McRaven says civilians die in fewer than 1% of the raids, a good record in close urban combat, but it still means U.S. commandos are killing noncombatants twice a month. The first of Admiral McRaven's 10 lessons is: start your day with one successful task completed, such as making your bed, and you will find the motivation to tackle others. Leon Panetta, who joined the video call from CIA headquarters, told TIME's Massimo Calabresi that "all the air we were holding came out." The standard-issue AMC Eagle wagon was no kind of ride for commandos. Date of Birth. And you've probably seen the iconic photo of the spider hole. In 2014 Admiral William H. McRaven gave the commencement address at the University of Texas at Austin. The drill was to jump at 13,000 feet and once you dropped to 5,500 feet, you pulled your ripcord. Based on a Navy SEAL's inspiring graduation speech, this number-one New York Times best seller of powerful life lessons "should be read by every leader in America" (Wall Street Journal).. On September 11th, 2001, you were still recuperating from your injuries when you watched the terrorist attacks on this country play out on a television screen in your living room. McRaven: He went from being pompous and arrogant to frankly, just being, you know, a tired, corrupt old man. And he pulls. And fortunately, you know, the guys found me, took me to the hospital. Well, thank you president Powers, Provost Fenves, deans, members of the faculty, family and friends, and most importantly, the class of 2014, it is indeed an honor for me to be here tonight. Read the full transcript of McRaven's May 19, 2014 speech right here at So anybody that claims that theyve got a helmet cam video, nobody was wearing helmet cams. He was running special operations in Iraq when Task Force 121, a clandestine unit under JSOC, tracked Saddam Hussein to his spider hole. Bin Laden lay low and stayed alive. As commander of Naval Special Warfare Group One, Captain McRaven was leading a 1,000-foot freefall exercise in the summer of 2001, when an accident occurred that could easily have cost him his life. So you visited his room every day to speak with the doctor on guard. And youve probably seen the iconic photo from Pete Souza. With otherwise outstanding efficiency reports, however, McRaven won a chance at platoon command in SEAL Team 4. After jumping from the plane, McRaven noticed the jumper below him had pulled his chute, and it was coming at him fast. And so I proudly have the opportunity to display that tape measure at the Special Operations Command. And as I say in the book, kind of inexplicably, I just had this feeling that this was going to be the night that we got Saddam Hussein. He also survived being ripped in half by a parachute. He went right into Naval Special Warfare, serving in SEAL Team Six under its creator, Richard Marchinko who fired McRaven for being too rigid. We must fight terrorist networks, and all those who support their efforts to spread fear around the world, using every instrument of national power diplomatic, economic, law enforcement, financial, information, intelligence, and military.". And just something said, hey, we got to turn around, weve got to get back, because, you know, tonights going to be the night. And you know, after a couple days, they pinned me and plated me and got me going. I guess he did.". We werent going to put him in a cell with other people, that his days as the leader of Iraq were over. And Ive seen it in this current generation, the millennials and the Gen Z. HOOVER: In 2003, you were the commander of Task Force 714 in Iraq. None had the full . But at the end of the day, you have to confirm the jackpot. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. I had received an intelligence brief the night before from one of the great noncommissioned officers that was part of the Saddam hunt. Once there was a President who called for building up the Green Berets in the same speech, in 1961, that called for landing a man on the moon. I unzip the body bag and without getting too graphic he obviously didnt look too good, he had a couple of rounds in his head the beard was a little smaller, I think, than what we usually anticipate. And on the plaque is a Home Depot tape measure. And eventually, of course, the SEALs execute a mission that all of these guys, in terms of the tactics of it, had done hundreds of times before. It obviously had a lot of political risk with it, and I dont want to minimize the risk. We know that theyre getting ready to launch aircraft to come intercept us. Sign up for notifications from Insider! If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. Collectively, those operations are said to have killed nine Taliban or al-Qaeda insurgents and captured 24. The lead, in fact, had led them to Saddam. You know, Ive heard you say that you are the quote biggest fan of the millennial generation and generation and Gen Z. Now, a principle of democracy is, for every right there is a duty. So upon reaching the third floor, the raids second SEAL, Senior Chief Petty Officer Rob ONeill, came face to face with a, quote, tall, thin man. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. And if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made, that you made. Eric Thor Olson (born January 24, 1952) is a retired United States Navy admiral who last served as the eighth Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) from July 2, 2007 to August 8, 2011. HOOVER: You know, you were also in charge of a very successful high seas rescue of Captain Phillips, who was held hostage by pirates off the coast of Somalia. MCRAVEN: Well, I think its interesting when you think about Westmorelands observation in context. it showed that we as Americans can do the hard things and do them well. No, I dont think that contributed to his decline. You were in the joint operation center and you heard the C squadron commander who was on the ground saying, we have Jackpot. Take us inside the Joint Operation Center at that moment. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. What I would offer is I think when he finally realized that he no longer had his palaces, he no longer had his generals, he no longer had his handmaidens, he went from being pompous and arrogant to frankly, just being, you know, a tired, corrupt old man. Firing Line with Margaret Hoover is made possible in part by and by Corporate funding is provided by. You know, we had a lot of kind of heated discussions in the meetings I was in, but there was never any rancor. HOOVER: Its quite striking because you write that the command center breaks into cheers, but you, quote, had no sense of relief, no internal exhilaration, no feeling of victory. It absolutely was not. And we had a plan to do that. But he was not going to have outside contact with any of his former Iraqi leaders. And some folks were a little dismissive. Theres a lot of things that go on post operation. Now, in the case of Saddam Hussein, it was pretty obvious. So if you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. I unzip the body bag and without getting too graphic he obviously didnt look too good, he had a couple of rounds in his head the beard was a little smaller, I think, than what we usually anticipate. The one source we had that led us to Saddam kind of pointed in the general direction. By the time I landed back in Baghdad, the force was moving towards the target and within, you know, within an hours time, the Armys special operations guys that were working for me had had, in fact, captured Saddam Hussein. MCRAVEN: (Laughter) Again, some things are better not questioned. Did we inadvertently kill people we shouldnt have killed? The bad news is, when a parachute opens, it blossoms. Capture him if you can, but if he presents a threat at all, any threat whatsoever, kill him.. If bin Laden had his hands up and he clearly was not a threat which was going to be difficult because you dont know whether or not theyre carrying a suicide vest underneath but if he had come out of that room with his hands up and clearly not a threat, we had an obligation, a legal obligation, a moral obligation to capture him. Sea Stories: My Life in Special Operations, quote, I was having one of those feelings, again, inexplicable, powerful, eerie, one I couldnt shake and I certainly couldnt rationalize. Along the way, McRaven sketches the qualities required to pull off something very much like the bin Laden raid, 18 years in advance: "a simple plan, carefully concealed, realistically rehearsed and executed with surprise, speed and purpose." And you write, (reading) "not a week went by without some wounded soldier pleading with me to keep them in special operations - they didn't need that second leg. we are two days after veterans day and that was the occasion for this event. Rescued Captain Phillips from Somali pirates, Phillips: The first people I want to thank are the SEALs. Never once did he say, why me? The bad news is that when it opened, it split me like a nutcracker, I guess, and just kind of broke the pelvis, broke my back.". It is a small task, but I think an important one. They were children of World War One. It was part of a 10,000-foot freefall jump exercise in July 2001 and McRaven, then 45 years old, was supposed to save the chute for the last possible moments. And never once, never once in all those years have I heard Moki Martin complain about his lot in life. "Go forth and be the heroes we need you to be," he told graduates. But having been through these missions before, what I always know is, you know, you really have to sit down with the operators. Did you have a sense that you would follow in your fathers footsteps? But the fact of the matter is, I didnt want to engage with him. McRaven made headlines in August when he wrote an op-ed condemning President Trump saying, "Revoke my security clearance, too." Now Fox News is reporting that last month, just a few days after penning the op-ed, McRaven left a prominent post with the DIB over the incident.. william mcraven on his time in the military and his criticism of president trump. But after SEAL training, we were stationed at the same team and we became very close friends. (See pictures of the history of special ops. (See TIME's 2008 Person of the Year: Barack Obama. And the SEALs entering the room did absolutely the right thing and shot him, not knowing whether or not he was wearing a suicide vest or what was happening at that instant. This year, a decade later, their paths finally crossed. McRaven grew up with war stories. Rochor exit ECP traffic accident involving a van and a car on 15 February 2017 around 9.34am. That is not exactly the same as choosing two commandments to rebut in church, but it is provocative. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. An unnerving silence descended as the camera stayed on the admiral's empty chair, his habitual yellow can of Rip It energy drink in the foreground. There was always an understanding that it was about doing what was right for the country. In 2003, you were the commander of Task Force 714 in Iraq. Take a look at President Obamas speech to the nation the night of May 1st, 2011. It was going to be a staff job at . I said, good, come here and. Im ok with that. You wrote in your book, Sea Stories: My Life in Special Operations, quote, I was having one of those feelings, again, inexplicable, powerful, eerie, one I couldnt shake and I certainly couldnt rationalize. Now, a principle of democracy is, for every right there is a duty. The accident happened while he was participating in a Naval Special Warfare exercise involving a 1,000-foot free-fall jump. William Harry McRaven (born November 6, 1955) is a retired United States Navy four-star admiral who served as the ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) from August 8, 2011 to August 28, 2014. So for 30 days, I came in every day to check on him and then would leave the small room without engaging him. For most of the past decade, McRaven hunted down high-value targets overseas. Admiral William H. McRaven, USN. Ten years later, Adm. McRaven would help avenge the September 11th attacks by overseeing Operation Neptune Spear. ), (See TIME's 2008 Person of the Year: Barack Obama. I loved the sense of patriotism. Like most promising midcareer officers, the 36-year-old McRaven was dispatched to the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. When McRaven was 10, Sean Connery's James Bond spent a lot of screen time in Thunderball pummeling underwater bad guys and making out with Domino, the underwater hottie. So he didnt know my rank or my name. (See pictures of the history of special ops.). We were holding our breath . And the reason that I am so impressed with this generation, because the 9/11 generation, these young men and women that signed up after September 11th, that raised their hand and said, Im going to join the military, knew that they were taking on the risks, knew that they would probably go to war. Chris Kyle. Today on the show, Admiral McRaven and I discuss why something as simple as making your bed every day can lay the foundation for success in every aspect of your life, how a parachuting accident taught him an important lesson on avoiding self-pity and learning to rely on the help of others, and why rolling in the sand as a . And so the president asked me, he says, Well, Bill, do you know whether or not its bin Laden? I said, Sir, I dont. McRaven charmed the civilians on staff over late-night beers at the Smith & Wollensky steak house. I just didnt want that to occur. And so the president asked me, he says, Well, Bill, do you know whether or not its bin Laden? I said, Sir, I dont. Or, I have to be careful, Im not sure From the time the mission started I think maybe its 15 minutes when I got the call from the ground force commander, for God and country, Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo. And Geronimo was the code word for bin Laden. Navy Adm. William H. McRaven oversaw missions leading to Osama bin Laden's death. And if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made, that you made. "So now I am tangled up in my parachute, falling towards the ground. So by the time the helicopters had passed back over the border, now Im on the video with President Obama and his team. You wrote, quote, as long as I could wiggle my toes, I was going to stay a SEAL. You share the story of Moki Martin, the Vietnam era SEAL, who was partially paralyzed from a head-on bike accident. You wrote in your book. But he was not going to have outside contact with any of his former Iraqi leaders. MCRAVEN: I had arrived in Iraq in October of 2003, and we were hunting Saddam Hussein. I don't know whether I've been knocked unconscious. And as I would find out later, it wouldnt be the last time. Admiral, tell me about that premonition. HOOVER: You know, there are people out there, Admiral, who may not know about the raid on Osama bin Ladens compound or the rescue of Captain Phillips. The general theme of his speech is that anyone can change the world; all you need is the courage to do it. Tell me about the impact that Moki Martin had on you. Thank you for your service. "We do raids. And to this day, Moki oversees the triathlon that we run every year as part of our underwater demolition team and our SEAL fraternity. HOOVER: You write about a skydiving accident that you were in in 2001 that nearly cost you your life. Police in Goulburn, a city in New South . "Look how much of their leadership we've taken apart and how long it's taken, and the movement is still not dead," says Wade Ishimoto, a former Delta Force intelligence officer. It became a dark joke in military and intelligence circles that the U.S. knocked off al-Qaeda's No. Take us inside that closet as you watched your SEALS enter Pakistan and clear the compound floor by floor. He's a former commander of the Joint Special Operations Command, best-selling author, and organizer of the operation that killed the world's most wanted terrorist. Just like the young female sergeant who I just visited at Walter Reed this week. But once again, as I mentioned, with Saddam Hussein, you know, until you can do the forensics on the remains, check the fingerprints, check the DNA, do the facial recognition, you know, Im reluctant to have said, hey, weve got jackpot on this one. You had 60 million dollars for a helicopter, the one we had lost on the raid, and you didnt have ten dollars for a tape measure? And as Ive told folks, it was just the right amount of levity, just at the right time to kind of lower the stress in the room. You wrote, quote, as long as I could wiggle my toes, I was going to stay a SEAL. You share the story of Moki Martin, the Vietnam era SEAL, who was partially paralyzed from a head-on bike accident. And even with that giant beard he had, it didnt take long for us to realize that we had the right guy. His story with the near fatal jump accident and, before that, the ignominious loss of his first command fit the narrative of setback and redemption in the special-operations community writ large. ADM McRaven's 500th Night speech, titled A Sailor's Perspective on the United States Army, was transcribed and released by West Point. But when we were in training, he did not hesitate to pick me out of a crowd and turn me into a sugar cookie, as we say, where you roll around in the sand, and that kind of good natured harassment on a routine basis. Now, I would offer that I use the word premonition, but it was probably the fact that my brain was connecting the dots. McRaven grew up as an officer in the aftermath. Yeah, I mean, even to this day, the impact of Moki Martin is with me every day. "He was climbing the steps, and it was agony, step by step. So I was doing a freefall operation out in Southern California outside San Diego. "[They] kind of snapped me in two," McRaven said. The second helicopter, which was supposed to come in and land on the roof, lands outside. Those were the Wild West days of special operations, and McRaven did not share his commander's easygoing attitude about rules. But I knew immediately the guys were okay. Yeah, I couldnt hear any of that. William McRaven, former University of Texas System chancellor and retired U.S. Navy four-star admiral, joined the school as a professor in national security in 2018. All the men went off to World War Two, and then they came back and rebuilt the country. I didnt want to engage with him because, frankly, I didnt want him to, at least psychologically, think that he was a VIP, that he was somebody important enough to be able to engage me in conversation. Yeah, theres a lot of people out there that think that this was a kill only mission. So the mission was a long way from over. Richard Marcinko, the hard-charging founding commander of Navy SEAL Team 6, the storied and feared unit within an elite commando force that later . And, oh by the way, the guys are still in the compound. Steve Inskeep asked him about a routine parachute jump in San Diego in the year 2001. You know, if we go out and stop one suicide bomber from blowing up a market in Baghdad where a hundred people are killed, who are those hundred people? ", Secret Agent Man "If I was a loose cannon, he was too rigid. . Yeah, theres a lot of people out there that think that this was a kill only mission. The most recent internal tally counted more than 2,500 such commando missions in and around Afghanistan over 12 months. Admiral McRaven: ( 00:00) Thank you very much, thank you. . We werent going to put him in a cell with other people, that his days as the leader of Iraq were over. Did you have a sense that you would follow in your fathers footsteps? What I would offer is I think when he finally realized that he no longer had his palaces, he no longer had his generals, he no longer had his handmaidens, he went from being pompous and arrogant to frankly, just being, you know, a tired, corrupt old man. And every day that I went in, he tried to engage me in a conversation. Well, I think its interesting when you think about Westmorelands observation in context. Plenty of junior officers admired McRaven's stand, but most, as one puts it, "thought that was the end of his career." The fact of the matter is, the law of armed conflict and the rules of engagement were pretty clear. On the night of the bin Laden raid, there were 13 simultaneous operations in Afghanistan by clandestine "special-mission units" under JSOC, according to McRaven and Petraeus. As you point out. I didnt think much of it. So I understood pretty quickly that the guys were a little banged up, but they were OK. And so we went from plan A to plan B. So in relative terms, I'm moving at about 120 miles an hour towards the ground, and he is, in relative terms, stopped as he pulled his parachute. And then. HOOVER: Duty is among the virtues that you write about in the hero code. You know, there are people out there, Admiral, who. They shot better with a prosthetic hand.". Jocko Willink. Having said that, I knew bin Laden was about six foot four And I thought, well Im six foot two. And so when I got the call from the squadron commander and he said, we have Jackpot, youre always, as the guy sitting in the rear, youre thinking, ok, this is good news. But again, to your point, I had a moral and legal obligation to make sure that we took good care of him. But it was probably 15 minutes after that. This is a disturbing phenomenon to me because I dont believe our democracy long range is going to work unless theres an attitude in our society and particularly among our young, that they have an obligation of service. Admiral William McRaven. And now I'm tumbling out of control towards the ground.". But I knew immediately the guys were okay. Did you actually ever think that he would be captured alive? "He was the boss. So there was always concern about the Pakistanis engaging. It was an ideal post for a cerebral commando whose body needed mending. 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