knowing the will of god in marriage'' pastor adeboye

I feel so blessed and encouraged. Its been around for millennia, so what more can be said that hasnt already been said? Many books on Christian marriage have been written, but most assume that the Bible puts men in a leadership role, while women are to be submissive. He became one of the interpreters translating Pa Akindayomis sermons from Yoruba to English. The Lord told him that this man who was not a member of the church then, would be a young educated man. You won't find what we offer any where else. God cannot contradict His Word. That unity of purpose builds unity in marriage, as the two of you work together in serving the Lord. I really believe he is depressed (only at home) and cant move, wont help me at all at home. This pursuit for God led him to the Church Missionary Society where he was baptized in 1927. (USA) I am the wife of a Pastor. Required fields are marked *. He can speak to you through the inner voice or witness (1 Kings 19:12). When you are in God (born again) and allow God to rule your heart, it will be easier for you to hear Him and follow His leading when its time for you to start a marital relationship. This new requirement was announced in a memo dated 10 May 2018, and signed by Pastor J.F Adesola, Assistant General Overseer (Admin and Personnel). If there is a storm in your marriage be sure He is already in before the storm comes, He will take care of the situation. However, each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself (Ephesians 5:25-33), It is important to love your wife as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her, because you have entered into covenant with her and with God. God bless u sir. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. His interests are divided. If youre committed to doing what God wants, He will give you a partner who wants to do His will as you wait on Him. She didto the cabin back in the mountains (Readers Digest[1/81], p. 118)! 00:00. Just Me, I believe you. And maybe lift a hand now and then in the practical sense to help her with her what sounds like an exhaustive life, if that is possible for you to do. Your marriage is another vehicle that God wants to use to draw others to Himself. He instituted marriage; He is the manufacturer of marriage, so He knows marriage inside out. We could learn about faith and service from Rebekah. Knowing Gods will in marriage - Save the World Ministry Memorise: "And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. He said that He the Lord would meet all the needs of the church in an awesome way if only members would serve Him faithfully and be obedient to His Word. One reason many fail to receive Gods will is because they have set up an idol in their hearts. As others observe how you treat your wife, the love of the Lord should be evident. God will not give you what will hurt or harm you! Or we get into our established routine, and it takes a catastrophe for God to get our attention so He can let us know what He wants us to do. Neither were/are theirs. This went on for seven years during which all the business ventures that he tried resulted into failure. But youll never know Gods direction that way. You wont find a godly mate in bars. Learn how your comment data is processed. He was ordained a pastor of the church in 1975. You can be sure that when you see your spouse you will shout this is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh and you will give her that divine name!same for ladies too, when Eve saw Adam, she wasnt looking for a dog to marry! Thats why seeing your marriage as ministry may require an intentional shift of perspective. (From the book, Because I Said Forever). God can use anything. The church continued to meet at 9 Willoughby Street until they were able to acquire some land thereby witnessing a relocation to the present site of the Headquarters of the church at 1-5 Redemption Way, Ebute-Metta, Lagos (formerly 1a, Cemetery Street). Pray for it. At the end of this week, Mr. The point of this story in its context is to show Israel the importance of maintaining their purity as Gods people when they entered Canaan. The quality of the decision made is dependent on the quality of information used. As Dr Charles Swindoll says, Marriage is the foundation of family life. Jesus says, come unto me and I will give you rest from all your troubles. Come to Jesus today for redemption from the stronghold of sin, addiction, and all kinds of immorality. This indicates that divorce is not the correct solution for marriages that are . It must produce peace and joy in your heart, there must be peace of mind anytime you think about the relationship, you must be convinced. I dont recommend that method! Sexual Lines No Pastor/ Youth Leader Should Cross That is part of your role in the covenant of marriage. However, each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself, as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her, present her to God as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish?, For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for Gods church. ", "I have gained a lot from this piece. Usually, these people will only be confirming what God has already told you. DOWNLOAD MP3. So obey God and use the common sense He gave you. I feel worse now that I am closer to Christ, a 1st lady at a Church that actually runs everything behind the scenes and is mistreated. And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. more wisdom, more anointing Sir. Enoch Adeboye. Thats not super-spiritual. Its only God who can change a man and if you try to enter into a toxic relationship without using the bible as your standard guide it will be a total disappointment. Pornography the way out Even though a year before this, the Lord had revealed to Pastor Adeboye that he would be Papas successor, it was still too difficult for him to fully contemplate such an awesome responsibility. He put him to sleep and allowed him to see what He was doing through his spiritual eyes. Another way God guides is through the peace test (Jas 3:17). Moses R. Chungalao, The overall principle of our text is that. It was God who saw the mans need of a helper to fulfill the command of God for him to multiply and increase in number, to fill the earth (Gen. 1:28) and build Gods natural kingdom on earth. Full Name: Enoch Adejare Adeboye. Even now, God still deals with His children in this way. But how do we discern Gods will? That is because of the vows you made when you married. So the servant swears to do what Abraham has said (24:6-9). He moved out in obedience and he used common sense by taking the gifts needed to secure a bride in that culture. Single saved and sexual He has commanded that we love our wives and strive to protect our marriages, even from something as noble as our ministry call. (From the article, Husbands, Love Your Wives More Than Seminary). There will always be some surprises and extra miles that you will have to travel, to do what God has called you to do, but that is all part of your calling. Clergyman, Pastor E.A Adeboye, has said that one of the areas Christians live to regret is in the area of marriage. Not only is it healthier for families, but its more faithful to the Bible. Seeking advice is wise, but don't let someone else make your decision for you. Remember how he got a wife for Adam? In the case of Abrahams servant, God did confirm His will through the circumstances. They put comfort for themselves ahead of obedience to Gods will. I will like to connect with you, Chat with me on Facebook. Its a noble desire. Friendship with opposite sex The foundation of any marriage should be built in the solid word of God and not human standards because it will not work and if it does; it will be full of enduring rather than enjoying the beautiful Godly instituted idea of marriage. Which, when he wasnt drinking and raging and defending his right to have whatever lady friend he wanted to have, he was in our marriage, too. In Marriage: Genesis 2 : 18 if Jesus is in your marriage, your marriage will not fail. All I ask is do something, anything for me. If you are meek and totally submitted to His will and have no idol in your heart, God will easily guide you. Sometimes we get super-spiritual about this matter of determining Gods will, especially as it pertains to finding a mate. The lady was so offended that. They were a rebellious bunch who were not inclined to endure the hardship necessary to fulfill God's purpose. Our text speaks to this issue. 46, Lagos-Ibadan expressway. But John has more to offer than just the pre-marriage questions. (Single & Searching Series Vol. There was some turbulence and a sign lit up: PLEASE RETURN TO THE CABIN. The Holy Ghost Service now holds in different parts of the world which includes the United Kingdom, India, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Dubai, Ghana, Philippines and many more How do you know the will of God concerning marriage? They must not forget Gods purpose to give them that land and they must not intermarry with the corrupt people there. And as he said. I always comment first in this man of God message, it seem to me there is something special about it. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them" (Is 42:16) Read: Isaiah 42:16-2 One question that You may want to pray what the psalmist prayed in Psalm 139: Search me O God and know my heart. Its to build stronger marriages for a purpose ministry.(From the article, The Ministry of Marriage). How sensitive are you to Gods leading? We have six short chapters we think you will Adam had no choice when God took his rib and made it into a woman to be his helper. Cultivate your marriage behind closed doors. Adeboye, is a renowned Nigerian pastor, teacher, author, and leader of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). OUR HISTORY Will you choose to obey God or Man!? Today, God is still doing marvelous deeds through the Redeemed Christian Church of God, worldwide. Are you confused about knowing the will of God in marriage? Prepare your mind! Make sure you strengthen your marriage behind closed doors. These gods include expensive lifestyles, unnecessarily generous entertainment, un-godly custom, wasteful pastimes, membership of exclusive clubs and fraternities, etc. When I became born again is when one aspect of his anger toward me (when drinking in particular) was aroused which was my new relationship with Christ, so I had to sort of hide it to stay away from the rage. Written for both individual couples or groups, chapters include discussion questions, exercises, and suggestions for further reading. Hebrews 3:4 says: For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. Visits since Oct. 2015Your IP:, Copyright @ 2017. GIRLS! When all is said and done, remember you have a choice and choices have consequences, whether negative or positive in your present life and your future. And sometimes the answer to women hurting such as you have been hurting is to leave. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world how she can please her husband. Our goal isnt to build stronger marriages. I kissed Jezebel Your email address will not be published. He started at Willoughby Street, Ebute-Metta, Lagos a housefellowship called, the Glory of God Fellowship. 2), How to Attract the Right Guy!(For Single Ladies), "As an author and a blogger, I must commend this highly inspiring (ebook). Then this short and simplified article will be of help to you. You are called to be an instrument of the Lord. When God guides you regarding His choice in marriage, even if you could not recognize your partner at first sight, He will use other ways to get you to know the fellow. Both are noble callings, and one is not the higher calling. Both were instituted by God for the sanctification of his people. February 21, 2015. Seeking first Gods kingdom is the primary factor in finding the right marriage partner. May be i wil become a pastor. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.. In Proverbs, the word of God says, theres a way that seem good in the sight of a man but it leads to destruction. God bless you as you go back to the crossroad. Recommended Resource:Mutual by Design: A Better Model of Christian Marriage Test me and know my anxious thoughts. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and He brought her to the man, and they married any of them that they chose, My Spirit will not contend (or quarrel) with man foreverhis days will be a hundred and twenty years. So God said,I will wipe mankindfrom the face of the earthfor I am grieved that I have made them (Genesis 6:5-7). Adeboye Professorial Chair for mathematics held Thursday evening at the Main Auditorium of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) took him seriously when he spoke about four simultaneous linear equations for Know your worth girl Ensure you subject whatever you hear or see to the written Word of God. Adam went to sleep and allowed God to make the choice. In fact, there was no guarantee of success. I love to share the Good News. 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I would say pretty much yes. The important practical application of all is that each of us needs to make it a high priority to love and cherish his wife. We all want to know the will of God concerning major decisions we need to make, such as the career we should pursue, the place where we should live and the person we should marry. And marriage is one of Gods greatest tools for ministry. Im not rebuking him, Im telling him, Im hurting and he is the one doing it. It must not be contrary to the word of God, in other words, it must be in agreement with the scriptures, It must not contradict Gods nature and character. Whilst there, he began to hear a voice within him saying, You will be my servant. Since this was not his intention, he decided to ignore the voice. The Holy Ghost gave him the answer in Psalm 24:4: "He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.". Thus when a young university lecturer joined the church in 1973, Papa was able to recognize him in the Spirit as the one that the Lord had spoken about in the past. Abraham calls his unnamed servant and commissions him to find a wife for Isaac, but not from among the Canaanites. 6years after the marriage you will still be discovering new things about the person. It was God's will that a man and a woman become one in marriage and God intended marriage for life ( Romans 7:1-3, 1 Corinthians 7:39 ). Marriage is gold, and like most precious metals, one must invest time and resources to secure it and fashion it into a jewel of great price. Change). Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'. We are just married 1 year and now I feel that I have put my life, my hurts, my disappointments, my needs, my money and mostly me, aside and he has grown in confidence. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I was married to a man who believed in God but was not a born-again follower of Jesus Christ untilafter his final alcoholic rage against me wherein he insulted me every which way he could think of until, from within my spririt, I heard the Lord say calmly and clearly, You need to leave now. I did. Always remember that God doesnt need you. From these scriptures, God's verdict is that two are better than one, and according to Ecclesiastes 4:9, the reason is: "because they have a good reward for their labour.". Can parents lead ", "It really nourished my soul may God help youth if nowadays Amen. Even though this child grew up surrounded by idol worshippers, he knew there existed a greater power and yearned to know, In reality these pastors do not take care of their wives. It was Gods will that a man and a woman become one in marriage and God intended marriage for life (Romans 7:1-3, 1 Corinthians 7:39). JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. My questions sir, 1. 5. Many might think I heard from another spirit, that night, but I assure you, after diligently praying, submitting, and seeking the Lord about my marriage for over forty years, I knew it was the Holy Spirit. I believed with all my heart that God sent me in his path. I ", "tx so much for d inspiration u ave really opened my eyes so ", "Thanks for this. Go there! No fear, the Bible says there is no fear in love, but perfect love cast away fear. When several unrelated people are saying the same thing, God could be behind the message. But if you think, I trusted God and got burned, so Im going to take matters in my own hands, youre not going to know His guidance. But Im going to approach the text by gleaning some principles of divine guidance. Remind Him, He said in Genesis 1:28 be fruitful and multiply. Respect your husband "No matter how woman dey. Im so tired and hurt and dont understand how God can show him things about everyone else but not about me. It is not burdensome at all because the relationship is based on the love of God. My uncle had sex with me 164 views, 5 likes, 14 loves, 15 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Apostolic Tabernacle: Apostolic Tabernacle was live. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Both Abraham and the servant recognized that they might not succeed (24:5, 8, 49, 58). Gods people must never compromise Gods will on marriage. Facebook | 33 views, 10 likes, 0 loves, 2 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from RCCG International Christian Center Abuja: PLEASE FOLLOW, LIKE. But, with this desire comes the responsibility to humbly prioritize ones life in such a way that prevents a subtle disregard for Gods written word. $9.93. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It's inspiring, informative and timely. God spoke to Samuel audibly, even though it took the intervention of the Priest, Eli for Samuel to know who was speaking to him. It is a cord of three strands with God being involved right from the start. Sister, there is a loop hole you opened to the devil and thats why he is attacking you. This proved to be a comforting reminder during the trials in the months ahead. Abrahams servant didnt sit in his tent praying for a wife for Isaac. Your email address will not be published. The Lord was saying to me, At least go where there are some prospects!. OPEN HEAVEN 13 APRIL 2023 MESSAGE. Quick Facts. Through the gift of the Spirit, The Holy Spirit can reveal to you depending on how youve been dealing with the Holy Spirit in the past. When you marry, your ministry becomes divided between ministering within the home and outside of the home. BOTH become your concern and your focus at this point. Want to learn more? Wish to subscribe to more of your teachings ", "Though i couldn't read all, i really love the portions and lines read In debt and without peace of mind, he found himself totally dependent on the grace of God. At 73, Adeboye reveals secrets of his 47-year old marriage. The goal - to put an . In a post shared on his IG page, he stated that so many Christians love to pursue the permissive will of God in the marriages instead of fully heeding to the perfect will of God concerning them. It is not burdensome at all because the relationship is based on the love of God. God's people must never compromise God's will on marriage. ", "Good morning sir, If you truly want Him to guide you, eradicate all idols -the ideal height, complexion, figure, size, tribe, educational level, social status, etc. I hope you got the help you needed. The rest of the time I am at the church, pay all our expenses and some of the church expenses and he gets a small stipend but wont take $5 to even get me a card. We pray you will prayerfully consider these points. If you think of taking the person in question as your wife or husband, how do you feel deep inside you? That is because you are representing Christ to your bride (just as Christ is the bridegroom to the church, His bride). ", "Thanks sir, this is really helpful to my proposal ", "God bless you sir, that's all I have to say for ", "it's a tragedy that many ladies has lost their virginity to wrong men,,, ", "This is so interesting,thanx for educating us.its so inspiring. The Almighty God is fully conscious of human helplessness in situations of life, therefore, out of love, He gave Jesus as a solution to anyone that will accept Him as Lord and Saviour. For other interperters of your situation, Just Me: was I perfect in my marriage? If He did, why did He create you so late in history? Renowned Nigerian Pastor, teacher, author, and Leader of the decision made is dependent on the love God... Moses R. Chungalao, the overall principle of our text is that meek and totally submitted to will... Were not inclined to endure the hardship necessary to fulfill God & # ;... That land and they must not forget Gods purpose to give them land..., would be a comforting reminder during the trials in the months ahead church Missionary Society where he was a. Intentional shift of perspective is builded by some man ; but he that all... 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