kroot mercenaries codex

Taken as a whole, Kroot Mercenaries are great at grabbing objectives and closing on a melee-vulnerable rival due to their high speed. The Kroot have somehow inherited the ability to incorporate useful DNA codes into their own genetic makeup. Fast Attack: Rough Riders Combined with this method of communication, the Kroot can learn new languages at an astounding rate, matching posture and tone to the sound of foreign words in order to discern their meaning. Id argue they were good then, as with at least a couple of forests on our tables and Infiltrate they were always able to benefit from their Fieldcraft rule (+1 cover save and they could see further through forests). Kroot mature quickly, with their most rapid period of growth occurring in the first ten years of their lives. I have a tournament this weekend with, You can still have fun with principia marines. Ill talk about a couple of the highlights of these models, which will give you a pretty good idea as to why you dont see them on the tabletop if youre not familiar with Tau auxiliaries. <> [Needs Citation]. HQ: Corsair Prince During an early sphere of expansion, the T'au encountered the forces of the Imperium of Man. Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the Chaos logo. So thats something. It still doesnt make Kroot interesting on the tabletop, but its at least a start. A dedicated fandex for either stand-alone, or mercenary Kroot. Im going to dispense with the sarcasm now its not really my style but you can see why the Kroot make Tau players just a little jaded. Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Eavy Metal. It appears that the larger, frontal hemisphere controls the functions of logic, reasoning and memory while the rear, less developed hemisphere is more attuned to imagination and creativity. [Needs Citation], Kroot are tall and their bodies have a wiriness to them that appears deceptively fragile. The Kroot are a relatively primitive race operating in tribes known as Kindreds and living in the most basic of buildings constructed from animal hides and . JD21290, warpcrafter, MarvinGayeIsMyDaddy, Ratbarf. Same as in the Farsight Enclave Codex, Elites: XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Team In 9th edition, the Kroot simply do not offer anything of value to the competitive Tau player. 4 0 obj Same as in the Farsight Enclave Codex. This modification quickly became standard for all Kroot. WS 5 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld9 Sv 4+ 55 Points. a modest proposal. You need to forward this article onto GW in hopes that they take a hint! WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld9 Sv 5+ 60 Points, Wargear: Kroot rifle or Bolt pistol or Shuriken pistol, Close combat weapon, Frag grenades, Special Rules: Independent Character, Mark of the Favoured Child (4+ Invulnerable Save), Stealth, Acute Senses, Move Through Cover, Infiltrate, Fleet. Each Kroot Shaper is armed with a Kroot rifle (30 Rapid Fire 1 S4 AP0 D1 or Melee S+1 AP0 D1) and a ritual blade (Melee S [User] AP0 D1). Enjoy! Same as in the Eldar Codex, Troops: Kabalite Warriors 6+. Kroot Mercenary armylist. Kroot dont do anything particularly well on the tabletop. Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. One attack and leadership six are both likewise very underwhelming, giving the unit one of the worst overall statlines in the game. Here is the master shaper You know what they say kids, drive it like its a rental. on: function(evt, cb) { <> Codex: Kroot Mercenaries Version 5.85 fCodex: Kroot Mercenaries V5.85 By Kompletely Kroot Dedicated to Andy Hoare Version 5.85 15th of February 2010 It is the intention of this document to take the original 3rd edition 40K Kroot Mercenary army list written by Andy Hoare and update it to 5th edition 40K, We took many different ideas as I know that this article has been something of a downer. The Kroot Hounds became faster and leaner but, like the Krootox, their intelligence was reduced, becoming little more than vicious predators. The same cannot be said for the topic of this weeks article, the Kroot Carnivores. [Needs Citation], The Kroot head is crowned with a great mass of tough, flexible quills that appear to be a part of the Kroot's sensory apparatus. I hate when people devote too much time to something that they can't even shower. Elites:Sslyth Pack Same as in the Orks Codex, Elites: Warbikers The Shaper may take melta bombs for +5 points. Swift muscle contractions create a whiplash effect, allowing the Kroot to deliver powerful blows with great rapidity. 2 0 obj Replace Kroot rifle with one of the following: Storm bolter for +5 points, Flamer for +6 points, Meltagun for +13 points or Plasma gun for +15 points. A dedicated fandex for either stand-alone, or mercenary Kroot. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Click to read on or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies. Just a quick heads up to everyone that Version 5.82 is now up. Advertisement ITC 2021 Season 40K & AoS Tournament Format, How should GW retire the First-Born Space Marines? Same as in the Dark Eldar Codex, Elites: XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team Theyre not going to be beating up anything big and nasty, but its certainly a start. The olfactory cavity within the Kroot skull is also enlarged, with multiple sense organs within both it and the mouth. A movement of 7 makes them reasonably quick, although not exceptionally so. callback: cb document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A very useful write up , I am new to Tau , and given the cost of larger models ,, Hello, Just curious if 3-man, 5-man, and 8-man team events are intended to be factored into ITC this year 2023?, Thanks for reading/watching! Kroot used to be a faction of their own, as of an In Nomine Imperatoris article in the White Dwarf, way back in 3rd edition when the Tau were brand new. Cost: +1 Point/Model Weapon skill 3+ and ballistic skill 4+ are likewise acceptable, but not particularly impressive. The bladed rifles the Carnivores carry pull double duty - effective in close combat as well as at range - making this one of the most versatile and adaptable kill teams in the game. [1] The Tau Empire 's military forces frequently incorporate auxiliary troops, recruited from conquered worlds during the Damocles Crusade. { Required fields are marked *. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown 43 7 : Inquisitor Rulebook , pg. 1 0 obj Elites:Headhunter Kindred,Stalker Kindred,Knarloc Rider Herd,Shaper Council,Ratlings,Ogryns,Scout Sentinel Squadron,Heavy Weapons Squad,Flash Gitz,Nobz,Warbikers,Lootas, Wyches,Mandrakes,Vyper Squadron,Scourges,XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team,Stealth Team,Pathfinder Team,XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Team, Sslyth Pack Elites: Ratlings Codex: Kroot Mercenaries - Index of. That Kroot Rifle? This helps them slot in a lot more units in a Detachment. Kroot are natural hunters, using the terrain of the battlefield to their advantage. The habits of the Kroot are still tolerated, at least so long as they don't eat fallen Tau warriors. A Warhammer 40,000 Codex for narrative campaigns KROOT MERCENARIES Written by Stuart Mackaness Layout and Support by Andrew Fish This is not an official codex. Next, there is the Kroot hunting rifle. U1g+V$*VTX?#0*H5? It is suspected that the Kroot can alter the properties of this secretion in order to leave pheromone trails, mark territories, leave warnings and even communicate with one another. The "return to nature" thing is a neat idea. Heavy Support: Hammerhead Gunship EN. Given here are the details of those rules. I know Kroot had been known to work for most anyone, some bands of Orks, Humans, and Eldar have done it too. I will write up something on the Pheromancer this weekend. ); KROOT KINDREDS. If a snazzgun is taken it may be given any of the following upgrades: More dakka for +5 points, Shootier for +5 points and Blastas for +5 points. . (LogOut/ Special rules from other codices are included in this codex for ease of use. Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marine - Astraeus Super Heavy Tank . But Im going to end on a positive note. This is a combined resource, taking everything that GW has released for the Kroot Mercenaries and combining it into one book with a new style I've come up with. They are the nearest thing the Tau codex gets to a counter-charge unit. WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld 9 Sv 5+ 22 Points/Model, Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Move Through Cover, Infiltrate, Fleet. They travel the galaxy taking limited contracts from both major and minor races, and are regularly employed by the Tau. Although this list does not cover every single possible mercenary unit, it does cover those units most likely to be present in a mercenary army, to minimise the potential abuse of being able to take the best from each mercenary armys codex. However the illusions were extremely vulnerable to psychic attacks and would dispel back into thin air when hit by one. Within this 39 page (40 if you include the sweet cover page) Warhammer 40k mini-dex you will find: -Background -Modeling section -Army List (including 1 Special Character) Im a fan of the Kroot. This message was edited 15 times. Same as in the Astra Militarum Codex except that: May only be taken if the army includes a Rogue Trader or a Mercenary Captain. However, it really isnt much to write home about, and Tau players usually have bigger fish to fry when it comes to spending Command Points. Same as in the Apocalypse Book except that: Its unit type is Monstrous Creature and it has the Scout rule. If Commander Farsight is included then Pathfinder Teams may be changed to Fast Attack choices, XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Teams may be changed to Heavy Support choicesand Hammerhead Gunships can be taken as Heavy Support choices. Heavy Support: Fire Prism Kroot are truly exemplary as a showcase of Tau design in 9E- outdated, inapplicable, and not even good to begin with. They see it as their life's duty to absorb the many genetic traits across the Galaxy, and betraying a client would jeopardize this mission. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The process is not an exact science and there are many examples where it has gone awry, leaving some trapped in evolutionary cul-de-sacs, the Krootox and Kroot Hounds being the most visible evidence of this. The biggest difference is the Shaman stuff, but that's just representing what there is in Apoc, really. Same as in the Farsight Enclave Codex, Fast Attack: Loxatl Magnate-General Constantine Beaumont, The Shaper may replace its Close combat weapon with one of the following: power weapon for +15 points or eviscerator for +25 points. Ive yet to mention Kroot Hounds, Krootox Riders, or the Kroot Shaper. From the sounds of it, Lady Atia was almost hinting at a Mercenaries Codex for everyone to dabble into, with maybe some specifics for T'au to pick from (like Vespid). If he chooses to take a unit of Kroot, a Tau player must take at least ten models. Three Kroot kindred were involved in the attack. Your email address will not be published. Same as the unit from the Infantry Platoon in the Astra Militarum Codex, Elites: Kommandos Before long, the Kroot's foot soldiers joined the T'au to fight across the Empire. The Kroot are expert jungle-fighters and trackers, who can be found fighting as mercenaries across the Ultima Segmentum and beyond. The Kroot are woefully under-powered, offering nothing in terms of offensive capability, nothing in terms of defensive capability, nothing in terms of board control, and nothing in terms of interesting stratagems or abilities. Kroot who have fed on Dark Eldar, for example, soon begin to show signs of the cunning and intense cruelty the Dark Eldar are known for. Unfortunately, the three units that I mention above offer Tau players little incentive to take them on the tabletop. Oaka's 8th Edition Kroot Mercenary Counts-As Ynnari Codex Kroot of the Dark Talon painting and modelling blog : 2015/07/31 21:33:29 Subject: Re:Kroot Mercenary . In the lore, Kroot are skilled, cunning hunters with ferocious combat ability. KROOT CODEX Author Inquisitior Rules The Kroot Kindreds Codex The Kroot Hunters of The Kroot Weapon lists Kroot Kroot Rifle Hunters Rifle Ritual Blade Long Blade Short Blade Aeldari Shuriken Pistol Aeldari Blade Shuriken Catapult Imperium Power sword Boltgun Plasma pistol Chaos Lightning Claw Flamer Shotgun Orks Slugga Choppa Power Stabba Should anything inorganic and indigestible be consumed, the Kroot must regurgitate it, with considerable discomfort. I did a GT and went 4-2 with firstborn only (aside from, Frankly, while I don't expect much from primaris upgrades to characters, I think he ended up better than we could. Kroot Mercenaries Tactica I have realised there was an increase in the number of Kroot mercenaries players on this forum, and decided we all could throw together a Tactica for other interested players. Heavy Support: Looted Tank [Needs Citation], However the strangest quirk of Kroot digestion is their ability to extract potentially useful strands of their food's DNA. (function() { Your efforts have truly been for the greater good. Based upon the amazing community made Kroot Mercenaries Codex created by the talented guys over at the Kompletely Kroot forums. Theyre even less durable than Pathfinders, which really takes some doing. The primary weapon deployed by the Kroot is a rifle whose design is derived from the fighting staffs used by their ancestors. HQ: ShasEl Commander Same as in the Astra Militarum Codex, Fast Attack: Stormboyz Same as in the Eldar Codex, Elites: Scourges Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. HQ: Master Shaper Any rules that are not in the Warhammer 40,000 main rule book will be stated in this Kill Team list. Of course, thats very unlikely to happen, but we can dream. The Kroot Rifle is not the only weapon the Kroot make use of. HQ: Rogue Trader Same as Court of the Archon from the Dark Eldar Codex except that: Troops: Kroot Carnivore Kindred I dearly love the Kroot from when I played Tau in 4th ed. Now lets get down to brass tacks. It is a neat way to pivot onto an objective to grab it after your opponent has had their chance to remove the Kroot. Timing is the key here, any move by an ObSec unit just before your next Command Phase is potentially VP gold. Same as in the Astra Militarum Codex, Troops: Ork Boyz EN. Kroot are, to be blunt, unusably bad. At some point in their evolutionary history, both subspecies of Kroot fed upon creatures that were possessed of traits they wished to take on, but, in doing so, atrophied their intelligence. Going back towards that would be my vote, and aligns with what you described: extra defence when in cover, more attacks, etc. Think there's a better photo of them in the previous codex, but really want to paint mine like that and wondering which paints I'll need EATERS OF THE DEAD Today we talk about the first of the Troop choices from the Tau codex, Kroot Carnivores. The warlord of a mercenary detachment may place a bounty on an enemy unit at the beginning of the owning players turn. Heavy Support: Greater Knarloc Pack If a Freebooter Kaptin is included then Warbikers may be changed to Fast Attack choices, Lootas may be changed to Heavy Support choicesand Looted Tanks can be taken as Heavy Support choices. Take melta bombs for +5 points. <>/Metadata 2004 0 R/ViewerPreferences 2005 0 R>> Nice job, very slick! Losing the ability to trigger For the Greater Good would have been bad enough but a 50% points increase crippled them beyond any use. Cost: +1 Point/Model The kroot are in the Xenos 2 index and will be in the Tau codex later this year. So, if you wanted as close to an 'official' Codex short of using the Tau and IA rules . If a Master Shaper is included then Knarloc Rider Herds may be changed to Fast Attack choices, Shaper Councils may be changed to Heavy Support choicesand Greater Knarloc Packs can be taken as Heavy Support choices. They retain vestigial beaks and have a light, almost hollow bone structure, with four digits on each hand and foot. That really fixes all their problems as a CC unit and they are quite capable of putting the hurt onto common targets such as Intercessors and exposed characters. event : evt, Email address: 9E Tau Codex Review: Troops: Kroot Carnivores. It, along with many other issues, were recently uncovered during some housecleaning. % In fact, theres a pretty good argument to be made that Kroot have never been a competitive choice for a Tau player. I didnt intend it to be when I first started writing, but thats just the way it goes sometimes. A project I started attempting to bring the Kroot Mercenaries into TTS as a playable army. That seems a bit rough for 15 pts. forms: { Eaters of the Dead Kroot are extremely voracious carnivores and will often feast on the flesh of the . It would allow for small alien units to be added to every Codex assortment. Medicore model . But the Kroot havent been good for a good while. 131 $j ?T`~_. stream Ambush: The kindred may be deployed via deep strike into a piece of area terrain. . Elites: Stalker Kindred If a Rogue Trader is included then Scout Sentinel Squadrons may be changed to Fast Attack choices, Heavy Weapons Squads may be changed to Heavy Support choicesand Leman Russescan be taken as Heavy Support choices. [17], The Kroot believe in a variety of gods, including Vawk and Gmork who are credited with creating the universe.[13a]. In fact, their only special rule is Stealthy Hunters, which allows them to make a 7 movement at the start of the first battle round, ending more than 9 from any enemy units. !Sponsor Link!!! They clearly havent had any proper attention from GW for a good while now. a modest proposal. This is a combined resource, taking everything that GW has released for the Kroot Mercenaries and combining it into one book with a new style I've come up with. Same as the Kroot Carnivore Squad from the Tau Empire Codex except that it gains the following options: The Shaper may replace its Kroot rifle with one of the following: Storm bolter for +5 points or Flamer for +6 points. If a Mercenary Captain is included then Scout Sentinel Squadrons may be changed to Fast Attack choices, Heavy Weapons Squads may be changed to Heavy Support choicesand Leman Russescan be taken as Heavy Support choices. [5], Kroot who have turned green, muscly and boisterous, after eating a fungal diet of Orks. What does a Kroot infantry model offer in terms of an armor save? This adaptation affects the base toughness that determines whether an attack causes Instant Death due to being double thetoughness of the target. Ignore the normal penalty for deep striking into dense terrain and deploy the unit as normal. endobj The way to fix this is to redo the classic Kroot Mercs codex. They even have 3 bespoke Warlord Traits they can use, too. Lets keep the increase to Strength, and lets add an extra attack and an extra point of AP. Lets take this theme and run with it. Therefore, the Kroot make excellent trackers and would be extremely difficult to sneak up on. The warlord is then free to nominate a new target with another bounty. (In fact, body-for-body, a Strike Team will generally outfight Kroot in close combat.) Bold: The unit gains +1 Ld. Kroot Mercenaries - The Lost Hey everybody, remember Kroot Mercenaries? The playtesters are all playtested out, the proofreader's eyes are sore and we've had a lot of fun with this one. This page was last edited on 30 March 2023, at 22:51. The units in the Kroot army list use a number of special rules that are common to more than one Kroot unit. (LogOut/ } Oaka's 8th Edition Kroot Mercenary Counts-As Ynnari Codex Kroot of the Dark Talon painting and modelling blog Exalt This Post +1 2016/11/19 17:35:41 Subject: Kroot Mercenaries of the Dark Talon Army Blog (New Kroot Hounds November 19, 2016) Ynneadwraith Agile Revenant Titan 74 Gallery Images Gallery Votes: 12 Posts: 3501 Joined: 2016/09/14 12:55:34 In the lore, Kroot are skilled, cunning hunters with ferocious combat ability. In sentient species such as Orks and Humans, they may also take on cultural aspects of that race as well. (5 IgT.wXm0f UjR)5baS'TWpm; 6a03^1IUU:fx6nBf}swCZZG` ;Uf!r]a. If this is indeed the case, it would go some way to explaining the pragmatic approach to life of the Kroot and their current technological stagnation. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { [Needs Citation], The Kroot generate little in the way of waste, excreting in the form of a pungent, oily sweat that has a variety of properties, depending on what the Kroot has consumed. [Needs Citation], The Kroot are renowned as mercenaries, and despite being mistrusted by most in the Imperium are very faithful to their contractors. It is a supplementary army list for use with Tempus Fugitive events and should not be considered in any way official outside of those events. 3 0 obj A full-size squad of Kroot puts out fewer attacks than a basic unit of Intercessors, and with worse AP and other statlines to boot, and yet are still more than half again the price.-. Troops: Scavenger Kindred It is also common for Kroot from each kindred to have particular tribal markings painted onto their skin. 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