edgeworthia chrysantha 'akebono

I will be observing. Sun Mosaic North. Hank, Akebono is not supposed to be hardy where we are. Mine in Germantown on southeast side of house has bloomed nicely. Cold combined with wind seems to be the bigger enemy of this plant in zone 6b gardens as Carolyn and everyone I know in Pennsylvania with them has experienced. Pbm, The post profiles Edgeworthia chrysantha. Les, Our edgeworhtias went limp quite a few times during the summer, but the flowers look fine now. All the information that you need is on the right sidebar, if its not there just click the snowdrop banner at the top. I have never seen anything like it! If she does not have a garden, just terrace, then I would suggest a big pot having its inner walls insulated with thick layer of vermiculite, vermiculite in the potting mix plus on top as a cover. I have seen them go limp in very dry weather, but the pop right back if I catch it in time. Drooping, rounded flower buds covered with silky, silvery hairs appear on top of naked stems. That said, it doesnt seemed at all fazed by pruning. I did not plant my Edgeworthia in full sun and would not do it in your region. Qty: EMAIL ME when back in stock. Carolyn. Edgeworthia chrysantha, also known as the paperbush plant, provides superb winter interest and fragrance. Thank you for the information about Dirk, his site is wonderful. I was also thinking about planting it in afternoon shade as I was worried for the scorching summer sun but then that would be a side open to the wind in winter, which I thought was the bigger problem, so I planted it in a sheltered from the winter wind but very sunny spot. I am obviously worried about hardiness, so winter protection is an issue. I looked up care for edgeworthia and happened onto your Blog. Please give him my best and tell him I agree, although I could never use the word favorite, definitely top 5. I was a little surprised given the success I have had with these in all kinds of sites (wet/dry, sun/shade). Hello Edgeworthia lovers, I need to replant my Chrysantha now to a new shadier location on the side of a big fir tree and a bit elevated location so without a drainage in the hole which turned out bad. Organic materials such as fully decomposed compost, straw, grass clippings, and shredded bark mulch help improve the ground. If only I were good at shaping! I recall seeing similar on my previous edgeworthia. I have always wanted one but was told it wasnt hardy in my climate (5 southwestern CT). Edgeworthia is native to the Himalayas, China, and Japan. Will see how it does I have high hopes! It is not offered for sale up here by our suppliers and not grown at the tree and shrub nursery either. General information. I can never decide whether the buds or the flowers are more beautiful. Privacy Policy It is in dappled morning shade, a window of full sun in the mid afternoon, and shaded in late afternoon. Planting Edgeworthia chrysantha - Paperbush - In this video I plant a Edgeworthia chrysantha in my front yard. The Hinkley plant, edgeworthia chrysantha, had much larger foliage and flowers than the Raulston Arboretum's edgeworthia papyrifera, combined with an incredible sweet floral fragrance. Thank you for your info Delivering a late winter visual delight, prominent silky white button-like buds give way to small waxy tubular blooms with luscious . Carolyn. It arrived fairly recently in the US. When I walk up my driveway I start to smell the scent from about 20 meters away, heavenly! tucked in a corner, and fell in love with the bark and buds. Carolyn. I am glad you are enjoying it. If you are growing edgeworthia, please leave a comment describing your experience with it, especially if you are from an area north of the Delaware Valley. In the last years I am not getting temperatures around -13C or 9F and that is for short periods, a few hours a couple of times each winter, most of the time it is around freezing or a bit above at night only. It did partially die back one winter when it went down to -8, but no problems since. Carolyn. Another reason for yellowing leaves is insufficient airflow. I need to prune it but dont know when to prune because I love it in all seasons. I would guess two to three ft. as I tried to keep a nice shape to it. A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College | Stately Kitsch A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College | Design for the modern older home owner. Youve provided such wonderful pictures and descriptions for edgeworthia. This edgeworthia is pictured at the very end of January and is in the Isabelle Cosby Courtyard at the Scott Arboretum at Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. Here it needs part shade, but I would imagine it would want more sun farther north. A much sought after collector's plant for years, this exquisitely fragrant shrub offers tremendous architectural value with its multi-stemmed habit and light, cinnamon colored stems. It does get a little morning sun. Striking in appearance I remember seeing this (though it may have been a different Edgeworthia species and cultivar entirely) in Tony Avent's garden in . So glad you commented on the scent because I just read an article that made me question my memory of how lovely it is. Double Mint Gardenia (1) Dragon-eye Pine (1) Drops of Gold Japanese Holly (1) Dwarf Clumping Bamboo (1) Dwarf Crested Iris (1) Dwarf Florida Anise Tree (1) Dwarf Japanese Andromeda (2) Eco Minibox Azalea (1) Lack of nitrogen in the soil can cause leaves to turn yellow, then white, starting at the bottom of the plant and moving toward the top. They are flourishing & a great addition to our daylily bed. When the leaves drop, they reveal the slender and pliable reddish-brown bark seen above. The Red Dragon went belly up pretty quickly but the species has thrived in a very windy, exposed southern location in Darlington, MD. It has protection from winter winds, which come from the north west here, so that the buds, which form in November, dont dessicate. Basically I had to water it every day not to have the leaves droop. Great, Joyce, I am sure Alex and Practiced Hands Gardening can help. To all reports, it is less hardy and less floriferous. Other issues include root rot-related issues from using poorly draining soil. Because our winters are mild and there are pollinators available at bloom-time, the various Edgeworthias set seed and grow quite quickly to flowering from seed, usually the third spring. We get so attached to our plantsor is it just me? Sunrise now . Origin: Found in the woodlands of the Himalayas and China.. Foliage: Deciduous, alternate, simple, narrowly oblong, dark greenish blue.Leaves lend a tropical look during summer and . I love the open form, but I want to make sure there isnt anything wrong, such as a pest, disease, etc.which I cannot find any evidence of. It is such a beautiful plant. Keep its fragrant blooms nearby using the plant in a container on the porch or patio, facing south or west, to protect it from frost. Paper bush is available in various showy blooms, each with distinct colors and sizes. Do you have any experience with pests/diseases on this plant? I was out snapping photos of mine today and was stunned at just how pretty they can be. This easy-to-maintain shrub does not have many pest or disease issues. Trying my first Camellia hybrid, April Kiss now. Soon the long, slender leaves grow in, turning the shrub into a mound of attractive foliage that can grow to 6 feet (2 m.) in each direction. Edgeworthia chrysantha - Paper Bush - 5 Gallon Pot. I didnt think it would be hardy farther north than zone 7. Indie, The plants I sold and the ones I planted were in three gallon pots so they didnt look as awkward as they might have if smaller. I had concluded the same thing about sun and shade but on the basis of far less experience so it is great to hear confirmation. Paper bush plants do not need fertilizer but benefit from adding organic material to the surrounding soil yearly. Try calling Gardenhood, they may need to call you back (and they are closed until next week) but someone there should be able to find it for you if it's available! I prefer edgeworthia shaped to a single stem, but have seen it grown multi-stemmed also. Carolyn. 1. I would just take care to trench around the perimeter several weeks in advance to stimulate new roots to assist in the transplant process. (LogOut/ I have one and live in southern England. I bought one at the Scott Arboretum sale in 2007 (?). The foliage is beautiful! Our Edgeworthia is about 9 years old now, and last year and this, many of the upper leaves have become shriveled and unattractive, and then die back. If the shrub has really outgrown its original spot, then I would move it and hope for the best because what choice do you have? This summer they will probably have to fend for themselves. So glad to hear someone is growing one on Cape Cod as I am looking for a special plant for my mother! The unique tightset clusters congregate on the tips of erect yet . We were drawn to this seedling because of . Chrysantha refers to its golden yellow flowers. Thank you for the article! Carolyn. It also was very slow to leaf out, so I bought another yellow flowering Winter Gold plant which duplicates the one at the previous home. Or daphne, since they are similar. Carolyn, Can I order for shipping 3 Edgeworthia chrisanthas from your nursery. I look forward to catching up with your post. I think I may let one in a lesser seen part of my garden go multi-stemmed since the stability of the single stem as it ages on a slope may become an issue. I am on Cape Cod, but have been a customer of theirs for years. My Edgeworthia plant is healthy, but I notice the bottom leaves are turning yellow, do I need to fertilize or is this natural to the species? Eastern sun; partial shade; a protected area Anu, I dont have rabbits so am not sure what they will bother. Carolyn. Anne, I have moved medium sized ones without problems, but never a very large one, although I cant see why it would fail. Carolyn. I just found two buds on my baby Edgeworthia. Edgeworthia are deciduous or evergreen shrubs with simplistic leaves and cinnamon coloured branches that hold an abundance of rounded, silky clusters of sweet and fragrant flowers from late winter to early spring. I love it. They were in bloom because we had temperatures in the low 70s before it went down to 18 degrees F on 3/4/17 and 14 F on 3/5. Id probably just move it when I couldnt stand it anymore! Happy holidays to you and your family Carolyn! Liane, I think Edgeworthia papyrifera is not hardy in our area. For years I have been removing the 50 or so suckers from the base of this plant, and last year I took about two feet off some of the tallest branches. Deciduous shrub. You can help woodland plants fight disease by adding plenty of soil conditioner to your clay soil before planting. As Carolyn says Time will tell., Joyce, I planted my larger edgeworthia last spring and am amazed that every bud opened this spring. I have had an Edgeworthia chrysantha growing in my yard (NE side of house, against a rock wall) on Cape Cod, MA for over 12 years, and it is spectacular every winter thru spring. Im in Zone 7A and limited to a container garden. All the plants that I follow around here are extremely healthy. Julie, I think it is at its ornamental best when all the buds have swollen but not opened. This well-branched shrub begins blooming in December, when it's nothing but a bare silhouette in the garden, and continues through the winter. Because one of them had been planted the previous fall, my husband would take pity on them and water them which is against our Carolyns Shade Gardens no coddling policy. Although they can turn yellow in fall, you wouldnt grow edgeworthia for fall color. The leaves are slim, while the stems are thinner, resulting in a draping effect. Edgeworthia papyrifera 'Akebono' This plant looks delicate, the way E. papyrifera looks, but has reddish-orange . I need advice as to the soil mix. Glad to hear its normal! Carolyn. My plant blooms prolifically and scents the whole side of the house. . Water regularly during summer and fall to keep the soil consistently moist, and water during summer droughts. During the summer its shape and foliage give the impression that it is related to the rhododendron. The Hinkley plant, Edgeworthia chrysantha, had much larger foliage and flowers than the Raulston Arboretum's Edgeworthia papyrifera, combined with an incredible sweet floral fragrance. Joy, I have noticed that the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, but I didnt know it was that regular. These plants are winter hardy in USDA Zones 7 through 10, down to 5F, if grown in humus-rich, moist, and well-draining soil. 1. Beautiful shape and the smell is out of this world. Images. About 3 x 3 perfect shape covered with buds . You have tubular flowers with longer tubes that pale faster. It is near my front door so most of the winter I have the scent wafting into my house. Also I had read standing water in winter was not good for the roots, which is a problem for me in some winters, esp with underground water raising to the surface, so I made a drainage with stone at the bottom of the hole and planted the edgeworthia on top of the stones. This coveted member of the Daphne family is prized for the clusters of glorious red-orange tubular blooms that form at the tips of bare stems in late winter. Mine is about 6 feet tall and the same around, it is in a moveable planter (which I do not movebut I would if we are hit with a hurricane or some other natural disaster), the planter is 4 feet tall, 3 feet wide, and 5 feet long, it is has yellow flowers, and it is gorgeous, but I have a concern. Anything is possible, especially with these mild winters. It rains every few days now and still it is not enough and extra watering is needed. Where are you located? In Atlanta, in the blazing heat and humidity, occasionally leaves will yellow and drop from June through August. The native range of this species is S. China to N. Myanmar. The genus Edgeworthia is quite small, containing only 4 Asian species, if you agree with the taxonomists and lump Edgeworthia chrysantha (tetraploid) and Edgeworthia papyrifera (diploid) together.. Edgeworthia plants are woody shrubs with thick, spreading branches covered with a smooth burgundy bark that is peeled off and used by some Asian cultures as paper. This edgeworthia is pictured in mid-April on the terrace of the main house at Chanticleer gardens in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Pot Size: Large Band Pot Stock Status:(Out of Stock) Product Code: P2245. Molly, If your edgeworthia forms buds, but they dont open, then you must be experiencing extreme cold during the time the buds are on the plants, late fall to late winter. Its planted in full shade but sometime in the summer it needs extra water due to the heat in the air and dryness of the soil. I have no idea. The site is about 15 feet from the house, which I would think provides protection from the NW. Carolyn, I am about 50 miles south of ATlanta and have grown two edgeworthia for about five years. I live in Vancouver Washington & have 3 Edgeworthias. Flowers are yellow, have a sweet scent, and in clusters at the branch tips. I have concluded that edgeworthias are perfectly hardy in our zone. Christina. I wanted to attach a picture but do not see an option to do it. Can I get on the list for an edgeworthia in April? Watering schedules vary, but they don't require much water in the first few years. Best regards RF 2BE2DAW - Edgeworthia chrysantha up close with a cherry plum tree in the background. My neighbor has the same problem. Denis Lucey is a customer of mine. Life always gets in the way of gardening. Colin, I recommend that you read the comments on this post and a later post that I wrote on Edgeworthia called Edgeworthia Update to get pruning information given by edgeworthia growers all over the world. Now, looking at the Edgeworthia papyrifera, it has a slender shape from the branches to the flowers. We dug them & placed them in the woods where they merely survived for several years. Starr, I hope everyone understands that I am not recommending an edgeworthia for zone 5. A truly unique winter-flowering shrub with a beautifully intense fragrance! So please put me on your list my husband and I drive to Malvern often to visit our daughter and her family so we could easily pick it up on our way. Oh my word!!! Edgeworthia is in the same family as daphne and has even occasionally been called yellow daphne. The day will come when drastic pruning will have to happen, but I am not looking forward to it. Do you think providing some shade from a big umbrella or cover and covering the area around the trunk with stones would help the leaves not shrivel? Publications. Was surprised to see one at my favorite nursery and snatched it up. Take cuttings to display indoors. The Edgeworthia was also starting to lean forward and with any hurricane it could have tumbled overI am in zone 7B. I am not sure what is going on with the ads. This deciduous shrub features showy blooms that last four to six weeks and emerge from equally beautiful silver flower buds. Happy Winter, Emily, I too find Edgeworthia to be a very hardy plant. Notes: Every word that appears in orange on my blog is a link that you can click for more information. It is planted in the existing clay soil mixed half and half with leaf compost. Learn how your comment data is processed. You could try Paxson Hill Farm in New Hope. This photo was taken in September and the highly ornamental buds have formed but have not yet expanded. However, older plants do not need as . *Edgeworthia chrysantha Snow Cream Papberbush - Winter hardy USDA Zones 7b-10b *Edgeworthia papyrifera Nanjing Gold Paperbush - USDA Zones 8-10 Posted in Horticulture Reports | Tagged Ashland Garden Club , Edgeworthia chrysantha Akebono , Flowers , Horticulture Report , plants , Plants for zone 7 , Winter Flowers , Winter Gardening , zone 7b Edgeworthia buds in November as they start to expand. 2 members have or want this plant for trade. Change). Lush green leaves follow and persist through the summer. Spray soap and water solution to get rid of the infestation. Mine are more exposed than other local plants so we will see. I dont ship plants except snowdrops and miniature hosta. There is basic information about the nursery along with catalogues and a place to subscribe to the blog. | It had smaller leaves, grew slower and smaller, and was significantly less cold hardy even for me in Atlanta. WE are Zone 7B, [ a little colder than an 8 but not as cold as a true Zone 7 I am on the north side of Cape Cod in a relatively sheltered area, probably 7a where it is situated. Im on the Board of Awbury Arboretum in Germantown, and our landscape manager there, Denis Lucey, says edgeworthia is his favorite shrub by far. We have very rainy season and very dry season and our weather is, most of the time, very hot. Not sure he could send a plant to USA for sanitary regulations. Hope that helps. Blooms in winter on bare stems. Sarah, I dont have a big sample but edgeworthia seems to be pretty tolerant of shade or sun. Paper bush plants need frequent watering throughout the summer and fall or periods of extended heat. Pruning my be in my plants future too. Here's how to propagate the paper bush plant: Here is how to grow paper bush plants from seeds: As a winter shrub, there is very little to do during the winter. Carolyn. Many years ago at the Barnes Arboretum School of Horticulture I propagated a daphne from a cutting using rooting hormone and storing it over the winter in a greenhouse. Although articles state that its common name is paper bush, I have never heard anyone who actually grows it call it anything but edgeworthia. They all demand highly organic, fast-draining soil. Rarer form of the paper bush shrub with orange-red flowers. Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Gold Rush' is the heftiest, most robust type, with big, rubbery stems like a Daphne on steroids and large clusters of sweetly fragrant yellow flowers in winter. Edgeworthia chrysantha is a deciduous shrub with dark green, leathery, single, alternate, lanceolate leaves, 3-5 in (7.6-12.7 cm) long. Copyright 2015Far Reaches Farm. Carolyn. Family: Thymelaeaceae. Martha, What time of year did you prune it and how much did you take off? The branch would have become damaged from rubbing on the house and I did not want that. Joyce, That must have been quite alarming. Carolyn. Maybe some of the people who follow these comments have tried edgeworthia from seed. Holley, I wish you could see it in person. Hi Carolyn I have pruned one edgeworthia back to the ground when it became unstable on its large central stem on a slope (5-6 diameter) and it has sprouted and regrown beautifully. I saw my first Edgworthia on a garden tour (Patterns?) A single stem, but have seen it grown multi-stemmed also best and tell him I agree although! Sarah, I dont have rabbits so am not sure he could send a plant to for. Glad you commented on the house and I did not want that ship plants except snowdrops and hosta. Banner at the Scott Arboretum sale in 2007 (? ) this world wouldnt grow for. Impression that it is less hardy and less floriferous beautiful silver flower buds covered with buds and! Would guess two to three ft. as I tried to keep a nice shape to it scents whole. 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