Back to Journals International Journal of Women's Health Volume 14, Effect of Grand Multiparity on the Adverse Birth Outcome: A Hospital-Based Prospective Cohort Study in Sidama Region, Ethiopia, Published 10 March 2022 Details of a womans gravidity and parity are important. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License. Accessibility Classifying grand multiparous women as a high-risk group without clear evidence of a consistent association with adverse outcomes can lead to socioeconomic burdens to the mother, family and health systems. - Definition, Procedure, Complications & Side Effects, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Multigravida of Advanced Maternal Age Risks, Inorganic Chemistry in Anatomy and Physiology: Help and Review, Organic Molecules in Anatomy and Physiology: Help and Review, Biochemistry in Anatomy and Physiology: Help and Review, Basic Anatomy and Cell Biology: Help and Review, The Nervous System at the Cellular Level: Help and Review, Gross Anatomy of Muscular System: Help and Review, Meiosis I Stages: Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I & Telophase I, Meiosis II: Definition, Stages & Comparison to Meiosis I, Male Reproductive System: Functions, Organs & Anatomy, Male Reproductive System: Accessory Gland Functions, Testicular Anatomy: Structure, Terms & Diagrams, Male Reproductive System: External Anatomy, Spermatogenesis: How the Reproductive System Produces Sperm, Sperm's Journey from the Testes to Urethral Orifice, The HPG Axis: Hormones of Male Reproduction, Female Reproductive System: Internal Anatomy, The Uterus and Uterine Wall: Structure and Parts, External Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System, Oogenesis: How the Female Reproductive System Produces Eggs, HPG Axis: Hormonal Control of the Ovarian Cycle, Phases of The Ovarian Cycle: Overview from Puberty to Menopause, The Uterine Cycle: Phases and Endometrial Changes, The Female Reproductive Axis: Coordination of the Brain, Ovaries & Uterus, Ovulation to Implantation: Oocyte's Path through Uterine Tubes, Food Aversions During Pregnancy: Definition & Treatment, What Is the Uterine Cavity? Babinszki A, Kerenyi T, Torok O, Grazi V, Lapinski RH, Berkowitz RL. All multiparity and grand multiparity for childbirth in the region was a source population. In addition, our thanks go to the Sidama regional health bureau and administrators of all hospitals included in this study for giving us the necessary background information to conduct this study. Follow-up. Hawassa remains the capital city of the region. Although the multipara definition may suggest that all multipara births are healthy and alive, the term is used to describe deliveries regardless of the outcome (both living and deceased). 50. We encountered a convergence problem by using the log-binomial approach and therefore changed this model to modified Poisson regression. Disclaimer. The mean ( standard deviation (SD) age was 32.8 3.8 among the grand multipara vs 27.2 3.8 years among multiparity, p < 0.001). WHO recommendations on interventions to improve preterm birth outcomes; 2015. Call Us: (972) 266-5354. Terms of Use. Alshebly MM. The consent was obtained after explaining the purposes of the study, the data collection procedures, the benefits and risks of participating in the study, and the voluntariness of study subjects. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0412.2012.01372.x, 34. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0236965, 54. Woday A, Muluneh MD, Sherif S. Determinants of preterm birth among mothers who gave birth at public hospitals in the Amhara region, Ethiopia: a case-control study. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the effect of grand multiparity on the occurrence of adverse perinatal outcomes in the Sidama Region of Ethiopia.Methods: We conducted a prospective follow-up study among 837 women who gave birth in selected public hospitals of the Sidama Region from January 1 to August 31, 2021. Which of the following outcomes indicates that the medication is effective? Slightly more than two-thirds (67.5%) of the multiparous women and (49.6%) of the grand multiparous women were urban dwellers. ANC, antenatal care; Apgar score, appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration score; ARR, adjusted relative risk; LBW, low birth weight; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; CRR, crude relative risk; SD, standard deviation; WHO, World Health Organization. The advantages of using the modified Poisson regression model include improved precision for estimation of relative risk, robustness to omitted covariates. History, labor and delivery as well as postpartum and neonatal courses Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy-to-understand explanations of over 19,000 medical terms. Perinatal outcome in grand and great-grand multiparity: effects of parity on obstetric risk factors. A grand multiparous (GMP) woman, according to the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology, has had at least five to nine prior term deliveries, and this 2015;27(4):244. doi:10.5455/msm.2015.27.244-247. Table 1 Selected Socio-Demographic and Obstetrics Characteristics with Grand Multiparity in Sidama Regional State of Ethiopia, 2021. WebPhysicians of Grand Prairie 3121 S. Carrier Pkwy Grand Prairie, TX 75052. doi:10.5958/0976-5506.2019.02147.8, 18. Pulse rate 80 bpm and regular. Careers. Family welfare services; methods, counseling. The datasets used during this study are available from the principal investigator on reasonable request. 40. 10. A score below 7 at the first minute of life was considered as having first-and fifth-minute birth asphyxia.47. Devon has tutored for almost two years. WebNaturally Well Center of TX provides you safe and natural solutions to health. Grand multipara: The term "multipara" applies to any woman who has given birth 2 or more times. BMC Pediatr. Al-Farsi YM, Brooks DR, Werler MM, Cabral HJ, Al-Shafaee MA, Wallenburg HC. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. Table 3 Risk of Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Associated with Grand Multiparous Women in Public General Hospitals in Sidama Region of Ethiopia, 2021, This study compared potential adverse perinatal outcomes between the grand multipara women and those not. Adding a 10% loss rate, the final sample size required for the study was 279 exposed and 558 non-exposed women: a total of 837 women were included in this study. The region has 123 health centers and 17 hospitals (one comprehensive referral hospital, four general hospitals, and 12 primary hospitals). 2018;15(1):193. doi:10.1186/s12978-018-0631-3, 38. Birth asphyxia is defined as failure to initiate and sustain spontaneous breathing at birth.45,46 To grade, the severity of perinatal asphyxia in newborns, the Apgar score was used. Saudi J Health Sci. 2005;32(1):4559. Others like the gender of the neonate, birth asphyxia, birth trauma during delivery, and admission to NICU were no association between grand multiparity and multiparity (P> 0.05) (Table 2). The strength of our study was its prospective nature, control of confounding factors, and low loss to follow-up. Grand multiparity remains a risk in pregnancy and is associated with an increased prevalence of maternal and neonatal complications (malpresentation, meconium-stained liquor, placenta previa and a low Apgar score) compared with other multiparous women who delivered at Muhimbili National Hospital. Grand multiparity remains a risk in pregnancy and is associated with an increased prevalence of maternal and neonatal complications (malpresentation, WebGrand Prairie. We recommend that the region and districts health bureau should give close monitoring for pregnant women with high parity throughout their prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum periods.Keywords: birth complication, parity, fetal abnormality, cohort, Sidama, Ethiopia, Grand multiparity is a condition when a woman has at least five deliveries at gestational age greater than or equal to 20 weeks.13 In many developed countries, grand multiparity is becoming less of a concern with a low prevalence of 24% whereas it is still a public health issue of great concern in developing countries and is a high prevalence of 19%.46, Low-and-middle-income countries including Ethiopias grand multiparity have still relatively high perinatal outcomes complications compared to high-income countries.79 Evidence has shown that grand multiparity increases the incidence of medical and obstetric complications such as anemia, birth asphyxia, preterm birth, low birth weight, macrosomia, low APGAR scores, stillbirth, and a high perinatal mortality rate.1013 With this connection, grand multipara is associated with higher risks factors of medical and obstetric complications for mothers and fetuses.4,7,1416. Parity refers to viable pregnancies that last beyond 20 weeks. Khatun J. Obstetrical outcome of grand multipara. 2020;20(1):19. Many problems may occur both during and after labor as the result of multigravida of advanced maternal age, including: The risks of multigravida and multipara are more pronounced in some regions of the world, such as those which place emphasis on marriage at a young age as well as reproduction for an expansion of familial genes and traits. - Size & Definition, What Is the Uterus? Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. 45. Similarly, a woman who has experienced four pregnancies resulting in four viable births and one miscarriage in early pregnancy would be noted as "gravidity 5 parity 4." Murphy. Addah A, Ikobho E. A comparison of the pregnancy and labour outcomes between nulliparous and grand multiparous pregnancies in the Niger Delta. [Ethiopia] and ICF, Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2016. Contrary to this study, a study done on knowledge and associated factors of postnatal mothers toward essential newborn care practices found that those postnatal mothers who were primipara were almost two-fold more likely to have poor knowledge compared to grand-multipara (Berhan & Gulema, 2018). software development by Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: CSA and ICF., In the DHS Program ICF; 2016. Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. PLoS One. Excellent prenatal care was available free of charge to all parturients. john wiley & sons; 2013. Afzal A, Mahajan N, Firdous N. Pregnancy outcomes in grand multiparous patients: a hospital based study from Jammu and Kashmir, India. 2016;34(4):184187. 21. Hoque M, Hoque E, Kader SB. From its roots, "multi-" means "more than one" and "para" refers to the number of births. BMC Public Health. Which finding on assessment should the nurse prioritize? Qualified and trained health professionals were recruited as data collectors and supervisors. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. The .gov means its official. - Definition, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, What Is PSA? Solanke BL, Banjo OO, Oyinloye BO, Asa SS. depressed deep tendon reflexes tachypnea bradycardia elevated blood glucose Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 50 Alsammani MA, Ahmed SR. Grand multiparity: risk factors and outcome in a tertiary hospital: a comparative study. In addition, those women with grand multiparity who delivered at another facility (outside the included hospitals) were also excluded as it was difficult to know the perinatal outcomes. - Definition, Causes & Treatment, What Is Colostrum? While many of these instances involve first-time childbearing, a significant number include women who have given birth for at least a second time. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms. Accessed March 4, 2022. Aliyu MH, Jolly PE, Ehiri JE, Salihu HM. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2009;14(1):233238. 2017;11(2):172174. Review of pregnancy outcomes in grand multiparous Qatari women: a retrospective cohort study. Macrosomia was markedly higher in the grandmultiparas and multiparas than in nulliparas. [2],[3]Despite the government's population policies which favor the small family size,[7]high parity still remains a common feature of our obstetric practice in developing countries,[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6]with an overall incidence of 10-30%, with higher rates in the Muslim countries, where there is a large-family norm and poor acceptance of family planning methods. FOIA Qual Eng. Hailemichael HT, Debelew GT, Alema HB, Weldu MG, Misgina KH. Privacy Policy WebA nurse has administered Methergine (methylergonovine) 0.2 mg po to a grand multipara who delivered vaginally 30 minutes earlier. HYPOTHESIS: Obstetrical complication are more in grand multiparae than the low parity women. Our special thanks also go to participants who generously shared their thoughts and feelings despite other commitments. 6. 44. We've updated our privacy policy. Also, women who would give birth at home were not captured by this study. The highest prevalence of grand multipara women was seen among Muslim community (1.65%). In some previous studies [2,3], one of main perinatal complications associated with precipitous labor has been reported to be placental abruption, because placental abruption can cause tachysystole, and thus shorter deliveries. copyright 2003-2023 doi:10.5455/medarh.2019.73.92-96, 19. Both groups were comparable with regard to gestational age at delivery. The research was submitted to Pan Africa University Life and Earth Sciences Institute, University of Ibadan, and the University of the Ibadan/University College Hospital, Ibadan Ethics Committee for approval (Ethics committee assigned number_/EC/20/0439). A.) 13. All rights reserved. 12. Associations & Partners Maternal and fetal outcomes of labor in grand-multipara women. A woman who has experienced five or more viable pregnancies is known as a grand multipara and a woman with ten or more viable pregnancies lasting beyond 20 weeks is a great-grand multipara. doi:10.1081/QEN-120001878, 49. Categorical data were compared using the Chi-square test, and an independent sample t-test was applied for the comparison of the mean difference of continuous variables between both groups. This finding is similar to the study conducted in Kano, Nigeria,54 Oman,55 Mali,33 and Saudi Arabia.26. 2003;67(1):111. WebThe incidence of grand multiparity was only 4.7%; however, 25% were less than 30 years old. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Peer Review reports. After the training, a pre-test was conducted to ensure the consistency of tools on 5% of the sample size out of the actual data collection site. J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg. Grand multiparity has been associated with increased risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as post-partum hemorrhage,gestational hypertension, gestationaldiabetes mellitus and high perinatal mortality.There is limited information about the impact of high parity on pregnancy outcomes in Tanzania. Our objectives were to evaluate the management of GMP in contemporary obstetrics and to assess whether grand multiparas are still high-risk patients. Descriptive statistics like frequencies table and summary indices were used to describe the study population. 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