First thing you do is talk to Waoud (J-10 in Whitegate), the same guy you did for your initial quest. After that, a quick trip to Ronfaure or so to wrap-up Sandspin (Worms), Power Attack (Beetles), and Queasyshroom (Fungaur) will round out your first 11 levels' worth of spells. Duration: 0:00:30 Dark Knight provides a plethora of strength and attack power. With Addendum:White and Addendum:Black, Blue Mage gets a lot of other abilities otherwise exclusive to other magic users. The unrivaled intelligence of the Tarutaru makes a Blue Mage's "magical" blue magic hurt that much more, which is all the more noticeable when you start blasting whole hordes of enemies at once. You can always switch them around later on if you see fit! But this allows you to quickly create and persist lengthy Skillchains all on your own. I was able to solo from level 15 to 16 resting for MP only one time with this method. Always be on the lookout for items that grant "Refresh". Once you hit Lv.70, this support job makes a great way of tanking. If that isnt enough, high intelligence also means even higher magical spell potency. This would provide a useful bonus in certain situations. The article will link to information on the job within FFXIclopedia. You gain your first non-SP ability at level 25: Burst Affinity! Since Blue Mage does not need a mage sub to cure itself, Corsair is a nice soloing sub. All Blue Magic will cost you a certain amount of Magic Points. Thief is appearing to be a very nice subjob for Blue Mage. An often overlooked support job simply because you cant use a wyvern. Head Butt into Bludgeon will create Liquefaction, and then using Head Butt again will create Fusion. It's an area Flash that imposes a massive accuracy penalty to enemies and a large amount of enmity for yourself. You can also get the useful spell Raise at Lv.50 and at the same time a free Auto-Regen, also saving Set Points and spell slots. This means you always hit and your spells will land. This is also a useful support job for farming, providing Treasure Hunter. Michael Higham, FEBRUARY 3, 2022 In Final Fantasy XIV, you have tanks to take the hits and healers to keep everyone alive. I wouldn't do this combo for learning spells though (at this lvl) cause it won't help a ton, /nin is better for that. I'm going to link it here. It's a party-wide Stoneskin effect for only 99 MP. It's got a high STR modifier contributing to heavy spike damage that can close a good skillchain and/or be combined with SATA. With that said, you wont even get any useful Black Magic spells. Also Widescan is a useful feature of the job, especially when trying to weed-out monsters for learning spells or camping notorious monsters. Everything You Need To Know About Which Stat To Raise: Post by Nny about Blue Mage damage and stats. This is actually a great job to take into duoing situations. In these early levels, expect your level-ups to quickly exceed your spell acquisition. I have to agree with Hirokotzu below, /NIN is very useful for solo-learning spells and in cases where you will pull hate such as the ever-popular "TP Burn" parties you'll run into. You can even use Flourishes to do neat things like Provoke the target monster. Physical Blue Magic skills are based off of your weapon skill. In Mamool Ja, talk to Daswil. The extra Magic Points over a White Mage sub allowed me to use an additional spell or two. Particularly noteworty are Warrior's Defender (and Attack Bonus), Thief has access to Trick Attack, Dark Knight becomes a high-risk, high-reward sub with Souleater (and a second tier of Attack Bonus), Samurai gives Meditate (and even more Store TP), and Scholar gets a truckload of stuff (7 spells and 2 traits). Its colossal array of spells include virtually everything under the sun, with multiple ways to sleep enemies, spammable stuns, heavy-damage nukes, and just about every status enhancement and status ailment imaginable. The original "final road" takes you into some dangerous territory for learning spells. Please note that race is the absolute last thing you should worry about when picking a job. With that trait and Black Mage being the second-highest MP job in the game will grant you the longest duration of MP as possible. At level 58, you may set Auto-Refresh only by equipping a whopping. As the Blue Mage you are potentially one of the most hardy DDs that goes into battle. I hope that the Artifact Armor quests expand on this, as the storyline pulled me abit farther into the world of Vana'diel. Blue Mage is one of the most versatile and well-rounded jobs in Final Fantasy XI. Level 38 Blue Mage Tanking Experience: The experiences of a level 38 Blue Mage tanking. Accuracy Bonus is a nice bonus, giving yourself +10 accuracy from 20-59 and +22 accuracy from 60-75, but generally not good enough to be all that useful. Once you have all of the effects you need, try to fill the rest of your Set Points with spells that form the second part of an unfinished Job Trait. The only time it will become extreme rather then the 90-200 points additional, is when Aure love is used, then you lay in a SATA WS. One or two extra job traits and spells, plus the bonus stats they provide. From there, prepare your spells with the limitations provided that optimize your contribution to your team, including what spell effects, job traits, and stat bonuses you'll need from your spells. Say it with me now: Every race is equally capable at this job, and everything stated below is exaggerated! Every race's gear comes with a plethora of stats that allows you to shatter whatever minor shortcomings your character might face. If you succeed, he will describe one of the following three items which you must bring to him. There are several key points that distinguish it from other jobs. Geist Wall (Efts) available to set at 46 is another Dispel ability. Death Force. Paladin as a support job will enhance the Blue Mages defense and also add a little bit of curing to the mix. It even provides Resist Sleep in combination with Magic Fruit, which you'll have set anyway. With that out of the way, I would recommend starting in the Windurst area. Great job Pro! With the right combination of spells, equipment, and support job, Blue Mage may take on almost any role in a party. Furthermore, it makes it so all of your "physical" spells can Skillchain, and all of your "magical" spells can Magic Burst. Dont forget that Cannonball is based almost entirely on the users defense, strength, and vitality; meaning if you use Defender before Cannonball, you can expect some a nice damage boost. Once you've gained access to the Empire of Aht Urhgan, speak to Waoud in Aht Urhgan Whitegate standing on the upper level at coordinates J-10. This includes useful magic spells that can play the part of your magical Blue Magic. It uses 4 set points so you won't want to have it equipped unless you know your prey are going to have MP to siphon. Combining Sneak Attack with a single-hit spell like Uppercut or Screwdriver will add the critical damage, allowing your self-skillchains that extra bit of burst damage. And if thats still not enough, subbing Dragoon will even add Jump and High Jump, thus increasing overall damage and TP gain by the user. Level 60 is another big spike from almost every support job. Since Souleater and Sneak Attack both do not work on Ranged Attacks, we will be able to tell what abilities stack with what and what traits will help which abilities. Conserve MP will actually save you a lot of MP. In Halvung, talk to Waudeen. Assuming you have this job leveled already, you can provide yourself with extra soloing potential via a healer, nuker, damage-dealer, or even tank buddy. This requires that the Blue Magic you are using is of the correct element to burst on the skillchain. If you learn no other spell between levels 8 and 94, at least learn Head Butt! ), and if set together for 6 points will combine to form Auto Regen. Another is that it will increase the TP modifier of spells to around 350%, allowing all spells to become far more effective. When I tallied up the damage using great gear, /nin tends to come slightly ahead with better malee, more chains and over all damage. You can Charm the monster you want to learn the spell from, and then send it off to attack another of the same type. Adennak's Skillchain Chart, Now with Blue Mage Hotness. Sprout Smack makes for an effective Slow and Power Attack deals good damage. Summoner as a sub also provides a boost to both the INT and MND stats. Be certain the tank is aware of it first, I have seen Blue mages removed from parties for shifting hate onto one person to much. Ninja provides the. Each spell comes with attribute bonuses and job traits, adding to its utility and adaptability. I have dove deep into Blue mage for soem time learning it's abilities and how to apply them. In my TP set I'm sitting at 3% QA, 11% TA, 29% DA. If this isn't the right place for it, feel free to move it. Assimilation will get you up to 5 bonus set points, which is a massive bonus no matter how you spend those points. You may now also add Thief to your list of fun (if a bit niche) support job options. It has also been shown that SquareEnix's wording on the offical Final Fantasy XI site was misunderstood. Sprout smack for slow, battle dance for half to the attack onus helps by causing dex down, and you can use sandspin for accuracy down as well. A very overlooked support job. The Magic Point boost from Red Mage is smaller than that of the other mages, but it will increase your melee stats. To keep things manageable, Blue Mages may set only a finite number of spells at any given time, so proper strategy and forethought are required. This support job may not be as useful as others, but having additional TP means more weapon skills. Use the entrance at coordinates I-7 to zone into the Subterrane. Unlike other mages who simply have access to their spells once they're learned, Blue Mages must strategically prepare in advance the ones they wish to bring into combat. The only way you may increase your chances of learning the spell is having the Magus Bazubands (artifact hands). Black Mage also provides Magic Attack Bonus (for magical Blue Magic spells) and Conserve MP at Lv.40+. It's a light-elemental Aspir spell that also inflicts damage. That's the only weapon skill you'll ever have natural access to in order to open the Fragmentation skillchain. With a simple set up, I prep before each battle by casting utsutsemi, refueling (which is a MUST have once you hit lvl 48) and then metallic body which is a spell I've constantly used since lvl 8. Note that all of your "physical" blue magic spells are basically treated like weapon attacks, so Attack, Accuracy, Strength, and Dexterity are hugely important, in addition to specific modifiers unique to each spell. Blue Mage has an A+ proficiency with one-handed swords and a B- with clubs. Ofcourse, with my setup i don't have +66 str, i think i only have +30 ish in TP gear, +55 or so in cannonball gear, but i have not sacrificed anything for my /THF, i only use it as a benefit. If for any reason you fail, you may try again the next in-game day for 1000 gil. Layout By: Chrisjander (Ifrit) See also: Blue Renkei Depending on the mob, defense food may or may not be needed. Choco Halo. To put into relative perspective the true damage differential, I'll give an example from my own test trials. This requires the Blue Mage to use his/her sword and keep the skill close to cap to allow for maximum accuracy. Both are fantastic spells anyway, and combined only use up 4 set points. A knowledgeable and prepared BLU is the best substitute for a tank if one is not present or dies. With /thief your malee suffers alot,softer hits, you miss more often and 1/4-1/2 the malee damage total. So if you feel you can put Utusemi by the wayside, you can gain Drain Samba (party-wide on-hit drain), Curing Waltz (healing spell that costs TP instead of MP), Quickstep (evasion-down), and Animated Flourish (Provoke). After the third day, talk to him again and choose Gaze Away one more time. If you have good enough timing, Corsair can even be used to enhance the partys overall experience points gain at the end of a fight, then switch back to other buffs. You wont get ailment-removal spells and you wont get Curaga. Just make sure to check if the mithra has a tail in the front. Blue Mage Guide Endwalker 6.3. And even jobs not mentioned all get at least one little garnish. Then the tank would have an easier time keeping hate off of you once you Sneak Attack + Chain Affinity + Death Scissors. In Ilrusi Atoll, talk to Meyaada. Frenetic Rip is modified by the stats STR, DEX, & Acc gear if you want the best damage from it. Please note: This guide is intended to foster an understanding of the job's framework so you, the reader, may make informed decisions. Chances are it will have a ton of TP and you will be able to get it to use at least one attack. You can also learn both Cocoon (Crawlers) and Metallic Body (Crabs) all in the same zone. A little extra defense and whatever other bonuses they provide could be useful! When you hit level 99 and you don't have any more pressing merits to dump, try to maximize your "Merit Capacity". Blu > Blu Skillchain Guide (Work In Progress), Blue Mage (BLU) Fact vs Fiction: The Search for the Truth, Everything You Need To Know About Which Stat To Raise, Adennak's Skillchain Chart, Now with Blue Mage Hotness, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Your goal is to try and anticipate what you need before combat begins. Also, Monks high vitality will also generate more damage through vitality-based spells. Most traits will also increase in tiers with every multiple of 8. 10/10. This may be useful if your party lacks a backup healer and is fighting a mob with strong melee attacks. Other noteworthy spells: Feather Barrier (Giant Birds - inexpensive evasion bonus), Radiant Breath (Wyverns - spell trigger in Abyssea), Filamented Hold (Mites - area slow, contributes towards Clear Mind). Features Save blue magic sets and reapply them via the spellset command. Cast: Instant With BST subbed, I can charm another EP mob to do the fighting, and just wait, not taking any damage myself. Otherwise, the two spells required to set this are both pretty expensive at 4 points each. For example, the damage for Bludgeon is enhanced with Charisma. It may have increased the potency of the debuff effects or increased the accuracy. On top of this, Summoner also adds Clear Mind at Lv.30+. You do not need over 1000 TP in order for it to take part in a skillchain either, meaning you can use it to follow your own weapon skill to skillchain all by yourself! Providing Blue Mage with a little bit of both White Magic and Black Magic. Level: 1 A very good choice for the average Blue Mage between the levels of 30 and 49. I would choose a Dark Knight sub over this for increase meleeing ability. You can give all of the mages Ballad for Refresh and all of the front-line fighters enhancements to attack or accuracy. If you've got merits to spare, Evasion, Parrying, and Critical Hit Rate are great for any situation. The traits they can make are visible on the spells themselves, along with the amount they contribute. Keep in mind that "physical" blue magic spells share accuracy with your weapon, and your skill proficiency is directly correlated to accuracy. They will come eventually. Even though Blue Mage is an extremely capable solo job at these levels, the process of learning spells will really slow you down. For 30 seconds, this ability greatly amplifies the effects of all of your spells, bolstering their damage, accuracy, and potency. Commands Using this sub against Imp's in parties can be usually fustrating as your /thf JA's get deactivated a lot via amnesia. Sickle Slash from level 48 and now Tail Slap from Merrows. Your bread and butter damage comes from Sneak Attack+Death Scissors. At higher levels you may combine more spells to increase the potency of your Attack Bonus trait! Cast: Instant If you have Beastmaster at a high enough level, its actually a potent support job even in party scenarios. Levels 66 and 68 offer two more spells that may be swapped or combined to make up to a second tier of Conserve MP. This support job is quite useful for soloing or in small parties, providing more survivability and a tanking aspect. Following Savage Blade with CA-enhanced Cannonball will detonate a Light skillchain (Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light). Even if you never cast Battle Dance, it will form the second half of the Attack Bonus trait. By this point you've already got a hefty repertoire of spells, including some enfeebles, damage-inflicting spells, and self-sufficiency through heals and buffs. If this list isn't correct, I will add my own list under this section. Fast Blade to Foot Kick will create Detonation, and then Queasyshroom will create Gravitation! Choosing this support job simultaneously eliminates the need for Utsusemi from subbing Ninja in place of higher survivability, higher damage, and higher hate control. In addition to White Mage, subbing Warrior becomes a viable choice at level 10. Blue Mages are capable of dealing heavy physical or magical damage, healing and support, debuffing, or tanking. Souleater is less potent when Dark Knight is used as a support job, but it can still be used to deal extravagant amounts of damage when using multi-hit spells such as Hysteric Barrage. It also adds a huge +3 to both strength and dexterity, making it a potent piece to equip prior to casting many different spells at this point in the game! I've found BST to be the best support job so far for soloing, and acquiring spells. Later on, should you decide to sub this after 29, you can get the useful ability Divine Seal, which will in fact work with your Wild Carrot or any other healing spells. Every point of QA/TA/DA that you add lowers that 50% further. In this sense, the Blue Mage is designed for solo play. At each Staging Point, talk to the Blue Mage NPC while you yourself are a Blue Mage. will find a new place for the merit category once I figure out where to put it, I kinda thought about those. Note that their consumption of MP doesn't change, so you can run out of the precious resource if you get too spam-happy. It also works to overwrite the effects of slowing TP moves such as Intimidate from Pugils or Sticky Thread from Crawlers. I may also recommend adding a note to your party as part of the macro that you are performing a self-skillchain, otherwise they may interrupt it. I'm going through all the suggested skills for the task and where/how to get them and how to utilize them in your solo runs. This spell also replaces Sickle Slash as an effective means to close Gravitation. You will be automatically teleported back to Aht Urghan. Level 72 also brings Disseverment from Aerns in Lumoria. Note that certain abilities may share names across many different monster types. It's a very noticeable bonus at these levels. Be sure to have some way to Sneak and Invisible, as you'll be running through some spots with aggro for low- to mid-level players. Other Categories: As stated before, Blue Magic Skill is paramount. * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. Bad Breath (Morbols, Lv.61) is awful, and Sub-zero Smash (Ruszors, Lv.72) is rarely worth using. Low level Blue Mage can easily tank; keeping hate is also relatively simple through BLU attack spells. Typically with this setup you are neglecting DEX and ACC sicne you need more AGI to assist SATA. It costs 5 set points, but it also contributes towards Accuracy Bonus. ), Saline Coat (Xzomit - enormous reduction of magic damage that can be combined with Diffusion for your teammates), Temporal Shift (Hpemde - reliable area stun that also contributes to Attack Bonus), Exuviation (Wamoura - self-target Erase with a small HP recovery attached), Vertical Cleave (Euvhi - inexpensive heavy damage and can close a Darkness skillchain). OA2-4 Khadga has a 1.9~2.0 attacks/round average, we'll go with 2.0 because it's a prettier number. Obviously its easy to get the information on what spells are at what level and who you . /NIN for that, Birds will kill you so good otherwise, + there isn't usually a tank anyways, so hate isn't stable. and if you trick somebody, you might aswell have doomed them to death(the may always survive, but if they are a DD too, a 500-700 Disservement will surely nail hate on them for the whole fight, if they fight normally. White Mage adds various Cure spells and ailment-removing spells, adding to Blue Mages versatility. Higher physical damage means you won't have to cast as much, allowing you to equip more support spells in your repertoire. With the one minute recast timer on Sneak Attack, Blue Mage will be able to take advantage of it whenever it is up. /Thf JA 's get deactivated a lot via amnesia, 29 % DA the stats STR,,! Mage for soem time learning it 's abilities and how to apply them some. Cure blue mage guide ffxi and you wont even get any useful Black Magic race gear! A sub also provides Magic Attack bonus trait malee suffers alot, softer hits, you increase. Get too spam-happy that of the most versatile and well-rounded jobs in Final Fantasy XI 's. Mage between the levels of 30 and 49 will increase the potency of the front-line fighters enhancements Attack... Off of you once you hit Lv.70, this support job may not be as useful as,... 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