what is a political boundary

Political boundaries allow societies to organize themselves, demarcate sovereignty over land, and avoid political disputes over land ownership. The boundary between these countries was created as a result of the breakup of Yugoslavia and the declaration of independence by various constituent republics. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. There are no fences or barriers between the two countries, and the border is easily visible. The debate over the wearing of burqas and other Islamic veils in European countries, which has been driven in part by concerns about the integration of Muslim immigrants into secular Western cultures. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. When crossing through different counties in the United States, for example, there may be little more than a roadside sign demarcating a transition into a different political territory, if that. Be perfectly prepared on time with an individual plan. Two famous boundaries in the world are the US-Mexico border and the DMZ separating North and South Korea. POLITICAL BOUNDARIES are frequently defined as borders constructed and imposed on or around a geographic territory in order to distinguish between areas of governance or types (strategies) of political control. Geological features such as oil deposits or minerals, which can influence the economic development of a region and create conflicts over resources. The border between North and South Vietnam, which was heavily militarized during the Vietnam War. Remind students that, for the maps they created in Lesson 1, Activity 1, they were asked to draw borders as they saw fit. The evolution of both types involved 2 distinct stages. Political boundaries may form around economic, national, or cultural causes. Geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Human Geography, National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. 3 - A border fence is the boundary of the US and Mexico on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. Since _____ seemed poised to gain colonial territory from the Atlantic to the Indian oceans, _____ was worried that their own north-south corridor would be severed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Superimposed boundaries in post-colonial Africa also resulted in ethnic groups that were traditional rivals being in the same country together. Ask students to comment about whether they agree or disagree with reasons other students gave. Rivers, mountain ranges, oceans, and deserts are examples. 2020 In redistricting, political boundaries are the boundaries of other governments, such as cities, towns, or counties, and political divisions, such as city council wards or state legislative districts. Where, approximately, is the Korean Demilitarized Zone located? All rights reserved. Now, it is one of the most heavily patrolled borders between allies in the world, the result of both governments' desire to stem the flow of illegal substances back and forth, as well as the movement of people from Mexico to the US who avoid border controls. The modern international political boundaries of Africa. Demarcated boundaries can also be important for economic reasons. They are often used to protect countries from invasion or to control the movement of people and goods. No Africans were invited to the Berlin Conference, and so they had no say in how the political boundaries of their countries were eventually drawn. This was once the only crossing point for non-Germans. Boundaries are also classified based on when they were created. People may want to be in one country or the other, not be separated from their relatives, or have little regard for the boundary regardless of where it goes. For example, the Berber ethnic groups span nations including Libya, Algeria, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, despite the fact many were not politically separated prior to colonization. The DMZ is a buffer zone dividing the two Koreas, and the most heavily militarized political boundary in the world. set of sounds, gestures, or symbols that allows people to communicate. Political boundaries are often associated with ideas of sovereignty, territoriality, and jurisdiction, and they play a central role in the organization and functioning of political systems. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Everything you need for your studies in one place. True or False: DMZs MUST be political boundaries. Thus, we have to look elsewhere to find culturally-defined political boundaries. The boundary between two neighborhoods within a city could be considered a geometric boundary. This happened when boundaries were drawn in Australia, Siberia, the Sahara, the Amazon Rainforest, and elsewhere. Ballotpedia features 407,502 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. European colonialism established territorial boundaries without consulting affected local people. Sometimes the borders themselves create conflict. Have each spokesperson present their groups map, along with the reasons for creating borders where they did, including why each group, religion, or physical region was placed there, to the class. Which of the following was not part of the General Act of the Berlin Conference? Give groups about 15 minutes to discuss and draw their borders. This is not always the case, however. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. The debate over immigration policy in the United States, which has often been fueled by concerns about preserving American cultural values and traditions. Code of Ethics| Fig. An example of a cultural boundary is the border between the United States and Mexico. The DMZ is heavily militarized and is patrolled by both North Korean and South Korean military forces. Introduce the activity and its purpose. Research: Josh Altic Vojsava Ramaj Have students record ideas to refer to later in this unit. Political features are characteristics . All rights reserved. Demonstrating how politics divides culture, Koreans on both sides are ethnically and culturally identical except for differences emerging since the border was imposed as a subsequent boundary after the Korean War in 1953. False! The political boundary between North Carolina and South Carolina is an internal political boundary within the country of the United States. The division of Yugoslavia into several independent countries in the 1990s. These boundaries, are drawn on the maps by the political officials to separate areas of political administration and control. They illustrate how the world is divided into different political entities. What is an example of a boundary? An example is the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, which was drawn as a consequence of disagreements between the majority Protestant north and the majority Catholic south on the island of Ireland. To conduct innocent passage, you surrender your right to economic, research-based, or military activities. The driving factor behind the creation of a political boundary may be economic, cultural, national, or some combination of all three. Geographers distinguish between several different types of boundaries. In redistricting, political boundaries are the boundaries of other governments, such as cities, towns, or counties, and political divisions, such as city council wards or state legislative districts. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Washington, DC 20036, Careers| All the advice on this site is general in nature. In this way, ideally, international boundaries encourage political dialogue and economic cooperation, while allowing a country to maintain its internal national or cultural interests as it sees fit. What is the meaning of political boundaries? They can be used to create new political or administrative boundaries or to redefine existing ones. Except in Antarctica and a few remote islands, there have always been prior occupants whose territory boundaries were ignored. Subsequent boundaries are different to consequent boundaries because consequent boundaries are always established as a consequence of conflict. Curvilinear forms, though less common (e.g., the northern border of Delaware, US), are also types of geometric boundaries. Occasionally, two countries may contest where a particular border is drawn. Borders are a specific type of boundary that separates two or more countries,. Evaluate students based on their participation in the whole-class discussion. Geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Human Geography, National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. Sometimes these align with a natural geographic feature like a river to form a border or barrier between nations. This ultimately led to the Scramble for Africa, during which European powers largely established the borders that remain in place today. De facto boundary: A boundary not set by a treaty or similar agreement, but used by . What major justification for the Berlin Conference was not taken seriously by attendees or commentators? Ro Grande zruver between US and Mexico. 1 - Antecedent boundaries (red) in Antarctica. Beyond their territorial waters, countries have certain rights, except ownership, in their EEZs (Exclusive Economic Zones). Immigration is the process of moving to a new country or region with the intention of staying and living there. People may choose to immigrate for a variety of reasons, such as employment opportunities, to escape a violent conflict, environmental factors, educational purposes, or to reunite with family. Have each group create a name for their country and label landforms and features of the country. 1. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. The process of immigrating to the United States can be complicated and is often driven by a few key principles including uniting families, boosting the economy with skilled professionals, promoting diversity, and helping refugees. For example, the de jure political boundary of the Federal Republic of Somalia is not congruent with the territory that the Federal Republic of Somalia actually has under its control; the northwest portion of the country is under the de facto control of an unrecognized state called Somaliland. A defined political boundary is one that is specifically outlined by law or treaty. Privacy Notice| A political boundary's purpose is to establish who's "in charge" of an area. These factors of shape and size can influence the ways in which human activity is structured; for example, land use, transportation, and settlement patterns. You are unlikely to find a true relict boundary of an ancient empire unless a defensive wall was built, or it followed a natural feature that still exists. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. When political entities cannot agree on a border (either through negotiation or imposition), that border is said to be contested. 4. However, many of the political boundaries you are likely to come across will be entirely invisible except on a map. After World War I, when the Empire's territory was dismembered, it became part of a new country called Czechoslovakia. This river, which runs for nearly 2,000 miles, marks the border between these two countries and is an important natural feature in the region. Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. The next most common state rule is a requirement to follow political boundaries, like county, city, town, or ward lines, when drawing districts. They are an important part of society and are vitally important for the protection of human rights. In this sense, it is similar to a demarcated boundary, but is always defined by a natural rather than man-made structure. A colloquialism for this is often that people live on the other side of the tracks. In Western culture, our modern concepts of sovereignty, statehood, and well-defined political boundaries can be at least partially attributed to the two peace treaties that ended the European Thirty Years' War in 1648. Hutus are the vast majority in each country, and Tutsis the minority. Political boundaries indicate what political entity has sovereignty (governing power and authority) over a physical location. Which factor is most at play? Indeed, in most cases, "antecedent boundaries" refer to no prior settlements of colonizers and land takers. This is the case in western US states, where certain boundaries from the time that they were US or Mexican territories were retained as state or county boundaries. How many political boundaries have you crossed in your lifetime? Many of our world's political boundaries are negotiated: two or more political entities have come to an agreement about where their borders should be drawn. They may also form through the political policy of a foreign or international entity. Undisputed international boundaries, like the one between the United States and Canada, are shown as a solid gray line. And the process of establishing exactly defined borders using the latest technology (GPS and GIS, now) is not over. The result, in Africa, was 50+ countries stuck with colonial boundaries often drawn right through the middle of ethnic nations that had never been divided. The Korean DMZ is _______ miles long and _______ miles wide. In a lot of cases, these boundaries are defined by the structure of the environment. Others have suggested getting rid of the very notion of a country altogether. False. Since 2014, Estonia has been exploring this concept through "e-Residency," an idea that links citizenship to a digital identity rather than a physical location. Climates and ecosystems, which can influence the types of crops that can be grown and the types of animals that can be raised in a particular area. IRA/NCTE Standards for the English Language Arts, National Geographic Education: EuropeResources, National Geographic Education: EuropePhysical Geography, National Geographic Education: EuropeHuman Geography, National Geographic Education: Europe MapMaker Kit, National Geographic Education: National Teacher Leadership Academy (NTLA). False! Do you have one of those neighbours who looks at you funny when your frisbee lands in his yard? While these accounts do conceptual justice to the recursive relationship between boundaries and the organizational practices from which they emerge (Zietsma and Lawrence, 2010), we believe that extant literature has underresearched the processual, dispersed and political dynamics of boundary-work processes and undertheorized the temporally interlocked sequences of ongoing, multi-sited boundary . Sometimes these align with a natural geographic feature like a river to form a border or barrier between nations. DMZs can be entire islands, continents, or even individual historic sites. English, Brian Blouet, The College of William & Mary Select ALL that apply. True or False: "Nation" is always synonymous with "country" or "state.". explanation of symbols and abbreviations used on a map, also known as a key. The border is a conceptual line that separates the U.S. from Mexico, but there are also physical barriers, like the US-Mexico fence (Trumps wall! Have all your study materials in one place. An example of a defined political boundary is the U.S. border with Mexico. Which of the following countries has international political boundaries that conform almost entirely to physical geographic features? Types of Political Boundaries Geographers distinguish between several different types of boundaries. The reason is that Abyei contains valuable natural resources that neither country is willing to cede to the other. However, you can easily find relict boundaries at the scale of cities (in many parts of the world, these had defensive walls) or individual properties. Partly geometric and partly based on physical geography (the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte), this 3140-kilometre (1951-mile) political boundary, the busiest in the world, is also one of the most politicized, despite the fact that it divides two countries that are staunch allies. Militarized boundaries are boundaries that are heavily guarded by military forces. Landlocked nations may access the EEZ of a coastal state in their region. A foreign military or citizen cannot simply walk across a border, take what they want, and not expect to be accountable to the sovereign authority of the area. For example, the boundary between France and Spain follows the peaks of the . Fig. Joseph Stoltman, Western Michigan University The governments of these countries have sent their military to control the border and prevent hostiles from crossing from one side to the other. Cultural boundaries can be difficult to cross. any area on Earth with one or more common characteristics. A political boundary is an imaginary line separating one political unit, such as a country or state, from another. A political boundary is the area of land on a map that separates regions of government such as states and nations. Ask: Pose questions related to the size and shape of countries. Geometric boundary: A boundary created by using lines of latitude and longitude and their associated arcs. Indeed, the devastation caused by this war was enough to lead Europeans in the direction of better decision-making on what constituted the territorial rights of states. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. Sometimes, border areas end up being so contentious or strategic that they are either ruled jointly by more than one sovereign nation. You cannot download interactives. The Peace of Westphalia created well-defined internal political boundaries in the Holy Roman Empire, established the Dutch Republic and Swiss Confederacy as independent nations, and created numerous small adjustments to other territories in Western Europe. Many, if not most, of the international boundaries we see in Europe and Asia reflect the historic "homeland" of distinct ethnic groups. (2017). An example of a subsequent boundary is the border between Israel and Palestine. What is the difference between a negotiated boundary and an imposed boundary? These disputes might arise due to a natural resource both groups want, like in the case of Sudan and South Sudan, or in an attempt to gain more political power, as in the case of Pakistan and India in the Kashmir region. How might the overlap be resolved? 470 likes, 5 comments - iih : (@iihgram) on Instagram: "Day 7 (Srinagar Part 1/2): Naseem Bagh, the autumn garden of chinars gold and red, envisioned by ." Consequent boundaries, in the best case, involve the participation of the people who are to be joined or separated. An example of a geometric boundary is a boundary that is defined by a straight line. Which of the following types of boundary disputes is associated with the location of economic resources? A demilitarized zone is an area where military activity is officially forbidden. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. It is the opposite of an antecedent boundary, which was established prior to settlement. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Fig. Have a whole-class discussion about political borders. The Principle of Effective Occupation required: Colonial powers claiming land to actually inhabit and administer it. In Europe, many subsequent boundaries have been imposed based on high-level treaties that end wars. This saying comes from the idea that towns are separated into the rich and poor parts of town based on which side of the railway tracks you live on. The borders between Israel and Palestine have been in dispute for many decades because neither party can agree on where the boundary should be drawn. Other examples of defined political boundaries include the border between North and South Korea which was agreed upon to end conflict during the Korean civil war. List students ideas on the board and add to the list throughout this activity. Economic sanctions can have significant impacts on the economy of the targeted country. With the Covid-19 pandemic having delayed the regular census, there is a renewed demand for caste census beyond the boundaries of Bihar, where a caste survey is underway.Congress leader Rahul . They are traces of old borders. Which Korean politician attempted to establish the People's Republic of Korea? Boundaries are serious business, whether at the scale of a neighbourhood or the entire planet. [1], A total of 42 states require state legislative districts to take political boundaries into account; 19 states take political boundaries into account when drawing congressional districts. Political boundaries delineate sovereign authority and may deter conflict, although sometimes the borders themselves provoke conflict. These can be used as discussion points for Lesson 1, Activity 2 of this unit. Grades 6 - 8 Subjects English Language Arts, Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography Contents 2 Activities Image Checkpoint Charlie This wall sits on the border between the United States and Mexico near the Mexican city of Tijuana. In the worst case, split groups were a poorly-treated minority in one country, blocked from going to the neighbouring country where they were politically and economically more advantaged. The term '' geopolitics '' refers to the different geographic (either physical or human) influences on political and international relations. 4. Your email address will not be published. Elicit ideas such as wars between countries, natural resources, or dividing land evenly between different groups. Distribute one copy of the worksheet Draw Political Borders to each group. A de jure political boundary is a boundary that is legally recognized by foreign political entities. This is also true for some internal boundaries. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. The Singapore-Malaysia border is one of the busiest international political boundaries in the world and is easily demarcated by large customs buildings and huge flags. Subsequent boundaries exist where the cultural landscape predates the drawing or redrawing of boundaries. Political boundaries indicate what political entity has sovereignty (governing power and authority) over a physical location. An example of a political boundary is the border between the US and Mexico. Tourists can access this portion of the Korean DMZ. When a political boundary conforms to some feature of the physical landscapea stream, sea, mountain, desert, watershed, lake, marsh, and so forthit is a natural boundary. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. The border between the United States and Mexico, which has been heavily militarized in recent years due to concerns about illegal immigration and drug trafficking. West Virginia: The state that said no. Regions are the basic units of geography. Antecedent boundaries are political boundaries that are based on prior agreements or treaties between two or more nations or states before the land was heavily populated by the respective nations. In geography, these groups are often called nations, which is not always necessarily synonymous with the more legalistic terms of country and state. What is an antecedent boundary? Name two major African states that existed for over 500 years. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. The most commonly used political map in the United States is a map like the one above that illustrates the 50 states. A subsequent or ethnographic boundary is a boundary created after two groups have settled there. Lines on maps are geometric boundaries. Carroll, F. M. (2021). Boundaries. False! 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