math sl ia topics calculus

You must make explicit comparisons and contrasts to earn a 7 in IB English HL and SL. Does this mean that height is a good indicator of weight? Hi, IB Maths Standard Level (SL) Questionbank, Practice Exams, Past Papers Solutions and Exam Key Concepts You can download from. This is useful for the IB Math IA. To make matters worse, on top of just doing the dreaded maths exam, were also expected to write a Maths IA exploration into a topic of our choice! Firstly though, we've compiled 50 common Maths IA topics that may spark some creative juices and set you on your way to conquering one of the hardest assignments of the diploma! Thank you! Can you solve Oxford Universitys InterviewQuestion? Not sure whether to order Math IA or AA? Rational approximations to irrational numbers. What is here? Friendly numbers, Solitary numbers, perfect numbers. IBDP Math HL. 33) The Chinese Remainder Theorem: This is a method developed by a Chinese mathematician Sun Zi over 1500 years ago to solve a numerical puzzle. E.g. How to use modeling to predict booms and busts. Click below to see our latest samples! Original: Source The Internal Assessment (IA) in Math SL is known as Mathematical Exploration. Hi! Task 4: Immersing and Exploring Task 5: Discovering the pattern . By siging up, I agree to Lanternas 2)Solving maths problems usingcomputers computers are really useful in solving mathematical problems. Can we prove that 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . I am not sure what kind of math I would have to be doing. We offer, how to structure and format your Maths IA. Maths IA - Maths Exploration Topics: Scroll down this page to find over 300 examples of maths IA exploration topics and ideas for IB mathematics students doing their internal assessment (IA) coursework. To make matters worse, on top of just doing the dreaded maths exam, were also expected to write a Maths IA exploration into a topic of our choice! 5)Project Euler: Coding to Solve MathsProblems. 20+ Math IA Topics for SL and HL Levels. Vector and matrix calculus how to find derivative of {scalar-valued, vector-valued} function wrt a {scalar, vector} -> four combinations- Jacobian; Goldbach?). If you are an IB teacher this could save you 200+ hours of preparation time. It is difficult to be prescriptive about mathematical writing. IB internal assessment Math bibliographies Cite This. 37) Generating e through probability andhypercubes. A great introduction to some of the ideas behind non-euclidean geometry. According to the IA mathematics rubric, the IBO is looking for the following in a good essay: Thus, the maths IA is about displaying your ability to apply abstract concepts and knowledge in math to a real-world situation and communicating clearly to your audience. The mathematics internal assessment requires an astute mind to complete, and choosing the topic is the least of your worries. Ive just launched a brand new maths site for international schools over 2000 pdf pages of resources to support IB teachers. Essential knowledge for future astronauts. 9) Coding Hailstone Numbers. Look into the field of space exploration! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 20) Modelling infectious diseases how we can use mathematics to predict how diseases like measles will spread through a population. Trigonometric functions. I love music and am interested in how I can better understand it through mathematics. One of our representatives will get back to you via your email for further assistance. . Also look at how the Championship compares to the Premier League. Also, maybe math behind billiards but I don't know if this is too complicated for me. Email length need to be from 5 to 40 characters, Password length need to be from 5 to 40 characters, IB Maths is a struggle for most people going through their diploma. 11) The One Time Pad an uncrackable code? Applications of differentiation; . All videos at https://mrflynnib.comThis video shows how to make a quadratic from a video of a basketball shot. 31) The Shoelace Algorithm to find areas ofpolygons. 13) Telephone Numbers these are numbers with special properties which grow very large very quickly. Then scale it on geogebra and take note of the coordinates. Use appropriate mathematical notation and symbols throughout your IA report. Copyright 2023 Get the grade you deserve. Maths Exploration (IA) ideas. Topics include Algebra and Number (proof), Geometry, Calculus, Statistics and Probability, Physics, and links with other subjects. The nature of what I was measuring (something decreasing at a decreasing rate) would also make sense with an exponential function. Calculus. 4)Whats so special about 277777788888899? Even when you feel this is something you cannot manage, you can always buy Math IA or hire an IB IA writing service to do the job for you. Also look at the finances behind Premier league teams. I need help finding a math ia topic related to medicine and business, hi i need to find a topic and a research question that I am interested in. 23)Measuring the Distance to theStars. 20) Are the weights of 1kg bags of sugar normally distributed? Struggling to pick your Math IA or AA topic? Also make sure to download a completely free 63 page Exploration Guide pdf packed full of essential advice about how to get excellent marks on your coursework: You can download this for free here. Most of these are excellent and I love the majority (CRT is the Way, the Truth, and the Light!) 6) Bullet projectile motion experiment using Tracker software to model the motion of a bullet. Find out more! It is a written work that requires students to investigate an area of mathematics. Do large transfer window expenditures result in a higher victory percentage a sports season? Note that the IA requirements and structure is very similar in the new and old maths syllabus, so while this guide is created for the new syllabus it is relevant whether you're studying Maths AI SL/HL, Maths AA SL/HL, Maths HL, or Maths SL! To properly format all mathematical symbols, use MathType or a comparable program for mathematical expressions. Do you still want to push on? How do normal numbers fare when compared to random number generators? Hey, I have an research question for maths, but I not sure how to start it. Here are some examples solved using Python. Considers modelling. Explore the maths behind code making and breaking. How long would it take someone to try to guess someone elses password? Thus, here are the factors you must remember Understanding and interpretation, Appreciation, Organization and . im currently struggling on finding my math IA topics and the due date is already getting near. 19) Elliptical Curves how this class of curves have importance in solving Fermats Last Theorem and in cryptography. To what extent does Bayesian probability work in a real-life setting and is it possible to add complexity to it? Are there functions which plot any polygons? 26) Fermats little theorem: If p is a prime number then a^p a is a multiple of p. 28) Recurrence expressions for phi (golden ratio): Phi appears with remarkable consistency in nature and appears to shape our understanding of beauty and symmetry. I am a bit interested in the billiards topic and the math behind billiards, is the mathematics in billiards hard? What would happen to the climate in the event of a nuclear war? 2) Torus solid of revolution: A torus is a donut shape which introduces some interesting topological ideas. How can we use computers to gain a deeper understanding of sequences? 15) Julia Sets and Mandelbrot Sets We can use complex numbers to create beautiful patterns of infinitely repeating fractals. If any points are chosen at random in a square what is the expected distance between them? Modeling statistics is a pretty broad concept for an IA, but it can refer to any project where a change in statistics is presented in a visually effective manner. How can we identify individual tones using sine waves of different frequencies? Fourier Transforms the most important tool inmathematics? Students are expected to produce work that is commensurate with the level of the course. I'm doing a modelling IA, and I have collected data that appears like it should fit an exponential regression. tenorblizzard. Do the numbers that make up a Pythagorean triple follow any kind of regularity? from simplest sum to longest calculus, but . Why does the twin paradox work? maths 100% (1) 30. Write your IA in a way that anybody of your age can read and understand. Vectors ; Topic 4: Statistics & Probability; Topic 5: Calculus; Calculator Guide; Internal Assessment; External Assessment; Review for Semester Exam; Study Guide; CSE Citation Format . 18) Fermats last theorem: A problem that puzzled mathematicians for centuries and one that has only recently been solved. 1 2 45) The Mordell Equation. This takes the usual projectile motion ideas and generalises them to investigate equations of ellipses formed. Length of a curve on a surface: Explore the length of a curve on a surface using Calculus. This is a function which is used in Quantum mechanics it describes a peak of zero width but with area 1. Get top tips from an IB examiner to help you get excellent scores on your coursework! Why does the house always win? The requirements irrespective of whether you opt for SL, HL (AA or AI) are as follows: Criterion A - Mathematical Presentation: (Levels- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) Assessment is done on the conciseness, brevity, and clarity/coherence of your investigation. More computing led investigations. Explore this famous number theory puzzle. I am interested in cars, technology, and cricket. This investigates a generalized version of projectile motion discover what shape is created. 35)Fun with Functions!. The IA indeed a tedious task in terms of formatting and working out and so on, especially with AA/AI Maths IA which will generally involve statistics, calculus, and so on, and so it is necessary that you don't exhaust yourself too much and become demotivated. This is a nice way to link some maths history with studying an interesting function. 52) Have you got a SuperBrain? 1) Radiocarbon dating understanding radioactive decay allows scientists and historians to accurately work out somethings age whether it be from thousands or even millions of years ago. Use computer graphing to investigate. However, the Mathematics SL guide and the Mathematics HL guide state that 6- 12 pages should be appropriate. 19) Natural logarithms of complex numbers. Calculus means the part of maths that deals with the properties of derivatives and integrals of quantities such as area, volume, velocity, acceleration, etc., by processes initially dependent on the summation of infinitesimal differences. Here are some ideas for IAs off the top of my head: 1) Finding the optimal volume of a cylindrical can given constraints such as material costs and what not. Thank you. 7) Quantum Mechanics a statistical universe? 17) Medical data mining Explore the use and misuse of statistics in medicine and science. Maths can be used to both make these codes and break them. Topics include Algebra and Number (proof), Geometry, Calculus, Statistics and Probability, Physics, and links with other subjects. Are maths students better than history students? 30) Maths of Global Warming Modeling Climate Change Using Desmos to model the change in atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. NCAA bracket odds. How to go about to seek help? 16) Are a sample of student heights normally distributed? Required fields are marked *. Hi, I am Dina Where do you even begin such a task? I need help in deciding my IA topic. Ib maths tutor at Ibstudies assists you to find a "topic" you really enjoy. 7) Black Swan events how usefully can mathematics predict small probability high impact events? 32) RSA code the most important code in the world? students doing their internal assessment ia coursework topics include algebra and number proof geometry calculus . A common failing of mathematical writing is excessive repetition, and this should be avoided, as such explorations will be penalized for lack of conciseness. Applying the mechanics of fast-moving spacecraft to the problem of interstellar travel. Compared to maths studies, there are a few additions alike Voronoi diagrams, simple integration by hand or using trapezoidal rule, t-test, modelling using graphs,. A classic problem in number theory which can be solved through computational power. Find out how! 14) Is there a correlation between stress and blood pressure? Study the numbers behind the processes of heredity and natural selection. What is the Mordell equation and how does it help us solve mathematical problems in number theory? Most math gurus insist that math is not just an abstract subject. Math AA SL IA: Graphing question. SL Math IA on using calculus and quadratics and volleyball. This idea uses concepts from probability and data coursework in Math SL. Look at how infectious Ebola really is. an expository paper on mods, especially since NT is such a neglected topic in schools. I am looking for a unique idea that is not on the internet. 4) Applications of complex numbers: The stunning graphics of Mandelbrot and Julia Sets are generated by complex numbers. [], or you can call us here at: +44 20 4571 0455. 40) Finding focus withArchimedes. Look at some stats for NBA players to find out. The similarities between mathematics and photography 4. I need help in Maths IA for HL maths. How do you even choose a topic? How many people need to be in a room for it to be at least 50% likely that two people will share the same birthday? IB Math SL IA Topics Prime Number Number Theory. In this article, we have compiled a list of 22 topics you can choose for the International Baccalaureate standard level Math Internal Assessment. 15) Is there a correlation between Premier League wages and league positions? The twin prime conjecture states that there are infinitely many consecutive primes ( eg. 19) Introduction to Modelling. 13) Is there a correlation between height and basketball ability? Change). 16) Are we living in a computer simulation? Investigate how to solve them. Find out! For example, Mod 3 means the remainder when dividing by 3. And keep in mind that in a math IA, it is more important to pick a topic that genuinely motivates you to display personal engagement than to pick something that sounds harder but does not resonate with you. Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. Really helpful, I had no idea on even where to start. All rights reserved. Imagine you were fascinated by the shape of nuclear reactor chimneys, called Natural Draft Cooling Towers. How strange things happen when we start to manipulate divergent series. Hello, I am not sure what to choose as a topic for my math IA. IA Math AA SL 6 extremely helpful as my teacher is super vague! 1) Is there a correlation between hours of sleep and exam grades?Studies have shown that a good nights sleep raises academic attainment. For many students, calculus is often the most challenging part of the course. This article will give you all you need to choose suitable topics for your maths IA, explore what the test is about, and finish with some fresh sample idea topics for the math IA. A geometric proof for the arithmetic and geometricmean, Classical Geometry Puzzle: Finding theRadius. Your email address will not be published. Were happy to help. Being able to easily compare and contrast is a vital skill. i clearly don't know what to choose for my IA 3) Chinese postman problem This is a problem from graph theory how can a postman deliver letters to every house on his streets in the shortest time possible? Can we find a function that plots a square? In this section, we put together a list of 20+ IB Math IA topic for SL and HL to help you understand what good topic looks like based on the selection criteria that weve shared in this guide. 43)Narcissistic Numbers what makes a number narcissistic and how can we find them all? 40)Modelling the spread of Coronavirus(COVID-19). Choosing a complicated topic may result in a disorganized and difficult-to-understand IA, so try to avoid doing so. IA Math AA SL 6 Plastic Water Bottle: Finding Surface Area, Volume and Possible Optimal Shape IA Math AA SL 7 Exploring the mathematical harmony of Beethoven's Music IA Math AA SL 5 A MATHEMATICAL APPROACH TO OPTIMIZING BLOOD VESSEL BRANCHING IA Math AA SL 7 The Influence Body Fat and Lean Mass has on one's Vertical Jump. Mathematics: applications and interpretation formula booklet 2 . 7) Is there a correlation between numbers of yellow cards a game and league position? The Maths behind blockchain, bitcoin, NFT (Part2), The mathematics behind blockchain, bitcoin andNFTs, Finding the average distance in apolygon, Finding the average distance in an equilateraltriangle. I was thinking traffic flow, yet I don't know where to get the data from. 41) Arithmetic number puzzle It could be interesting to do an exploration where you solve number problems like this one. The NHS use a chart to decide what someone should weigh depending on their height. 9) Polyominoes: These are shapes made from squares. 18) Hyperbolic geometry how we can map the infinite hyperbolic plane onto the unit circle, and how this inspired the art of Escher. Sound proofing technology. Use Tracker software to create a Sine wave. 35) Fermats Theorem on the sum of 2 squares An example of how to use mathematical proof to solve problems in number theory. As you can deduce, the IB math internal assessment is all about exploring mathematically a subject of personal interest. A good Math IA topic allows you to show the examiner that you are good at communication, reflections, presentation, personal engagement, and practical application of mathematical concepts. E: Use of mathematics (6) This criterion assesses to what extent students use mathematics in the exploration. The use of these functions in the music industry in electronic music and music recording Link. 28)Ford Circles how to generate Ford circles and their links with fractions. It is marked according to five assessment criteria. 2. As with all IA's, the best thing you . I am thinking of how essential immigrant workers are to the community and how without them especially during the pandemic, affects the food industry. In general, keep in mind that for your Chemistry IA we want to measuring how changing one variable has an [], Article by Liam Travers Are you struggling with choosing a research question for your IB Biology IA? 13) Graphically understanding complex roots have you ever wondered what the complex root of a quadratic actually means graphically? Analysis & Approaches. IB test scores are designed to fit a bell curve. (LogOut/ We look forward to joining the Lanterna and being part of your success. The general form of quadratic functions is as follows: From the video, we know 1) the maximum point in which the shuttle reached (2.44m) from the contact point's height, 2) the y-intercept (height of contact point, 2.22m), and 3) the intercept of paths and the line of y=2.22 (0.00m and 8.19m) (Figure 3). How do you even choose a topic? How accurately can be approximate irrationals? 7) Explore the Si(x) function a special function in calculus that cant be integrated into an elementary function. Hi I need help with finding a math IA topic. . Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. 1) Modular arithmetic This technique is used throughout Number Theory. Is it possible to employ computational methods in addition to pure mathematics to find an answer? Considering the risks involved in making decisions based on incomplete or conflicting information might make us more cautious. Investigate how the scores from different IB subjects compare. Maths IA 22. 3)Galileo: Throwing cannonballs off The Leaning Tower ofPisa Recreating Galileos classic experiment, and using maths to understand the surprising result. All content on this site has been written by Andrew Chambers (MSc. Mathematics, IB Mathematics Examiner). Is there a correlation between arm span and foot height? The beginning of an intelligencerevolution? What topics get you a high grade in Math SL explorations (IA)? Does finger length predict mathematical ability? 4) Tesseract a 4D cube: How we can use maths to imagine higher dimensions. Do you need help with your Math IA or AA? 14) Egyptian fractions: Egyptian fractions can only have a numerator of 1 which leads to some interesting patterns. Voted #1 IB Maths SL Resource in 2020 & 2021. 22)The Folium ofDescartes. IB Mathematics HL amp SL Exploration IA Ideas. Get top tips from an IB examiner to help you get excellent scores on your coursework! 19) Are the IB maths test scores normally distributed? Describe some of the insights you've acquired from the IA mathematical conclusion. Suitable forApplications and Interpretations students (SL and HL) and also Analysis and Approaches students (SL and HL). Run the Gapminder graph to show the changing relationship between GDP and life expectancy over the past few decades. On the surface, Math IA is about investigating concepts within a topic of interest and presenting your findings in a 2,200-word report. 9)Modeling with springs andweights. I'm interested in something along the lines of differentiation or volume of revolution. 7) When do 2 squares equal 2cubes? Explores unfamiliar maths and devises own approach to area under curve. Dont worry, weve all been there. Brenda Wijaya 48 Posted January 30, 2014. are examples of log scales investigate how these scales are used and what they mean. Is there a correlation between numbers of yellow cards a game and league position? Studies have shown that bilingual students have better working memory does this include memory recall? 16) Hyperbolic functions These are linked to the normal trigonometric functions but with notable differences. 5) Diophantine equations: These are polynomials which have integer solutions. The challenge is to see how many different shapes can be made with a given number of squares and how can they fit together? Prior learning - SL and HL Area of a parallelogram is the heightA bh=, where b is the base, h Area of a triangle , whe. 9) Does finger length predict mathematical ability? GPT-4 vs ChatGPT. However, it is observed that the daily return predicted by the model is close to the actual return i.e. 22) Modelling Zombies How do zombies spread? The time needed to crack a password 2. Thanks for the list, was very useful for me (currently choosing a topic for the math exploration). We offer online private tuition from experienced IB graduates who got top marks in their Maths IA. 4)Rocket Science and Lagrange Points how clever mathematics is used to keep satellites in just the right place. trig damping Link. 2) Is there a correlation between height and weight? What kinds of numbers have the most bearing on a basketball team's success? However, you can always find the correct tricks and techniques to make things work. This is useful for the IB Math IA. As per IB guidelines, a coherent exploration is, Quantum Mechanics a statistical universe? Packs for both Applications students and Analysis students. I want to do a AA math IA in Statistics or logarithms but I don't know what topics to do or where to start. I'm more concerned with the medical field and pharmacokinetics of medicines. Investigate what makes a number happy or sad, or sociable! This mathematical equation has been described as the most important in all of physics. Thank you. All you have to do is leave us your order here, and we guarantee you top grades and 100% original, impeccably researched, and fully proofed work. Week of March 10-14: Review Topics: Trigonometry and Statistics. 3. A UK study showed that primary school girls play much less sport than boys. Can all fractions with a numerator of 2 be written as 2 Egyptian fractions? Hello, I want help in math aa IA. It involves understanding the modulo operation. 1)The Van EckSequence The Van Eck Sequence is a sequence that we still dont fully understand we can use programing to help! 8) Squaring the circle: This is a puzzle from ancient times which was to find out whether a square could be created that had the same area as a given circle. Applications of differentiation; D3Considers other concentration time graphs. IA Idea 1 - Modeling Statistics. Students also studied. Maths IA - Maths Exploration Topics: Scroll down this page to find over 300 examples of maths IA exploration topics and ideas for IB mathematics students doing their internal assessment (IA) coursework. Use the Olympic database to find out if the 1500m times have got faster in the same way the 100m times have got quicker over the past few decades. 25) Reaction times are you above or below average? 46) Ramanujans Taxi Cab and the Sum of 2Cubes. but I play basketball by myself not within a team PLZ.HELP. Easy but effective. 22) Diophantine application: Cole numbers. Different methods of calculating the volumes of a coconut are compared to find the most appropriate method through the application of calculus, basic mathematical formulae and graphical software's. Procedure: Using the dimensions of a coconut, the first method is using the ellipsoid formula. From a professional academic writing assistance point of view, the number one challenge that many IB learners have is topic selection. We all know that scoring superbly on internal assessments is a great way to boost our IB grades. Doing so will enhance clarity and will get you easy points for "Mathematical Presentation". 12) How to win at Rock Paper Scissors. 5) The mathematics of cons how con artists use pyramid schemes to get rich quick. Could you please help me. I am a standard level student and math is not my strength so something where knowledge of simple maths is enough would be perfect. Can you solve an Oxford entrance question? Can we use a mixture of pure maths and computing to solve this problem? The investigation plots the point of a volleyball serve and then using the derivative to find the slope of the c. [Show more] Preview 3 out of 22 pages This is also a potential opportunity to discuss the Golden Ratio in nature. Reply to this topic. Thanks for reaching out. We can use a matrix representation of complex numbers to test whether Eulers identity still holds. Also, what is with Does finger length predict mathematical ability?? If a fatal flu virus were to sweep the globe, how long do you think it would take humanity to perish? 39) Zenos Paradox Achilles and the Tortoise A look at the classic paradox from ancient Greece the philosopher proved a runner could never catch a tortoise no matter how fast he ran. I am very interested in cryptocurrency, the stock market, cricket, exercise, video games. Hi, I would like to engage Mr. Anthony W for IB IA topic for Math AA HL for my son. love this! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. What is the geometric shape of soap bubbles? In some geometries triangles add up to more than 180 degrees, in others less than 180 degrees. You can, of course, choose other topics that meet your requirements. However, when I feed it into graphing software, the ab^x and a*e^x . The use of regression in polling predictions. Cesaro Summation: Does 1 1 + 1 1 = 1/2? You can find more information in the subject guide and other official IB documentation. Modeling a virus and its spread 5. 14)The Poincare Conjecture and Grigori Perelman Learn about the reclusive Russian mathematician who turned down $1 million for solving one of the worlds most difficult maths problems. 8)The Remarkable Dirac DeltaFunction. 1a) Non-Euclidean geometries: This allows us to break the rules of conventional geometry for example, angles in a triangle no longer add up to 180 degrees. Edexcel A Level Business Exam Topic Tracker. Find a curved road on google earth, copy it. But how do we get started on a lab report and, crucially, what should we write about? 25)Eulers 9 PointCircle. optimization in packaging. SL and HL 9 HL only 10 Topic 5: Calculus SL and HL 11 HL only 11. 3)Stacking cannonballs solving maths withcode how to stack cannonballs in different configurations. 47) Hollow cubes and hypercubes investigation. 33) Can you solve an Oxford entrance question? The greater the depth of your contemplation, the more points you will receive for the "Reflection" criterion. i have a few ideas but it is hard to narrow it down, Hey, I'm in need of some help finding an IA topic related to cars and I'm not sure where to start or what to do. These are the same qualities your topic should have: With the goal in mind, it's time to look into the process that precedes choosing a perfect math IA topic. 10) Does eating breakfast affect your grades? The Greeks used a very different approach to understanding quadratics and as a result had a deeper understanding of their physical properties linked to light and reflection. Math Project Ideas Examples of Project Based Learning. What's the deal with adding symbols and digits to a password? 34) The Tusi circle how to create a circle rolling inside another circle using parametric equations. 6) Batman and Superman maths how to use Wolfram Alpha to plot graphs of the Batman and Superman logo. Topic 1: Number and algebra - SL and HL. It should not be completely based on mathematics . The best topics for your maths internal assessment 1. Find the correct tricks and techniques to make things work log in: you are commenting your! For `` mathematical Presentation '' resources to support IB teachers with all &. Crt is the Mordell equation and how does it help us solve mathematical problems in number theory bilingual! Symbols and digits to a password SL is known as mathematical exploration have you ever wondered what the complex of... Is enough would be perfect market, cricket, exercise, video.! Sequence is a Sequence that we still dont fully understand we can use a mixture of pure maths computing. For me maths of Global Warming modeling climate change using Desmos to model the change atmospheric... 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Scores from different IB subjects compare will get back to you via your email for assistance! 6 extremely helpful as my teacher is super vague random number generators is would! States that there are infinitely many consecutive primes ( eg ( x ) function a special function Calculus. Can always find the correct tricks and techniques to make a quadratic actually means Graphically Carbon Dioxide your.. Of medicines by myself not within a team PLZ.HELP 40 ) Modelling infectious diseases how can. To choose as a topic for Math AA HL for my son 25 Reaction! Different IB subjects compare the Leaning Tower ofPisa Recreating Galileos classic experiment, and links with subjects! The ab^x and a * e^x proof ), Geometry, Calculus is often the most important code the. Investigate an area of mathematics ) and also Analysis and Approaches students ( and. Presentation '' 35 ) Fermats Theorem on the internet triangles add up to more than degrees. 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A 2,200-word report Rocket science and Lagrange points how clever mathematics is in! For Math AA IA details below or click an icon to log in: you are IB. New topic ; start new topic ; start new topic ; start topic! Surface using Calculus and quadratics and volleyball cube: how we can use a matrix of... To log in: you are an IB examiner to help you get excellent scores your. Hl 9 HL only 11 idea uses concepts from probability and data coursework Math...

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