) and will be able to receive the second one in Elysium, the third location. Essentially Serrated Point is going to be an upgrade players choose based on their playstyle. I truthfully wouldnt scoff at this upgrade as Armour really becomes a problem in the last two stages before players up up against the final Boss. Quite frankly, Point-Blank Shot is my preferred upgrade, though that might be shocking since it only provides players with 150% damage to nearby foes. It should be noted that players will not be able to merge Charged Flight with Dashing Flight and will not be able to combine it with Aspect of Chaos or Aspect of Zeus. Grab the Eternal Rose Keepsake for Tartarus and take whichever weakness boons you can, particularly Heartbreak Strike for your attack and Crush Shot for your cast. Essentially with Eternal Chamber, players lose the damage ramp up, technically dealing less damage, but will be able to always damage and never have to reload. My third favourite weapon is Stygius - the old reliable sword which deals excellent, reliable damage whether you choose to focus on the regular attack combo or the area-of-effect special attack. Once players are provided with the three choices, players will not be able to select a new three choices, even if they are unhappy with the passives rolled. With Explosive Fire players will deal damage in an area instead of a single target and will briefly slow enemies. In my opinion, Chain Shot is a great upgrade to have as it can be difficult to aim well using Power Shot or your regular attack. Required fields are marked *. Seeking Fire is similar to a Artemis Boon, providing players with the ability to deal 10% more damage to enemies and also making all attacks home to the nearest foe. Its really no secret that Im a scared boy who tries his hardest not to spend all of his time tanking and spanking, so whenever I pick up the Eternal Spear I try making sure that I utilize its special as often as I can, simply because it can deal a decent amount of damage from afar. With Triple Shot players will be able to manage hoards of enemies at once, though battles against hoards tend to be better when enemies are clumped rather than when enemies are spread apart, simply due to the significant amount of space between the arrows. Players should note that they will have to first Dash and then use their Special as players will not receive the bonus retrieval speed or damage when they use their Special first and then Dash. Bow The most reliable and fastest bow is Hera. This run in general went much better than expected.I only aimed to get Poseidon cast with Sea Storm, Splitting Bolt and Divine Protect. It should be noted that players cannot combine Flying Cutter with Rush Kick or Kinetic Launcher. Essentially, Flurry Shot makes it so a player simply has to hold down their Attack button to rapidly strike with the Heart-Seeking Bow, but this removes the ability to use their Power Shot. As Zagreus, son of Hades, you must battle through room after room and realm after realm of undead enemies to try and reach the mortal realm. There are 3 weapons and 2 charms displayed at a time at Porkrind's Emporium. This will tend to come in long bursts of perfect charged shots against bosses and other tough enemies, however, you do not need to fully charge it to shoot a skull in the first few chambers of Tartarus, or to finish off something with a sliver of health. I really like Point-Blank Shot because it can help you deal with enemies that are starting to close in on you, while still having the range of the regular Attack. Rolling Knuckle will make it so your Dash-Strike deals 60% more damage and will also be added to your Attack sequence. /Hades v1.0/ 42,567 views Oct 12, 2020 615 Dislike Share Haelian 84.7K subscribers To replicate this build: MUST get Charged Volley from hammer (this cannot be offered when using Chiron aspect,. +)I think I'm falling in love with Ares. P. Sugar. Essentially players can use this to ensure damage on enemies, especially if they are all lined up and its especially nice because it is not blockable. Each Aspect offers a specific bonus to one area of the weapon's moveset (possibly even changing the moveset altogether). For players who have chosen the Aspect of Arthur passive for their Stygian Sword, they will have an exclusive upgrade that upgrades their Holy Excalibur aura. Your Attack deals +200% damage to distant foes. As is with all Weapons its always nice to have some Armour shredding on them, but maximizing your Armour shred with the Daedalus Hammer isnt always the best option for the Twin Fists. It should also be noted players will not be able to use Ricochet Fire with the Aspect of Lucifer. How to unlock and upgrade the best weapons in Hades. Being one of the only upgrades that has to do with a players Cast, the Unyielding Defense can be very useful for players who want a bit of extra security from damage and being interrupted. It should be noted that Chain Shot cannot be combined with Explosive Shot. This mod makes the bow weapon better and more fun to play. Quite frankly, although the Quick Spin doesnt add damage, it will really help a player manipulate the way they move a lot easier and is truly the only way youre going to see me using the Spin Attack. If yes, then I take Double Nova, if not, I see if theres a better option. I think that the Heart-Seeking Bow is one of the hardest Weapons to use to begin with, so the fact that players have a reduced range while using Twin Shot is greatly unappealing to me, though players will deal double the damage. It should be noted that some upgrades will not be available to a player if they are using certain Aspects with the Heart-Seeking Bow: Twin Shot is honestly the worst upgrade players can choose when using the Daedalus Hammer in my opinion. Players should note that Dashing Flight cannot be combined with Charged Flight and will not be able to use it with the Aspect of Zeus. The Anvil of Fates as mentioned will re-roll a single passive at random, providing players with two random traits. Players using Aspect of Hades or Aspect of Guan Yu rightfully will also not see this upgrade. Ammo drop time: (10/8/6.67/6.15/5s). As the basic person that I am, Flurry Shot is an upgrade I rely on, even though its admittedly not a great upgrade. Flying Cutter essentially adds time to the players Special but if charged correctly will raise a players Special damage by 100%. Triple Beam is an alright upgrade for the Aspect of Lucifer and acts like many other upgrades that cause three lines of damage. [Hades] [Easy Conquer!] Each Infernal Arm has access to four forms, known as Aspects, which you can switch between at the start of each run. The Adamant Rail will now shoot 3-round bursts and will have their cooldown between shots reduced to 0.035 seconds, though they will have a 0.5 cooldown between the triple rounds. But any of the six weapons can grow to become astonishingly powerful with the right combination of upgrades. Players will attack 60% faster and will technically deal more damage per second than other upgrades. Chain Shot isnt severely over powered as players will only be able to bounce an arrow off of 3 enemies, meaning that players will not be able to utilize it in settings where they are truly being overwhelmed by enemies. If youre someone who uses their Dash-Upper regularly, choose it, but otherwise its a bit of a dud. In addition, your Special throws an irretrievable, piercing firework in a straight line. A few days ago I covered all the Artifacts that players can collect in order to upgrade their characters, including passive perks and upgrades for specific Weapons, one of these Artifacts being the Daedalus Hammer. Will have access to is using the Anvil of Fates as mentioned will re-roll a single passive at random providing. Flurry Fire or Concentrated Fire weapons in Hades many other upgrades that three. Throws an irretrievable, piercing firework in a large area, but charges slower altogether ) with.! 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