Farella, John R., 1984. produce things, the comforts of life, absence of worry, Sun's presence is implied, since he is believed to rest periodically on mountain tops, which figure (Witherspoon 1975: 18). There are over sixty clans today (Kluckhohn 1946: 111). We went Navajo Religion. The corn-husk cross on top of the cake is significant as well, for it provides "sacred orientation." "It is not just a remembrance or reenactment of mythical time, nor is the singer just 'identifying' with the gods. on buckskin spread on the ground. The majority of the ceremony takes place in the hogan belonging to the girl's family, which through the course of mythically significant chanting comes to symbolize the First Hogan of First Man and First Woman and the guests who attend the ceremony become the Holy People.6 Following this, the initiate is dressed in ceremonial garb resembling that which Changing Woman allegedly wore: a "special sash" and jewelry of turquoise and white shell. John Farella asserts that the sacred bundle is more than just a provider of luxuries. Witherspoon asserts that "the sheep herd is a symbol of the life, wealth, vitality, and integration of the subsistence residential unit" (1975:87). with it away from themThe water which she sprinkled Princeton UP. Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1976. Navajo Kinship and Marriage. Dine bahane'. When the twins Monster Slayer and Born for Water needed help to say the monsters, they approached the Sun, their father, and asked for his aid. Changing Woman is considered to have made the first sheep: As soon as children are old enough to help out with the herding, they are given sheep of their own to care for. The Main Stalk: A Synthesis of Navajo Philosophy. Around the time of the h-zh--j', the child is given a secret, or "war," name by his or her parents which is considered the child's property and is seldom used even by the child's family (24). It is organized around a head mother, a certain tract of land, and the sheep herd (72). Moreover, she is credited with bestowing the Blessingway ceremony, the Kinaald, sheep, and corn upon humanity, thereby protecting not only Dine spiritual health, but basic subsistence as well. Locke, Raymond Friday, 1992. Routledge Books. 1). In the center of my white shell hogan I am here. Therefore, the Sun originally tried to deny and denounce his children, but after they made him proud by withstanding his inhuman trials, he gave them assistance. Return Home. rest periodically on mountain tops, which figure Reichard, Gladys A, 1950. Then it is baked in a pit, which is symbolic of a woman's womb (earth=woman). There are two types of hogans: a female hogan with a round top, used for living and ceremonies, and a male hogan with a forked top, which is used for a sweat house (Beck 1992: 287). her hands and then) on the white shell, the turquoise, In the Dine creation story, Changing Woman, from the moment of her birth to her retirement to the Sun's house in the West, is equated with a benevolent fertility integral to the continuation of Dine culture. In the center of my white shell hogan I am here. The guests and betrothed sit in prescribed places in the hogan, and a number of rituals are performed. The clan system is vital to Dine kinship and social system; it not only mandates marriage possibilities, but also extends the circle of a Dine individual to include kin from several different approaches. One myth of Changing Woman's infancy insists that she was fed corn pollen to have the "power of regeneration" (17). Aronilth, Wilson, 1991. Dine bahane'. The latter term can be further divided into the Dine, the Navajo, and the ana'', or non-Navajos. It too is addressed "shim," and considered to be a protector. 4 Other sources report that Changing Woman only made four original clans. Return to The Sacred Mountains as a Hogan Right on the fabric spread I am here. Structural Anthropology. used throughout, and drypaintings of these materials and pulverized flower blossoms are sometimes prepared Therefore, the Sun originally tried to deny and denounce his children, but after they made him proud by withstanding his inhuman trials, he gave them assistance. For most of his day, he is coursing in the sky, which is why Changing Woman moves to the West so she can be with him at night. To an individual it is his "medicine," the source Return to The Sacred Mountains as a Hogan The Navajo world is stringently gendered, with male objects characterized by a "static reality," and females an "active reality" (Witherspoon 1977: 141). Each of these categories shares symbolic qualities with Changing Woman, exemplified in Witherspoon's paradigm which asserts all items provide sustenance or protection. with their eyes whenever she moved her hands white corn, and her sister an ear of yellow corn, Changing Woman created the original clans by rubbing off pieces of her epidermis in a symbolic manner. Dine kinship extends far beyond the nuclear family. Language and Art in the Navajo Universe. Mythically, Sun is said to be corn's father and Lightning its mother (Reichard 1950: 27). Zolbrod, Paul G, 1984. I One of the main reasons I adopted Heath in fall 1990 was to help my This takes place in the hogan, which is arranged in ceremonial fashion (please refer to Fig. University of New Mexico Press. To an individual it is his "medicine," the source John Farella asserts that the sacred bundle is more than just a provider of luxuries. University of Arizona Press. 4 Other sources report that Changing Woman only made four original clans. The Dine consider the hogan to be "a living entity, with the smokehole as its breathing hole; this is where prayers emerge and raise to the heavens" (Griffin-Pierce 1992: 92). University of Chicago Press. Once the girl finds a suitable mate, then his family gives her family gifts of jewelry, livestock, or other goods (Locke 1976:22). Then it is baked in a pit, which is symbolic of a woman's womb (earth=woman). Every mother takes as her model Changing Woman and tries to treat her child as Changing Woman treated Monster Slayer. "It is in the corporate enterprise of the sheep herd that the Navajo child learns the meaning, necessity, and nature of group or communal life, and it is this experience, more than any other, that forms his social personality" (1975:73). After the singing, the cake is unearthed and a first piece removed from the east direction. lifeHe speaks of it as "our mother" because Changing Hogans are characterized by a rich tradition of symbolism. The fourth day is devoted to singing sacred Blessingway and "free" songs. There are two types of hogans: a female hogan with a round top, used for living and ceremonies, and a male hogan with a forked top, which is used for a sweat house (Beck 1992: 287). Unless it is cultivated, it cannot survive. Beck, Peggy, and Anna Lee Walters, eds., 1992. The Sacred Ways of Knowledge, Sources of Life. She is at the top of the Dine pantheon as the deity most likely to help individuals in need. Another major part of the Kinaald involves the girl running toward the east, which she does twice a day for the first day, and three times a day for the next three days. for the Navajo definition of fatherhood. Therefore, one may gage the healthiness and wealth of any given unit of Dine by the appearance of their sheep. Furthermore, First Man's "medicine" began in the underworld and provided for the genesis upwards into the different worlds (69). The Savage Mind. Basic Books. University of New Mexico Press. In some myths, Changing Woman is said to be born of the bundle (Farella 1984: 87). The hogan has its creation in Navajo Mythology, when First Man creates it upon emergence into this world. The Symbolism of Corn: Changing Woman gives birth to the Hero Twins called Monster Slayer and Child of the Waters, who together have many adventures in which they help to rid the world of much evil. Purity and Danger. "It is not just a remembrance or reenactment of mythical time, nor is the singer just 'identifying' with the gods. On the reservation, certain places are open to everyone, like timber or watering areas. (Reichard 1950: 29) Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1966. Witherspoon asserts that there are two levels of kinship: the "primary level," which includes the Mother-Child bond that Changing Woman epitomizes, and the husband-wife bond that Changing Woman and the Sun's relationship defines; and the "secondary level," which is less intense and includes the father-child relationship and the sibling-sibling relationship (19875: 35). However, livestock is always privately owned, and until recently, there was no concept of joint ownership at all between wife and husband (17-18). Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1966. Sometimes Monster Slayer is referred to as The Hero Twin (singular), probably because he does most of the fighting. Witherspoon says, "at best, a father is a helpful friend, a good teacher, and a strong disciplinarian; at worst, he is a potential enemy, an undependable friend, or an unreliable ally" (1975: 34). Throughout the singing, the chief goal is the Hunahpu Character Analysis. Kluckhohn and Leighton report that there are "exceedingly few violations of these prohibitions," for "Navahos treat incest of this sort and witchcraft as the most repulsive of crimes" (1946:112). First Man's bundle is also said to contain soil from each of the four sacred mountains ringing the reservation. with their eyes whenever she moved her hands The Dine consider the hogan to be "a living entity, with the smokehole as its breathing hole; this is where prayers emerge and raise to the heavens" (Griffin-Pierce 1992: 92). the essential domestic plant; there is no wild form. for the Navajo definition of fatherhood. with it away from themThe water which she sprinkled The epitome of this active reality is Changing Woman, whose qualities described in myth are superimposed in contemporary Navajo life. NCC Press. The guests and betrothed sit in prescribed places in the hogan, and a number of rituals are performed. Moreover, she is credited with bestowing the Blessingway ceremony, the Kinaald, sheep, and corn upon humanity, thereby protecting not only Dine spiritual health, but basic subsistence as well. Witherspoon, Gary, 1975. Here, fertility comes from the union of yellow corn and white corn, an idea which is mirrored in the Dine wedding ceremony. Reichard records a myth in which Talking God gives corn to Whiteshell Woman and her sister Turquoise woman, saying, "There is no better thing than this in the world, for it is the gift of life." This relationship is partially defined by the father's distance from and assistance to his children, considerations manifested first in the Sun's first encounters with his children, the twins. Volume II. (1975: 33). of blessings, like the magic bundle of First Man. Yellow corn is associated with females, a fact which is demonstrated in several ceremonies. For four days, the mountain Ch'ool'i'i was covered with a dark cloud that slowly descended down its base. Write one paragraph on what the Navajo Story "Changing Woman and the Hero Twins" shows about Indian values, way of life and religion. Farella asserts the following about corn's importance: Now on the top of Gobernador Knob, I am here. Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1966. After this, elders instruct the couple about the nuances of married life and everyone partakes in the wedding feast (Locke 1976: 23). Douglas, Mary, 1966. Sheep are the most important livestock to the Navajo, in terms of raising and consuming. University of New Mexico Press. 7 Please see Witherspoon's chart on color in Appendix A. According to Zolbrod, she made the heads of the original six clans. conceived, the white corn giving birth to Talking Contained in the bundle are objects of value on the Earth's surface. Witherspoon, Gary, 1977. Then she rubbed the outer layer of skin from under her right arm with her left hand. Aronilth, Wilson, 1991. The batter is blessed with cornmeal and covered with husks, "in the center of which the initiand places another corn-husk cross oriented to the cardinal points. When they passed all his grueling tests, with Nilch'i the Wind's aid, he was surprised and proud, and gave them gifts to help overcome the monsters (Zolbrod 1984: 212). The Blessingway ceremony performed after the child's birth is also performed on several other occasions, such as the departure or return of family members after leaving the reservation for an extended amount of time, during a girl's Kinaald and a woman's wedding (Kluckhohn 1946: 212). The Kinaald puts the Navajo girl on the path to adulthood, which culminates in the wedding ceremony. K'e terms, referring to "forms of social harmony and order that are based upon affective action," are used in Dine society to address everyone (88). Photo Credit: The Book of the Navajo. Witherspoon does mention, however, that individuals of an economic group he labels "subsistence residential units," will combine their sheep into a communal herd for tending purposes (1975: 72). In this section their symbolic implications will be explored in the larger framework of Dine subsistence and economics. Dine bahane'. White Shell Woman is, in reality, A05 Listening Woman (02-13) p. 121 Kluckhohn, Clyde and Dorothea Leighton, 1974. Witherspoon asserts that there are two levels of kinship: the "primary level," which includes the Mother-Child bond that Changing Woman epitomizes, and the husband-wife bond that Changing Woman and the Sun's relationship defines; and the "secondary level," which is less intense and includes the father-child relationship and the sibling-sibling relationship (19875: 35). A01 The Blessing Way (01-07) p. 26 7 Please see Witherspoon's chart on color in Appendix A. Farella, John R., 1984. Metaphorically, Changing Woman is the model mother which all human mothers strive to emulate. Purity and Danger. In this section their symbolic implications will be explored in the larger framework of Dine subsistence and economics. Farella, John R., 1984. From this the soil soaked spot herbs grew which Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1966. The Dine consider the hogan to be "a living entity, with the smokehole as its breathing hole; this is where prayers emerge and raise to the heavens" (Griffin-Pierce 1992: 92). their meanings provide the major conceptual framework Members of subsistence residential units will share any slaughtered sheep with each other, thereby reaffirming their unity as a group and their individual commitment to the group. University of Chicago Press. Clans also define the larger circle of an individual's relatives, which is necessary for identifying responsibility in ceremonial cooperation (Kluckhohn 1946: 112). 8 I question Witherspoon here; in all other sources it is "Born to" the mother's clan. In some myths, Changing Woman is said to be born of the bundle (Farella 1984: 87). Zolbrod, Paul G, 1984. Mankind. Even after this incident, however, the Sun could never really be close to his children. The alkaan is baked in a large pit in the ground, into which the helpers pour the batter that the initiate mixes. It is a repetition of the act [of creation] itself" (1984: 76). Return to The Sacred Mountains as a Hogan. 5 There is no equivalent for males in Navajo culture. The Main Stalk: A Synthesis of Navajo Philosophy. Unless it is cultivated, it cannot survive. "It is in the corporate enterprise of the sheep herd that the Navajo child learns the meaning, necessity, and nature of group or communal life, and it is this experience, more than any other, that forms his social personality" (1975:73). Farella asserts the following about corn's importance: After the bundle is retrieved from the watery world, First Man reveals the items to the other diyinii: "When he opened it to show them there was a perfectly kernelled white shell corn ear, a perfectly kernelled turquoise ear of corn, a perfectly kernelled abalone ear of corn, and a perfectly kernelled jet ear of corn" (Wyman qtd. (Witherspoon 1975: 18). The Sacred Ways of Knowledge, Sources of Life. For more information, consult Witherspoon 1975:40. Once the girl finds a suitable mate, then his family gives her family gifts of jewelry, livestock, or other goods (Locke 1976:22). One myth of Changing Woman's infancy insists that she was fed corn pollen to have the "power of regeneration" (17). mirage and earth rising haze. Like the story of Changing Women and the Hero Twins, these stories dramatize a people's beliefs about how a individual altered the original world and social order to it culturally accepted norm. For more information, consult Witherspoon 1975:40. In some myths, Changing Woman is said to be born of the bundle (Farella 1984: 87). When the twins Monster Slayer and Born for Water needed help to say the monsters, they approached the Sun, their father, and asked for his aid. 5 There is no equivalent for males in Navajo culture. University of New Mexico Press. on the mountain where the fogs meet, 'the corn Harvard UP. Members of subsistence residential units will share any slaughtered sheep with each other, thereby reaffirming their unity as a group and their individual commitment to the group. Aronilth, Wilson, 1991. Return Home. The same language used to characterize her is used to describe other relationships and objects as well, such as the sacred mountain bundle. God, the yellow corn giving birth to another deity.' He says that the bundle, which began with First Man before emergence, provides "temporal and spatial continuity for the Navajo" (Farella 1984: 69). As stated before, Dine refer to both sheep and corn as shim. Dine bahane'. greatly in creation. by which they had life in them, which regulated the Navajo People Culture and History This she rubbed (on The symbolism of the color yellow has been studied by Newcomb, Fisher and Wheelwright, who assert that yellow is "the color of the female wind and of the ripened harvest and the soft autumnal rain" (qtd. Navajo Religion. This makes sense when considered as an offspring of the initiate as Changing Woman (32). 1995The Night Chant, a Navaho Ceremony. Beck, Peggy, and Anna Lee Walters, eds., 1992. Corn is, first of all, diyinii Corn is, of course, white corn, and her sister an ear of yellow corn, The Sacred Ways of Knowledge, Sources of Life. Mythically, Sun is said to be corn's father and Lightning its mother (Reichard 1950: 27). Although the interior is always a contiguous whole, it is metaphorically divided by the four poles into the four cardinal directions: the south side is associated with things relating to subsistence, the West with social relations, the North for reverence,' and ceremonial objects, and the East is the door (Griffin-pierce 1992: 94). Volume II. The latter term can be further divided into the Dine, the Navajo, and the ana'', or non-Navajos. Beck, Peggy, and Anna Lee Walters, eds., 1992. Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1976. Every mother takes as her model Changing Woman and tries to treat her child as Changing Woman treated Monster Slayer. Foundation of Navajo Culture. Earth is My Mother, Sky Is My Father;: Space, Time, and Astronomy in Navajo Sandpainting. in Witherspoon 1975: 17).7 One myth of Changing Woman's infancy insists that she was fed corn pollen to have the "power of regeneration" (17). 1The term "Dine" can be subdivided into the Diyin Dine, or Holy People, and the nihok' dine'e, or earth surface people (Witherspoon 1977:96). As stated before, Dine refer to both sheep and corn as shim. The Kinaald: The alkaan is highly symbolic. University of Chicago Press. University of New Mexico Press. One myth, which Stevenson recorded, places Talking God and another deity as created by corn from Changing Woman and her sister: Mountain Soil Bundle: without the thing which regulated our lives, by means The alkaan's removal from the pit is symbolic of many things: birth, the growth of vegetation, and the emergence of the Holy People into the present world (Lincoln 1981:32). 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