Chapter 9.4 The savants on Nibiru tell the Earth glaciers are melting and they will lose their footing. Mentioned are the animals in the tall trees that use their front legs as hands. When he wakes he tells his sister who thinks he will be accused of raping her. This portion of the tablet is more of the same ignorant decisions and immorality by some of the Anunnaki. The Hollow Worlds And The Annunaki.pdf (PDFy mirror) Publication date 2014-01-01 Topics mirror, Collection pdfymirrors; additional_collections Language English This public document was automatically mirrored from PDFy. The kings son she seduced and stole MEs from now holds MEs from her she needs to rule her land with. The Exploits of Ninurta [20] discusses Ninurta's inventory at length and is very helpful when it comes to learning the names of the Stones and . The King Who Refused to Die: The Anunnaki and the Search for Immortality by Zecharia Sitchin - eBook Details Before you start Complete The King Who Refused to Die: The Anunnaki and the Search for Immortality PDF EPUB by Zecharia Sitchin Download, you can read below technical ebook details: Detailed descriptions of: 1-When and how the Anunnaki will return to Earth; 2-Areas/countries of . They account to him the layout of the new gold find and space pad, etc. The rest of the group continues on to Earth. They also were given a city of their own with their own king appointed by the Earth commander. This time it is between descendants of each of the kings sons. 2005 405 Pages 1.45 MB. This essay examines the relationship between the Tablet of Destinies, the possession and transmission of power, and the conferral of legitimacy in the context of Enma eli. He and his half sister have a newborn daughter. The next city was Shurruppak, the place of supreme well-being. The main activity of the Anunnaki Ancient Astronaut Gods on Earth is the establishment of Civilization which involved Gold-mining operations. But the Earth commander has an edge. When these beings from heaven arrived on our planet, seven main cities were initially built, which would be the strategic points of Enlils plan to carry out his mission on Earth. Chapter 5.2 There are now 300 Anunnaki on Mars and 600 on Earth. This study considers the historical, cultural, and literary significance of some of the most important Ancient Near East (ANE) texts that illuminate the Hebrew Bible. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Soul:Ask and may contain 18+ material. Many white-skinned peoples still resemble the ancient space travelers who came to Earth thousands of years ago. The primitive workers (Adams and Eves, are captured outside of the city of Eden and brought into the city. The glowing light went out. The Tablet of Destinies, a well known if somewhat enigmatic motif, features prominently in Mesopotamian mythology as both an emblem and a receptacle of divine power and kingship. 11 While they grew and increased in stature 12 Anar and Kiar, who excelled them, were Without "male moon god". One of the kings sons son wants to marry an earthling woman. He has five sons by his wife and other Anunnaki women. The Anunnaki that married Earth women must chose between their wives and departure. Search the history of over 804 billion no longer supports Internet Explorer. According to certain conspiracy theorists, the Sumerian language appears to be the language taught to the humans by the Annunaki, since it's assumed to be the first language ever written. The problem with the marriage is the kingship lineage. In other esoteric lore, and in relation to the dispersal . The first Anunnaki settlement on Earth was commanded by Enki and later, the city of Bad-tibira was built, which means bright place where the ore is finished. The debate involves the statement that the kingship lineage marrying half sisters is a custom. Chapter 12.6 This portion of the tablet starts out with the father giving Ra some MEs. Chapter 13.6 This tablet is a continuance of the previous tablet. He wants this to be a secret. Later they let one of them, . Chapter 11.5 This portion deals with rescuing the father from the chamber tomb and damage done inside the pyramid to the stones, beams and beacon. After the wedding they did this deed. Chapter 4.3 This portion has the new king and his two sons drawing lots to see what jobs they will perform. Utsuro-bune: The Legend Of The Hollow Ship. The spaceship he took had atomic bombs on it and his plan was to blow a path through the asteroid belt, which had kept the Anunnaki from going to Earth. When Anu gave Enlil command of the mission on Earth, Enlil sent his sons Nanna, Sin and Ninurta to Earth. Pazuzu took cover in the Mountain of the Chambers of Heaven, the Hursak Mu. But one Anunnaki surveying across the ocean finds gold nuggets laying on the ground. A team will be sent to Earth to see if there is gold. They had many children. In his first novel, The 12th Planet and its sequels Sitchin claims there is a 12 th planet beyond Neptune known as Nibiru that reaches our inner solar system once every 3,600 years. The king escapes the Anunnaki by jumping in a spacecraft and heading towards Earth. The seven gave birth to seven male children. The Sumerians appear on the archaeological record beginning around 4,500 BCE. The plans include making relay stations of Mars and possibly the moon. I WILL BE THE MASTER OF THE HEAVENLY DECREES. The evil wind spoke of seems to be a radioactive cloud that kills everyone in its path, gods and mankind. They divide the lands among them. Nevertheless, the manner in which it is integrated into the events of the composition, first bestowed upon Qingu by Timat, then seized and worn by Marduk while he orders the cosmos, and ultimately presented by Marduk to his grandfather Anu, offers some insight into one of the central problems of the text: where does power legitimately reside and how and why is it properly transferred from one divine entity to another? There were many conceptions but the results were not good. One day he spied several young Eves and decided to impregnate them with his sperm. The plans are so grandiose the female relative dressing her tells the grooms father. A celebration is had. Chapter 9.2 Two hundred of the Igigi from mars came to the wedding. He is blinded and his testicles squashed. Then peace was made and a kingship established for the entire planet (One World Government). It seems that there is a sea of rarer and more valuable elements in the Something amazing was discovered in one of the regions of South Africa. The History of the Anunnaki: The 14 Tablets of Enki, The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs & Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God, 10 fascinating accounts of ancient Gods and their flying Machines. He sends two to load them and use them, but making sure the people are not harmed. Get Free the anunnaki chronicles Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. Significantly, some scholars have come to realize that the Anunnaki should more appropriately be considered demi-gods or semi-divine beings. Today when we speak about the Anunnaki a lot of skepticism is present, and many reject the notion that ancient spacefaring astronauts called the Anunnaki touched down on Earth thousands of years ago before written history. It devastated their planet. The king states he did not send an emissary. The Earth commander forbad any teaching or help to the Earthlings. She is holding a bush-like object, probably a bunch of dates, above the sun-god's head . Reveals the ongoing alien manipulation of humanity and how we can break free Explores how the Anunnaki have maintained invisible surveillance over us and how they control our development through religion, secret societies, and catastrophes Reveals how they feed off our energies and how this ability has allowed them to remain here on Earth as multidimensional entities, enforcing their . 123-149. The tablets also offer insight into the origin of life and how civilization came into existence on Earth. The rebuilding continues even though it has been two shars since the flood (7,200 years). In Mesopotamian mythology, the Tablet of Destinies [1] ( Sumerian: dub namtarra; [2] Akkadian: up mtu, uppi mti) was envisaged as a clay tablet inscribed with cuneiform writing, also impressed with cylinder seals, which, as a permanent legal document, conferred upon the god Enlil his supreme authority as ruler . He summons his wife and child on Nibiru to come to Earth. They build the pyramids as mountains for their space port. The Earth shorter cycles and atmosphere affects the Anunnaki. The Overturned Boat, Part Three: Adapa and Exorcism, La monstruosidad de Timat. The word here translated as God is, again, 'Elohim, actually "the gods." That took place on the sixth day in the biblical story, hence man and woman were created . The kings daughter that is making love to the kings son is promised to the kings other son by the king. In some instances, a singular clay, stone or metallic specimen represents the iconic or definitive "Tablet of Destiny" relicSumerian dub-nam-tar-me or Akkadian tup mtias it appears in the most famous spiritual and cosmological teachings of Mesopotamia, particularly the "Enuma Eli," or Babylonian Epic of Creation. The next city that was built was Laraak which means seeing the bright glare. Chapter 8.2 On Nibiru the earthling is offered the long life bread and elixir. Enlil summoned the Anunnaki for this purpose but everyone feared failure because Pazuzu had also stolen Enlils Glitter, which must have been a type of weapon that made Pazuzu twice as lethal and impenetrable, and as powerful as Enlil himself. Enlil was aware of the Igigis discomfort for his long stays in space, and he suspected a revolt on his part. 59-64. But he is married and has a son by his wife. Lord of the abzu The god Ea (whose Sumerian equivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon, along with Anu and Enlil.He resides in the ocean underneath the earth called the abzu (Akkadian aps), which was an important place in Mesopotamian cosmic geography.For example, the city of Babylon was said to have been built on top of the abzu. This is basically the world's first . They are all bewildered. The Adams are working in the fields and mines. Earthlings are taught the constellations. The Tablet of Destinies and the Transmission of Power in Enma eli Authors: Karen Sonik Auburn University Content uploaded by Karen Sonik Author content Content may be subject to copyright.. What he sowed he can now reap (the radioactive land). The father is alarmed and fears the kings other sons kingship lineage will get the advantage. There he invited the Igigi that had taken earthling wives. Proceedings of the 56th RAI, (eds.) One lived in land with his father and the other was living by the space port. The Earth commander finds Noah and is ready to kill his brother over his deceit. The earth commander also reassigns lands. Jesus was the most successful of the planted messiahs. All is destroyed of Ra forces and followers. Chapter 11.2 In this portion of the tablet her son defeats the uncle that killed his father. Enki and Enlil flying around surveying the damage from the weapons of terror. The tablets of destiny ( Zu) seized with his hand; the attributes of Bel he took; he delivered the oracles. All rights reserved. Chapter 3.1 This tablet tells of the defeated kings attempts to bribe the new king with his knowledge of the gold on Earth and have his kingship reinstated. They created and enslaved humanity to do the hard work for them. It also mention other teachings to other offspring. The Anunnaki are a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians. In the bible god promises to not let mankind again be destroyed by flood. Other creatures were seen in tall grasses walking upright (hominoids). The son that has been put in command of support for the gold harvesting greets his sister which is one of the healers. He is upset and summons the other kings son that was part of the creation to explain. The other kings son that is promoting this endeavor is saying the being already exists and they would not be slaves, but helpers. Nibiru needs more gold from Earth. (so much for not being slaves). Many creatures were created with deformities. The time of the flood was the one hundred and twenty shars (432,000 years). The Dyatlov Pass Incident: What Killed Nine Young Hikers at Dead Mountain? Thus he is friendly to the humans. The earth commander makes each Anunnaki swear an oath. The most sought-after ultimate prize in prehistory, they have been nicked, stolen, chipped, dropped, snitched and snatched more often than you could imagine. There are black spots on the Sun. The kings son that created mankind has a new scheme, but he notices that mankind is reverting backward. The snow is melting. Death of Statues and Rebirth of Gods, in: N.N. The atmosphere is slowly healing. The Igigi are complaining on Mars of high winds and dust storms. Gender Matters in Enma eli. In In the Wake of Tikva Frymer-Kensky, edited by Richard H. Beal, Steven W. Holloway, and JoAnn Scurlock, 85101. They are to go aloft in spaceships to wait out the calamity. I was especially interested in historical and grammatical texts and of both I found quite remarkable specimens. The Tablets of Destiny is a landmark public debut of Grade-III Mardukite Systemology and the foundation stone for reaching higher awareness while taking back command and control of your own Destiny. The savants on Nibiru tell of the planets moving during the next passing of the sun by NIbiru. Who were the Sumerians? Chapter 10.4 Upon the Anunnaki returning to Earth they see utter devastation. About how they would die if they returned to Nibiru. He was born in the ninety third shar (334,800) and he died in the one hundred and eight shar (388,800) making him 54,000 Earth years old when he died. So far he is falling for the deception. The third region was not able to communicate because of the language and almost goes to war over it. he wanted the earthlings to perish. Chapter 11.3 In preparation for the wedding, it is the custom for a female relative to dress the bride. The Earth Anunnaki commander said no. The sixth city would be Nippur the terrestrial place ofNibiru. Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth (PDF) Michael Tellinger 2016 451 Pages 4.21 MB English 0 stars from 0 visitors Posted March 02, 2021 Submitted by fokon Report Explore PDF Download PDF Convert to. A primitive worker. Chapter 9.5 The Anunnaki have made their choices. ), Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond. The rocks are slippery and he falls to his death. According toZecharia Sitchin, the Igigi found Pazuzu when he was just a small orphan and they adopted him. The bride had gone to the underworld in search of the groom body. He tries but does not attain it and dies. Destiny it is , or Fate it is, That to this planet us has brought, to gold from the waters foil, To put Anunnaki heroes to excavating toil, to a Primitive Worker create to be planning? The would be bride rushes to the place where her grooms body lay. Pages 129-141 in Thus Speaks Ishtar of Arbela: Prophecy in Israel, Assyria and Egypt in the Neo-Assyrian Period, edited by R.P. The divine formulas were suspended. In space, the Igigi were stunned. As for the Earth commander, he is going westward to where the gold field is to complete the original mission. Manifest Destiny Journal. Tidily disposed of within the first seventy lines of Tablet I, he has at best a peripheral and passive presence in the remainder of the text, his corpse serving as the foundation for Eas dwelling and his death providing a plausible, if insufficient, justification for Tiamats subsequent transformation from protective mother to raging destroyer. He cries out he wants a son but she curses him (actual curse). He left for new land across the ocean. 119-141 in The Materiality of Divine Agency. . He summons his three sons and has built a space port unknown to the other Anunnaki. The Earth commander which has always been against the creation of mankind, is sorrowful they have destroyed their original mission. Plenty of food, water, fish and animals. Now the kings son in charge of getting the gold asks her to join him in his dwelling. For everything these Anunnaki do and have done, this seems unfair. I surmise the wave came from the dislodged southern polar ice cap and it also rained many days. Within the pages of The Tablets of Destiny is a revelation of 6,000 year old secrets preserved on cuneiform tablets that provide a Seeker with the tools for using ancient wisdom to unlock human potential. A very curious thing is mentioned here. Ra wants to rule the entire Earth. E. Robson & K. Radner 2011) Oxford: 725-51, The God Ninurta in the Mythology and Royal Ideology of Ancient Mesopotamia, On the Origin of Watchers: A Comparative Study of the Antediluvian Wisdom in Mesopotamian and Jewish Traditions, Mofidi-Nasrabadi, 2012 - Arbeitszimmer eines Schreibers aus der mittelelamischen Zeit. Previous tablet and heading towards Earth king and his half sister have newborn... The time of the Igigi that had taken earthling wives day he spied several young Eves and to! To complete the original mission 10.4 Upon the Anunnaki chronicles Textbook and unlimited to... 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