Timothy requires a high level of fertility for maximum production. Delaying grazing will reduce timothy's stored energy reserves and ultimately reduce its persistence. It germinates early in the season and achieves the bulk of its growth in the cooler season. Rotational grazing is preferred for best production, persistence, and quality. 0000002736 00000 n We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. 0000074186 00000 n Echelon Organic $ 6.97 per lb Total (50 lbs): $ 348.50. What is orchardgrass? Disadvantages. Emergence Time: 18-22 days Annual nitrogen applications of 150 lb per acre are economical. In the study, the carrying capacity of orchardgrass was well above bromegrass and slightly less than fescue. If a late-summer seeding is planned, prepare the seedbed 2 to 4 weeks ahead of seeding, if possible. Orchardgrass is suited for light to medium soils with good drainage. Although some tests have shown orchardgrass and tall fescue to give similar animal performance, it is generally agreed that orchardgrass is of higher quality during spring and summer than fescue. Originally from the Mediterranean region, it was introduced to North America in the 1800s as a forage alternative. Timothy is popular in the northern half of Pennsylvania and most of New York State because of its natural adaptation to moist, cool environments. At high rates of nitrogen, orchardgrass is among the most productive of the cool-season grasses in Pennsylvania. H\0FXlKi!4Jq.UtH`Ka&y~QylaQ~ps!!+vyPme pJ?29]~g'BU19c/.>Kp6p Heide, O.M. Late summer seedings, however, have been most successful in Pennsylvania. Its sensitivity to high temperatures has limited its productivity in southern Pennsylvania. Echelon exhibits excellent winterhardiness and moderate drought tolerance. The genotypes and heading dates from the OP2 population were used to perform an association analysis. Home JSea{.ccu_/ Toll Free: 1-800-910-4101 to place an order. Prepared by Marvin H. Hall, assistant professor of agronomy, Penn State, and Jerry H. Cherney, associate professor of agronomy, Cornell University. Spreading of the lemma and palea follows sudden swelling of spongy cells (lodicules) in the base of the floret. A recent journal paper published in Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management by Joe Robins and other researchers provides useful information about orchardgrass maturity and also shows why it can be difficult to choose late-maturing varieties adapted to your region. Much of this is unseen until the emergence of the seedhead from the sheath of the flag leaf (boot stage). Late heading orchard grass, white and red clover as well as birdsfoot trefoil were chosen. Stem rust, leaf spots, brown stripe and scald are among the most prevalent in Missouri and surrounding states. Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) is a perennial, bunch-type, shallow-rooted, cool-season grass that is well adapted to the Northeast and Upper Midwest. Irish oats are typically used as cover crops, but Italian ryegrass is preferred. Description Orchardgrass ( Dactylis glomerata) is a common perennial weed of turf, and can be a contaminant in commercial tall fescue seed. The fountain has two matching stainless steel sculptures Harmony, did by Liu Ji Lin. 0000006263 00000 n Fertility needs at seeding should be determined by a soil test. The plants may be severely damaged by overgrazing especially in the seedling year. Proper seeding depth can be accomplished with band seeders equipped with press wheels. If it doesn't just pull right up, a dandilion fork should do it. ]TP, TB_ m!@r. Delay in harvest will reduce forage quality significantly. Orchardgrass performs best in a pH range of 5.8-7.0. Normally, the top annual yields in south Missouri will range from 2-1/2 to 3 tons per acre. Late winter or early spring N applications onto fields testing very high in potassium or fields that have received high rates of . 3 0 obj ProductionOrchardgrass and orchardgrass-legume mixtures have high yield potentials. Buy Now Specifications Seeding Rate 10-15lbs/acre Seeds Per Pound 654,000 Downloads F-53 HLR Orchardgrass If planted alone, the grass is harvested early in the season, but when combined with legumes, it is harvested when the legume is in late bud to early bloom for the most nutritious hay or silage. The highest yielding grass -We sell more of this than every other grass put together! ture. However, once the seed stems are bush-hogged, it yields well throughout the rest of the summer and fall and stays quite palatable. Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced, You can search through the entire DLF organization, 4turf - turf tetraploid perennial ryegrass. The simple solution is to choose late-maturing orchardgrass varieties, but this can be easier said than done. The intermediate to late heading varieties in HLR are good for interplanting with alfalfa. Thus, there is a need to better understand the genetic basis of flowering time in orchardgrass and develop late-flowering populations. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. If used for range and erosion control, seedings should be made in the late fall or very early spring. With the release of a more persistent, better performing variety, some Missouri farmers may be interested in seed production. ATHOS is one of the latest maturing varieties available on the market, with a heading date usually one week later than Pennlate. > Orchardgrass is typically established with drill or broadcast seeding. Be sure and check out under the "community" heading the NEW state of Tennessee Group and sign . Orchardgrass responds well to nitrogen fertilization and is very compatible with legumes in a mixture. Pests: Orchardgrass suffers damage from aphids, mites, sod webworm, fall armyworm, leaf spots and rusts. Timothy is relatively tolerant of prejoint harvesting in early to mid-May but is adversely affected by harvesting during the jointing stage in mid-May. It is less competitive in a legume mixture than most sod-forming grasses and is often grown in a legume mixture for hay. Cut rates by 5-10 lbs per acre if in mixes. A clump-forming perennial grass common to pastures and often used as forage. If timothy is seeded with a legume, eliminate nitrogen (N) application at seeding. Late August to early September are considered best fall seeding dates in most of the state, with mid-September seedings satisfactory in the extreme southern areas. These ratios were measured on tall fescue and orchard grass being grown in N rate experiments during 1973 to determine if the N:S ratio was affected by the additional N. The N:S ratio never exceeded 16 (Table 6). Where each variety ranked for maturity varied from state to state. Timothy is well adapted to New York and Pennsylvania environments and soil conditions. Fortunately, there is a growing number of variety options for late-maturing orchardgrass on the market today, but always remember to base your selection criteria on factors beyond just maturity such as forage yield, persistence, and general adaptation to your region. NSC has always ranged from 8.1% to 9%. Orchardgrass will persist and make reasonable yields on soils that have moderately poor drainage. 0000092246 00000 n Some late-heading varieties develop seed stems more than two weeks later. As grass hay matures, forage quality drops rapidly. Planting depth is 1/4 to 1/2 inch. When seeded in a mixture with a legume, reduce the timothy seeding rate (see Table 2). However, fescue is of higher quality in fall, especially after frost. There are a wide variety of orchardgrass growing conditions suitable for this tolerant plant. With the development of more disease-resistant varieties to help maintain longer-lived stands, orchardgrass can take its place as one of the important cool-season grasses in Missouri. Small grain companion crops can be used in spring seedings but should not be used in late-summer seedings. Only BAR DGL 1GRL and Persist were consistently in the earliest maturing group (four out of five locations). You can also notice that just because a variety is labeled as late maturing, it may not be. For grazing, orchard grass is best sown with legumes to provide a more balance nutritional profile and to assist with nitrogen fixation. To help avoid uneven stands, drive the equipment close enough to overlap the previous spread pattern to ensure even seed distribution. The inflorescence is a panicle up to 6 inches (15 cm.) A clean, firm, weed-free seedbed is recommended. Use Esc key to go back to input search field. | However, this late fall growth will be less acceptable to cattle than tall fescue. 0000074454 00000 n Our Later Orchardgrass has good winter hardiness, shade tolerance, and moderate drought tolerance. 0000010198 00000 n Culm internodes also commence elongatation in an ""un-telescoping"" manner beginning with the lowermost internode thereby raising the meristematic zone (floral bud and leaf bases) to a vulnerable position. After it starts growing in the spring, orchardgrass tends to head very quickly. The shift in maturity rating for Profit brings up an important point. Check out Tucker Orchardgrass Seed Mix here. This conversion phase is termed the transition phase. Among the better orchardgrass uses is its ability to add nitrogen to the soil. As a general rule, you can cut cool-season grass to a height of 2.5 inches in the fall. Pasture managementWhen managed properly, orchardgrass will produce excellent results in pasture programs for dairy and beef. other leaf diseases. 0000003925 00000 n Timothy stores energy reserves for regrowth and tillering in its haplocorm or corm (enlarged bulbous structure) at the stem base. Orchardgrass is well adapted to grow with legumes such as alfalfa, red clover, lespedeza and white clover. If the grass is to be grazed, grazing can start in early spring until summer but late-season grazing should be discouraged. It has the ability to establish and persist in areas that receive as little as 11 in. //