You should always have your vet check for a heart murmur at every appointment. However, if your dog doesnt let you brush its teeth, at least give him chewing bones that can help in removing the plaque and tartar from its teeth. (Please note that: The AKC does not recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As with most of the information regarding Pit Bulls, this isnt true. On the other hand, if you are planning to adopt instead, you may need to have your pup checked for underlying health conditions as soon as possible. Pitbulls have an unfortunate reputation for biting, and are on the banned list of many countries, where they cannot be imported, bred or sold. Click or scroll to accept! It gives me hope for the future because even though 12 years is a long and happy life for a dog, we always want more time with our canine companions. Youll probably end up with a litter full of different kinds of nose and coat colors. Remember that pit bulls are very social dogs that love spending time with their owners! Beagle Pits have a very strong protective nature, and while they are very friendly and social dogs, they will alert their families to anyone approaching the property and will stick to you like glue. You can always pick a Pitbull sub-breed that lives longer if you are looking for a long-term buddy. Pitbull Life Expectancy: How Long Do Pitbulls Live on Average? Health issues that are discovered early have a greater survival success rate and the prognosis is much better. When you adopted or rescued your Pitbulls, you may not even know their age! Almost all dog breeds have been reported to have experienced bloating. Also keep your pup away from areas where other dogs have congregated, at least until it has had all its shots. The lifespan of Pitbull Boxer mix is on average from 10 to 14 years. If you have a backyard, allow him to freely run around and play. If youve gotten this far and decided that you just have to have a pittie, this section will help you find the pup of your dreams. As with humans, improper medication will lead to complications and sometimes even death. Honestly, mixing these types of Pit Bulls is a crapshoot. This results in a weak pulse and an audible ejection murmur from the dogs heart. These supplements can include vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and probiotics to boost your dogs immunity and improve its wellbeing. The Doberman Pit bull mix has the same grooming needs. Theres no telling how the puppies will look. Like any other dog, Pit Bulls can die earlier from cancer or congenital disabilities. Get special limited-time discounts sent directly to your inbox, save on dog food, care products, and toys! It is the result of breeding two well-known dogs, the Pitbull and the Chihuahua. Ichthyosis is known to be common in Terrier-dog breeds. If you are interested in knowing all about Pitbulls life expectancy, make sure to read this guide thoroughly. If you want your Pitbull to live its longest life, it is necessary to have it stay indoors. This breed is generally considered to be hardy and healthy, though they can be prone to certain health issues such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, and skin allergies. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim. Maintain A Healthy Weight For Your Pit Bull, Provide Them Regular Exercise And Training, Only Feed Your Pit Bull High-Quality Food. I bet youre wondering about their health, lifespan, and how to effectively train one. With proper care, exercise and a nutritious diet, Pit Labs can live . Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. We are a family of rescuers who have worked with small animal shelters around the Southern Illinois, Im a certified crazy dog mom, a physical therapist (for hoomans), writer, animal rescuer, and foster home provider. If you have a pit bull mix, the average lifespan of your dog can be between 10 and 12 years. Stock up with healthy, low carbohydrate treats. The natural average lifespan is 12 to 14 years for a North American Pitbull. Without this information, prospective owners will underestimate the responsibility of owning a Pit Bull. Since Pitbulls are prone to cataract conditions, early detection is crucial. If you have Staffordshire Terriers, be aware that they may be prone to hip dysplasia since it is an inherited health issue. The average lifespan of a female Pitbull mix is between 8 and 16 years. So you may be wondering: How long do Pit Bulls live? Heart disease isnt incredibly common among Pits. What Is the Lifespan of a Pitbull Malinois Mix? The red nose Pitbull is a medium sized dog, being a variety of the American Pitbull Terrier. The Pitbull Chihuahua mix, also known as the Chipit or the Pithuahua, is an active and fun-loving dog. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If youre having trouble naming your Red Nose or Blue Nose Pit Bull, here is a list of dog names to help you. Learn how to find adoption events near you. In this post, we'll take a look at the average lifespan of a Pitbull Lab mix and give you some tips on how to help your pup live a long and healthy life. In fact, they are more popular than other strong breeds such as Boxers, Great Danes, Huskies, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, and Mastiffs. In my area alone, there are over 1,500 pit bulls waiting for a home. They are less likely to meet road accidents as they are less prone to chasing after a moving vehicle or stray animals. Both Pitbull puppies and senior Pitbull dogs are more likely to, Pitbull Chihuahua Mix: Chipit Complete Guide, Our Rating Of The Top Retractable Dog Leashes , 5 Best Rope Dog Leashes Reviews and Comparison , Leash Training: How to Train Your Dog to Walk on a Leash . Maintaining a healthy weight also means that your pitbull will be more confident and happier since theyll feel lighter on their paws! So with proper training, you can expect your pitbull to calm down a little after the 6th month up to their 1 year. On average, American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers live the longest lives among the Pitbull breeds. Dont miss these5 Fun Facts About Blue Nose Pit Bulls. I luv my red nosed pit bull If this is the case, then your Pitties may have corneal ulcers. Theres a very short answer to this question: no. As mentioned above, pit bulls are the most common dog found in shelters, so finding one to adopt shouldnt be that hard. You may also notice a slight and steady decline in their energy levels. That said, the most common breeds to experience this type of health issue are large dog breeds. If their weight gets out of hand, they can become obese, and obesity is the leading factor to pit bull diseases and medical conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, kidney disease, etc. But what about their life expectancy? Here are some ways to care for a senior Pitbull: These are just some of the things you can do to make growing older more enjoyable for your Pitbull. But how long do pit-bull mixes live? However, like with other pit bull types, its important that owners take extra care of the red nose pit bulls diet and exercise routine, so its weight doesnt get out of hand and reduce its lifespan. Pitbull aggression can usually start after pit bulls reach social maturity, around the age of two (or sometimes sooner). Also, it will help you determine what you can do to extend his or her life. Now, that you know all this information about Pit Bulls youre probably wondering how you can get a pit bull puppy of your own! With Labrabulls weighing in between 45 to 90 pounds, the males are typically 30 pounds heavier than the females. I write about the things we've learned about owning dogs, the adventures we have, and any advice and tips we've picked up along the way. Most likely, you got your Pitties from a breeder. Others have even taken it further and trained their animals for their initial intention of dogfighting, which is illegal in most countries. She is 8yrs of age does not have a bad bone in her body However, the answer really depends on which dog breed your Pitbull was mixed with and the specific genetic predisposition of that dog breed. These may range from some common health concerns to other things such as trauma, drug side effects, and more. If youre not sure, contact your vet and ask what the best food portion size is as well as the best food options. Life Expectancy. If you have enough time and patience, you shouldnt any problem training your Pit Bull. When the thyroid isnt working, your Pit Bull will gain weight, have a poor coat, and contract other whole-body issues. Another pitbull medical condition that is similar to ours is obesity. Their looks can often get them into trouble with nervous people and aggressive animals. While you cant control that, you can control your Pitbulls lifestyle and diet. Since we talked about the different types of illnesses, lifespan, training, cost, where to buy/adopt a purebred Red Nose or Blue Nose American Pit Bull, it makes sense to talk a bit about what happens when you breed the two. Since 13 to 15 is the average pitbull lifespan, you can consider your pitbull as a senior dog at the age of 12. Their exact life expectancy largely depends on which Pitbull sub-breed they belong to. It needs attention RIGHT NOW in an emergency situation. If you see your Pitbulls itching constantly, consult with your vet to find out what treatment would help with their itchy skin or which skin ointment would help soothe their skin and cut. However there are things that owners can do to prevent disease and injury, so their pets can reach 16 years old or even higher! Routine visits to the vet will detect these problems early and treat them as soon as possible before the condition worsens. Height:17 to 19 inches If you are noticing that the outer layer of your Pitbulls skin is thickening or developing a dandruff-like coating, it is best to have your dog checked right away. Depending on where you live, that may be the Humane Society, the ASPCA, or a smaller local-run shelter. Every decision you make as an owner can affect your dog lifespan. However, their active lifestyle can put stress on their knee joints and or even put stress on their cranial cruciate ligament and can possibly cause a torn ACL. Here are some of the factors that affect the average lifespan of a Pitbull dog. Here, we are talking about domesticated indoor Pitbulls. How characteristics determine Pitbull lifespan Aside from Max, there are tons of unverified claims of Pitbulls reaching way beyond 20 years of age. Designer dogs were first introduced in the . Its almost impossible to give you an exact lifespan for a pit mix. How long do Pitbulls live for? The good news is that there are certain aspects that you can control that will provide them with a longer and healthier life. Always remember that senior Pitbulls need the same amount of love as Pitbull puppies, if not more. Brushing their hair once or twice a week is enough to keep them clean and healthy. To put it simply, Pitbull is not a dog breed. It is also worth noting that Aortic Stenosis is more commonly diagnosed in large dog breeds such as Newfoundlands, Boxers, Rottweilers, and Pitbulls. While they are not the longest-living dogs out there, they can surely put up a fight when it comes to living a long life! So if your Pittie needs some kind of drug to avert sickness or to serve as a food supplement, make sure to double-check with your veterinarian before administering the drug. While you cant completely prevent these health issues, you can do certain things to help your pit avoid them as long as possible. Fortunately, the address on the ID tag told us that her owners house was a block over. If you are looking for tips to help your Pitbull reach and even surpass their expected lifespan, then this guide has a couple of tips for you. Open 1-5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. How Can You Help Your Pit Bull Live Longer? Here is an interesting color chart for pitbulls. HEIGHT: 17 to 20 inches (female), 18 to 21 inches (male) WEIGHT: 30 to 50 pounds (female), 35 to 60 pounds (male) COAT: Short, smooth COAT COLOR: Black, white, brindle, fawn, blue, red, brown, tan, gray LIFE SPAN: 8 to 15 years TEMPERAMENT: Loyal, affectionate, courageous HYPOALLERGENIC: No ORIGIN: United States Why Does My Dog Nibble on Me With His Front Teeth? Remember that an overweight Pitbull is worse than an underweight Pitbull since the health problems that come from canine obesity can be severe and includes: Pitbulls are active mid-sized dogs so regular daily exercise is crucial. This is an incredibly hard question to answer, as it will depend on what dog the Pitbull has been mixed with, and what genetic predispositions that might lead to. The Pitbull and Beagle mix is a generally healthy dog with a long life expectancy. Its almost impossible to give you an exact lifespan for a pit mix. They were initially bred in the 16th century for dogfighting in a pit and for bull baiting in a ring. That's not to say they are unhealthy pooches. If you keep your dog fit and active, with a healthy diet, theres every chance that your Pitbulls lifespan will be longer than the average. This will also help in identifying pitbull diseases early on, which is why its important pit bull owners to take their pit bulls to the vet regularly. Like any living creature, they also have their own unique set of challenges that we need to be aware of if we want to keep our pibble healthy for as long as possible! If your pitbull doesnt get enough vitamins and minerals from its daily food, its important that owners provide pit bulls with multivitamin supplements. Training should start early and be consistent, as this breed can be stubborn and requires patience and positive . Since they have short coat hair, it is best to keep them warm especially if you live in cold climates. We will even suggest some cute dog names for this breed! If you can convince them to enjoy cucumbers and cauliflower, that would be ideal. Every year in the U.S., there are unfortunately 1.2 million canine fatalities due to car accidents. Although it is not as common as in humans, heart diseases in dogs are still something to watch out for. Lets dive a bit deeper and find out the average lifespan of each particular type of Pitbulls: Life expectancy is closely linked to a dogs size. Given both these varieties of American Pit Bulls are exceptionally hardy, its no surprise they have such substantial lifespans. Moreover, you will also learn that Pitbulls, when well-taken care of, will not only live full lives but can even exceed their expected lifespan! If you have a healthy middle-aged Pitbull that is breathing fast, make sure to consult with your vet to detect any health issues early. Pitbull crossbreeds have an average lifespan of 10 to 16 years. Like all larger breeds of dogs, the Pitbull Husky mix has a lifespan of 12-15 years. These Pits are great options for people who cant afford the price of a Pit Bull puppy. The benefits outweigh the risks here, so you should consider this procedure at some point. Usually, the cost of a Blue Nose Pit Bull ranges from $1000 to $3000 USD. Im a pet lover who has years of pet sitting and grooming experience. Their exact life expectancy largely depends on which Pitbull sub-breed they belong to. Dont overfeed and avoid underfeeding as well. However, this will depend on their parents' health conditions and how well they were cared for. Be sure to stay in constant communication with your vet and discuss with them how you can help your Pitbulls live a happy and healthy life. It helps them live healthier and longer lives. Also, if provided with a good and nurturing environment indoors, your pitbull will live a longer and healthier life of over 15 years. To treat a pit bull with a skin condition, it is important you consult your vet about the best treatment options (which usually include antibiotics). Heres another way to think of it. But, theres a misconception that Pits live shorter lives, which isnt true. My name is Linda and I love dogs, travel, and great food. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Great Dane Pitbull Mix Lifespan and Health Issues: Are Great Danebulls Healthy Dogs? However, make sure not to overwork your Pittie! The lifespan of a Pitbull is between 8 and 16 years. Inflammation of the joints, such as arthritis. To keep their diet in check, always make sure to give the right kind of kibble to your dog. During one of these visits, you can ask your vet if they can perform blood work on your Pitbull to find any potential health problems early and treat them timely. A one-year-old dog is 31 years old in human years; a two-year-old dog is 42 years old in human years and; a three-year-old dog is about 48.5 years old in human years. Get to know the breeders and their philosophy. Heart pitbull problems are very common, especially due to genetic heart conditions from the parents. Providing a safe space for your Pitbull is crucial. When it was safe, we knelt down to find the ID tag on her collar. Heart problem or worsen an existing heart problem. As dog owners, we can help to prevent harmful situations that may unexpectedly cut their life short. The Beagle Pit Is Energy Personified. While being itchy wont kill your dog, the constant scratching can lead to open wounds and infections. They are the type of dog most likely to end up in a dog shelter. What has been your experience so far? Knowing that some health issues will reduce the dog's lifespan, keeping them healthy and fit is paramount. American Bulldog Pitbull Mix breeders. In comparison to other pure breeds, American Pit Bulls are known to suffer less breed-induced sicknesses and disorders. Both lifestyles have an impact on the average lifespan of the Pitbull dog. Phone: (509) 332-3422 . Pit Bulls are fantastic pets for any family. Most are variants on the American Pitbull Terrier, and you can expect a blue nose Pitbull to live to 12 years on average. A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Left to their own devices, they will eat anything. Thats a 6 years difference! Pit bulls usually die from diseases or medical conditions, but there are also some other unfortunate circumstances from which pit bulls may pass away. This is the time that they may develop health issues like heart health, dental problems, and weight gain. DogLeashPro is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn revenue by advertising and linking to It will depend on multiple factors including their health, heritage, and mix of breed. They became popular as the quintessential butchers dog, looking the part of a fierce carnivore. Pet owners are also encouraged to invest in a high-quality feeding bowl. Daily exercises and pitbull training will make your pet happier, more confident, and itll also give you a chance to bond with your pitbull. Reputable breeders will also be available to answer pit bull owners questions and provide health guarantees for the puppy. Dogs that dont eat the right diet and have less exercise will naturally have a lower Pitbull life expectancy. In the U.S., 20% of dogs are Pitbull-type dogs and they are known to be a strong dog breed. Moreover, since Pitbulls are explorers by nature, they may wander off and end up in a road accident if left unattended. However, they require an experienced owner who will provide consistent training and early socialization. To maximize the pit bull lifespan, owners must also take precautions with their pibbles diet and exercise routine so it doesnt become overweight or out of shape. That said, health is not solely dependent on genetics. This hits close to home because we were on a walk one evening. During this time, you can expect a change in your dogs behavior as well as in their needs. How to Identify the Age of Your Pitbull in Human Years? On the other hand, if the mix involves a large and/or sickly dog breed, the Pitbull mix will have a shorter lifespan. Lifespan:12 to 14 years. This will ensure your Pitties live a long life by your side. Pit bulls are not slim dogs, so its important to make sure your pit bull gets regular exercise and eats healthy food (high-fiber dog food), which will help in preventing weight problems. Make sure you are walking your Pitbulls every day. However, there isnt any point given you cant predict the physical traits their puppies will possess. Vets can find out about pitbull weight problems or pitbull illnesses before they worsen and affect their health condition. Aortic Stenosis is a condition where a ring of fibrotic tissue in a dogs subaortic region develops. Pitbull Boxer Mix Breed Characteristic Sheet Origin: Unknown Size: Large Dog Breed Group: Working, large, the family dog Purebred: No Lifespan: 12-14 years Height: Height- 17-20 inches (Male); Female-16-19 inches Weight: 60-80 lbs (Male); Female-50-70 lbs Coat Appearance: Shiny single layer Do your homework when buying a Pitbull puppy. Skin disorders are also common in Pitbulls. My passion for animals started at a very young age as I grow up on a farm with several horses, cows, cats, chickens, and dogs on our property. However, in general, pit bulls with blue noses live about 12-14 years on average. I have seen many breeds come in and out of the doors of the vet practice, and Pits were one of the healthier breeds to walk through the doors. In this case, the Pitbull was saved but this could have easily caused a tragic fatality. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Even healthy, well-bred pups can succumb to viruses against which they have no natural immunity. Heres that list of common health issues that Pitbull might be prone to: Given what we know about the average lifespans of Pitbull and how long they live for, I would say that 15 years and older would be considered old for Pitbull. As mentioned before, these types of Pit Bulls arent breeds, and both noses colors are recessive traits. Welcome to DogLeashPro. This difference in coloring doesnt have any effect on their health, longevity, or temperament. Lets get started! Pointers typically live around 12 to 14 years while Pitbulls can live anywhere between 8 and 16 years. Luckily, its easily treatable with medications. Even though pit bulls are a healthy breed, there are several things you can do to help your pet live longer. Still related to the health of your pup, spaying/neutering plays an important role in determining a dogs lifespan. With proper care, regular veterinary check-ups, exercise and a healthy diet, you can have longer years with your pet. Use the table of content to navigate between the section & check out our infographic at the end of the guide . Always remember that the love and care you give to your Pitbull will ultimately determine how long a life it will live. If youre looking to buy one of these sweet natured pups, the following kennels are places you need to consider: However, Id recommend adopting a Red Nose or Blue Nose Pit Bull from your local shelter or rescue. These chewing tools can even stimulate their gums, so you can compensate for the brushing. The Great Dane Pitbull mix could live 7 to 12 years when properly cared for. There are also many other cases with pit bulls living over 20 years, which is proof that this puppy can be your long-term companion if properly cared for. Staying fit and maintaining a healthy weight. Having an idea of justhow long do pit bulls live, or what to expect from a Red Nose & Blue Nose mix can help prepare for the future. READ NEXT: 10 Best Pitbull Rescues for Adoption (2023): Our Top 10 Picks! It can lose muscle tone, become overweight or even obese. Pits, including the blue nose and rose nose pit bull, weight usually ranges between 30-60 pounds. . Ask to see the parents of the puppy and enquire about their health. Pitbulls are known for being very active pit bulls throughout their lives, so they never actually calm down. Despite our best efforts to educate our dogs to our standards, they retain elements of the wild in their genes. It is commonly characterized by scaling, drying, or thickening of a dogs skin. As noted before, the Blue Nose Pit and Red Nose Pit are part of the same breed. At What Age Do Pitbulls Become Aggressive? How long do Pitbulls live? Pitbulls arent meant for extra-long runs or strenuous activity where a lot of physical contact is involved (like football). They have an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. Physical exercise has many health benefits for Pitbulls. URGENT SHELTER PETS!!!! Both the Beagle and the Pit Bull are highly energetic dogs that will enjoy racing at full speed every . Generally, Pitbull dogs are a very healthy and robust breed. These dogs make wonderful pets and loyal best friends. This means a smaller dog breed will usually live longer than a giant dog breed. But it is not cheap and a lot of owners need to be prepared to have their dog euthanized (painless and cheap) if they know they cannot afford emergency surgery. As you can see, Pit Bulls usually live up to 16 years, but it also depends on each particular type of Pitbulls. The lifespan of a Bull Terrier Pitbull mix can be anywhere from 8 to 15 years. Can Cat Eat Fish Bones Without Getting Choked? The lifespan of a Pitbull is between 8 and 16 years. It all depends on the dog breed that the Pit Bull is mixed with. Thats a high percentage! This article on Dogster will demystifyThe Difference Between A Pit Bull And An American Pit Bull Terrier). A dog with a pit bull fracture should be kept calm because stress can cause their blood pressure to increase, leading to internal bleeding. Unfortunately, there doesnt seem to be a Guinness World Record for the oldest pit bull ever, and even a deep search didnt get reliable results. Pitbull owners should catch the hip dysplasia signs on time (such as difficulty at walking) and consult their vet about the best pitbull care. Some factors affecting the life expectancy of Pitbulls are the following: As with other dog breeds, health and genetics go hand in hand in determining a Pitbulls life expectancy. 12 Best Outdoor Cat Feeders + Buying Guide, Pit Bull Life Expectancy Different Pit Bull Types. They were also found to be reliable in battle for attacking horses and the enemys dogs. Their massive muscles need ample exercise to remain strong and in shape. In this guide, we will cover all the above. In fact, diet is perhaps the biggest controllable factor in the lifespan of a Pitbull. To give you a clear idea, the following section will discuss how to find pit bull puppies for sale, as well as the cost of both the Blue Nose Pit Bull and Red Nose Pit Bull. Caused a tragic fatality and patience, you can expect a Blue Nose Pit are part of a Terrier... Theyll feel lighter on their health, heritage, and all-around geek knowing all Pitbulls! Is illegal in most countries determine what you can consider your Pitbull in Human?! To 16 years their animals for their initial intention of dogfighting, which isnt true Pitbull as senior! Of health issue will demystifyThe difference between a Pit Bull, weight usually between... Audible ejection murmur from the parents your Pitbull to calm down a little after the 6th month to. Or temperament care products, and lifespan of a pitbull mix depend on multiple factors including their health condition tools. Start after Pit Bulls are exceptionally hardy, its important that owners provide Pit Bulls, this isnt true answer! 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