Legacy of the Dragonborn is a very large mod that shapes the way how you play the game. While I'm always available on the Wabbajack Discord and on my own discord Xanza's Emporium, I would advise checking the Issues (open and closed ones) on GitHub first if you have any problems. Common Clothes (by FranklinZunge for SSE) (Bodyslide Files), Improved Weapon Effects CORRECT Metal - Immersive Sounds Patch, Make Non-Exploitable Crossbow Slow Again For Requiem SSE, Quests are in Skyrim - Even Better Quest Objectives Patch, Requiem - Blackened Steel Armour and Weapon Set v4.0.0, Requiem - Expanded Skyrim Weaponry v4.0.0, Requiem - Nordwars Race Armor Expansion v4.0.0, Requiem - Unplayable Faction Armor v4.0.0, aMidianBorn Blades armor SSE Patch - Not needed anymore, aMidianborn Book of Silence - Armors - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons - Swapped to aMidianborn Book of Silence SE, Apophosis Dragon Priest Marks - Swapped with Mask of the Dovah Sonaak, Bijin - Optimized Mesh Resource - Not needed anymore due to using our own meshes, Interesting NPCS - Zora Customizer - Prefer cuyima's version, Keyboard Shortcuts Fix - Became too annoying as it was hitting keypresses in game while minimised. You should also clean up the Skyrim Special Edition folder in Documents/My Games/ by deleting the contents in it. For every list Ive downloaded, I read the entire readme and. While it might not seem like much of a disctinction to you, it is REALLY important to many, so please use the correct terminology. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. 11 19 r/ShouldIbuythisgame Join 2 yr. ago SIB Skyrim or Sniper Elite 4? Upgrade Your Potion](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6063)In cooking pots you can take basic health, mana or stamina potions, combine two of the same quality to get a new potion of a higher quality. All the required MCM options have been automated for you. i am late to the party but i recently recommended this list to a friend and he's using my old setup, a i7 2600k, 8gigs of ddr3 ram (yes, the old one) and the amd r9 390. Once Requiem has finished its installation you may proceed with the game. Is this supposed to be the case, I know requiem usually stops you . If a mod updated and the old files got deleted, it is impossible to download them. This includes but is not limited to: Note that Serenity now includes 2 profiles, select the one you like. I really like the different mods that are set for it overall. Wabbajack is used for more than just Skyrim; the list of games it supports is growing all the time! If you're not a fan of this, just disable it in the MCM option. You tell it where all your directories are. I don't play with followers. If this Modlist receives an update please check the Changelog before doing anything. No more free horses (fixes #21), Disabled Eating food during combat. This folder must not be in a common folders like your Desktop, Downloads or Program Files folder. Keep an eye on your download/installation; if it does error out, it is much less frustrating to find out right away. I like my additional shit added onto it, Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion v2.1.2, Honed Metal (Temporarily removed due to a repeatable unsolvable crash). IDK, I am unable to build a new patch for it, Download Size change: 63.8MB (Total: 62.5GB), Install Size change: -222.2MB (Total: 88.4GB), Reduced the effectiveness of Lord's Mail and Adamantium Helm of Tohan's enchantments by half - Too easy to get and was tooo powerful, Download Size change: -3.1GB (Total: 62.7GB), Install Size change: -3.9GB (Total: 88.3GB), Generated grass cache, may be more performant now, Fixed Boats and some wood not being properly converted from LE, Download Size change: 762.3MB (Total: 59.5GB), Install Size change: 1.5GB (Total: 84.4GB), Swapped all Requiem Stew recipes to use water bottles from Sunhelm, Replaced all Requiem placed water bottles with water bottles from Sunhelm, Added breakdown recipes for aMidianBorn Armor Variants Lite, Download Size change: -1.5GB (Total: 60.3GB), Install Size change: -5.6GB (Total: 85.9GB), Added Horse ownership to the horses at Talos Pale Pass. "00 3D Audio" ads 3D audio \ surround to SkyrimVR. This is a friendly and welcoming place so treat everyone with respect. Check the [Noteworthy Mods](#noteworthy-mods) section later on for more information on is changed. Ensure it is set to "Play" by selecting it in the dropdown box and then hitting the run button. Any conflicts/bugs/issues that arise are likely to result from the specific combination of mods in a given list, therefore mod authors and mod guide authors who are not familiar with the specific installer should not be subjected to helping Wabbajack users if they do not wish to. I haven't tried Serenity yet, but plan to shortly. TSO is my favorite list on Wabbajack so far. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Other rules to follow include (these are directly from the Discord Server): Be a polite participant and respect others. This means screenshots and presets you have created, as well as custom settings and any additional mods you have installed on top of the Modlist will be deleted. Now requires 2 Steel Ingots. SERENITY - Skyrim SE Modlist - Showcase & Review DroppedIceCream 10.5K subscribers Subscribe 958 38K views 1 year ago Serenity links: Serenity Wabbajack:. Serenity 2 is a Skyrim SE modlist found on Wabbajack that aims to bring a fresh Requiem experience to the table. Auriel's Dream - A Skyrim VR overhaul guide, Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch, Realistic AI Detection SE better sneaking, Know Your Enemy - Trait-based resistances and weaknesses, RAM: 32 GB (Or 16GB with a 20GB windows page file), CPU: Intel Core i7-7700HQ, 4 cores at 2.80 GHz, Choose: Properties >> Local Files >> Browse . RealmOfLorkan_HelgenShard - Adds a single shard to Helgen that can take you back to Realm of Lorkhan. DO NOT DM ME ON DISCORD. You pick one of its supported lists. Perk Points and More Gold for Bounty Quests](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2743) If you do quests from the tavern keepers (Im looking for work) you now get both gold and perk points. This is a needed balancing act as people were just cheesing bleak falls barrow with Gorr. Violators will be warned and repeat offenders will be banned. opencompoisite - This can replace SteamVR and will give Oculus users a strong performance boost. Discord | Once the download is done set the Installation folder to somewhere that is not affected by UAC (Please do not put it in Documents, Program Files, Desktop. (List last updated August 2, 2022). Serenity uses the full suite of JK's Skyrim along with all of the interior patches for it. Are you sure you want to create this branch? It uses Requiem 4.0.2 converted to Skyrim Special Edition and has minor and some major tweaks to the core Requiem experience that aims to enhance longevity and replayability while keeping the game fair, balanced and looking great. Immersive Divine Blessings & Crime stats: Bugfixed an issue that many of effects would not follow Crime stat ignores introduced in v1.5.0. Lucien is still recritable as he's as useless as you are, Reinstalled CBBE with Never Nude option as the underwear model was kinda weird, Reinstalled Eeekie's Enhanced NPCs - This should fix Tolfdir's Anime hair and Brynjolf's weird hair, Repacked Interesting NPCs into a BSA. This usually is set to above 100% when using very large (32 inch++) sized monitors and TVs. If you make modifications to these Modlists, you do so at your own risk. Living Skyrim has a different character building system with attributes but I haven't played it much, and QWEST is pretty vanilla+. Unless otherwise specified, no support or advice will be provided. If you choose a list that is graphically demanding, make sure that your computer can handle it. Game and mod piracy is strictly prohibited. Reading a skill book now permanently increases your skill leaning speed by 5% per book. Let me know how it goes. Do not ask how to bypass/obtain a mod that has been updated, wait for the Wabbajack installer to be updated. This way you can pick up skill books and read them later. If you want a different ENB, you can choose from a wide variety of ENBs on the Nexus that support Cathedral Weathers. SunHelm Bosmer Cannibalism: disabled ability to enable it via MCM and disabled auto-enabling feature. No idea where to start with what mods to try? Added an optional music file - Yggdrasil for some Dark Folk Music. I know that the leveling system is setup differently than vanilla skyrim. If you're sneaking he won't chatter and he'll whisper if you talk to him. Github | Best Version of Quest Rewards](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52024)You will always get the best version of a reward, so you do not need to wait to be a certain level to get the perfect weapon or armor. Please head over to Widescreen optional section and pick and match mods for your resolution.*. Missives adds a large number of localized radiant quests found at Missive Boards of varying difficulty and with varying rewards. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Serenity 2 is a Skyrim SE modlist found on Wabbajack that aims to bring a fresh Requiem experience to the table. Modified combat XP curve: toned down higher-level XP outcomes; more, Modified SP cost curve - from 3/5/7/9 skill increase costs changed to 3/5/8/13, hence higher levels require more. Not using your training opportunity will add 5 more to the next level (configurable within SSE Display Tweaks Mod), Gold used for training can no longer be pickpocketed back from trainers (configurable within SSE Display Tweaks Mod), Bound Sword, Dagger, War Axe, Mace and Light Bow are now novice tier spells. Serenity is the only one of those that has Requiem. All content, including your messages, links, images, avatars and nicknames, may not contain explicit or implied sexual or gory content unless it is in a specifically designated NSFW flagged channel and is relevant to game modding. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. It might get added in the future. After you have done everything above and got a clean SSE installation ready, start the Launcher and and let it do the initial graphics check. Many years earlier these very vampires destroyed the village he lived in and slaughtered his. June 2022 Update: I did not have the time/energy/patience to actually do the reviews as I intended. R-IDB-disabled: Rueful Axe, Vigilant Sword; minor WACCF inconsistencies; paper world map conflicts; LOTD: WeatherWard Circlet description fixed; Skullcrusher speed toned down a bit; R-EG: Charged Nova description fixed; Mark&Recall now properly Alteration; R-IR: Otherwordly Phantasms now again enable Frenzy Sphere dual cast; R-EG: Realigned Destruction Infusion to Novice for early Spellblades support; subtly realigned Illusion/Conjuration apprentice spell choices. Serenity is a mid to high end list in terms of graphics. You signed in with another tab or window. Glass and Orcish will still require Morrowind Smithing and the descriptions have been changed to reflect this. Trust me, its quite a mood-killer to wipe away your happy tears when Thanos/Voldemort/Sauron/Palpatine have been defeated for good, only to discover that while you were enjoying your movie and waiting for the Wabbajack to do its thing, it errored out in the first 5 minutes. Wabbajack will not work with a pirated version of the game. There is no Lydia on Discord; no one there has sworn to carry your burdens, so be polite and show your gratitude for all the hard work that has gone into these modlists. Rudy HQ - More LIghts for ENB SE - Deathbells and Nirnroots, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soul Gems, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs, Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer v1.5.8, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion v1.04, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum dome sunlight and shadows v0.3, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) v2.1, Volkihar Knight - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch v1.2, Ennead - Septims - Replaced with JS Purses and Septims, Requiem - Mortal Enemies - Replaced with Mortal Enemiez Patcher, Various INI tweaks to make the game look better, Interesting NPCS - Zora Fairchild Voice Boosted, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum dome sunlight and shadows, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Volkihar Knight Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Cleaner Display Glass, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Relic Notifications - Swapped to Curator's Companion, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Automatic MCM Quest Tracker - Swapped to Curator's Companion, Fixed screenshots not showing up due to paths, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Automatic MCM Quest Tracker, Legacy of the Dragonborn - NPC Overhaul by 1N, Legacy of the Dragonborn Fate Card Retexture, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - Relic Notifications, Requiem - NordwarUA's Race Armor Expansion, Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods - JK's Towns v1.06, Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul v4.0.1, Fixed Activators not working due to reqtificator, Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul v4.0.0, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Automatic MCM Quest Tracker, Unplayable Faction Armors SSE - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch, Dynamic Firewood Stacks - Replaced with WizKid's Lootable Firewood Stacks, Ren's HD Shrines - Replaced with JS Shrines of the Divine, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Relic Notifications v3.0.2, Requiem - DBM - Alternative Descriptions v0.13, XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE v4.72, Addressed invisible Steel Plate Armor mesh issue, Modified Dragon Frost Breath speed to match Requiem values, Removed custom Replica settings - now included in Requiem - Legacy of the Dragonborn, Requiem - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Alternate Descriptions, Requiem - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch by lilmoefow - Replaced with Babul's patch, Requiem - Alternate Descriptions - Replaced with Babul's LOTD Alternate Descriptions, Improved Closefaced Helmets - Too much patching for so little reward, Apophosis Dragon Priest Masks - Improved Closefaced Helmets Patch, Requiem - Improved Closeface Helmets Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Relic Notifications v3.0.1, Bijin Optimized Mesh Resources - CBBE v4.22, Unmerged Requiem Patches - We aren't anywhere close to the plugin limit anyways, Added ELE Patch to Requiem Hall added by Requiem - Legacy of the Dragonborn, Nerfed pre-enchanted capes/cloaks provided by Cloaks of Skyrim, Nerfed Alternate start storage sack from camping in the woods (no more random stuff that can be incredibly OP), Nerfed a bunch of free shit in JK's interiors (no more free daedra hearts), Fixed Several Black Face Bugs from swapping to CBBE, CBPC - Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR, Bijin Optimied Mesh Resources - UNP - Swapped to CBBE Body, Feminine Argonian Textures - UNP - Swapped to CBBE Body, Feminine Khajiit Textures - UNP - Swapped to CBBE Body, The Ordinary Women - UNP - Swapped to CBBE Body, Audio Overhaul - Immersive Sounds Integration (AOS - ISC Compatibility Patch) v1.01, Fixed an ass load of NPC records not forwarding USSEP changes, Realistic Water Two - Alternate Start Patch, Moved Requiem's added Merchant Chests around to fit JK's Whiterun Interiors, Edited in game INI files to be a little better, game AO is incredibly better now, Moved Conflict Resolution for ELE from Requiem Patches to Serenity - CR, Fixed Oldrim Waterflow for a bunch of mods. SteamVR - This is on by default, necessary if you run the game via SteamVR. Click on Browse Modlists, and download Serenity from the gallery. The download and installation process can take a very long time depending on your system specs. This is an ultimate fix. I really like the different mods that are set for it overall. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Open the Properties window (right click the game in your Library->Properties), navigate to the General tab and un-tick the Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game checkbox. I'll start with the only 3 cons. Wabbajack will continue where it left off so you lose no progress. Audio Overhaul Skyrim and Immersive Sounds Compendium offer an amazing base for Skyrim's ambiance and foley. Be Seated](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16613) This mod lets you sit down in taverns, and order food and drinks while sitting down. All shrines do not care how many people you've murdered and all shrines except Zenithar do not care how many items you've stolen or pickpocketed, Tweaked Teleport Vitals spells and Alchemy gold/XP rate to actually make sense, Fixed Kynareth blessing - Nature's Gift - traveler carry weight bonus not applying. There is a link to the gallery page on Wabbajack and a download button. Serenity links: Serenity Wabbajack: https://www.wabbajack.org/#/modlists/info?machineURL=serenitySerenity Discord: https://discord.com/invite/JycmyqzZz7Wabbajack guide video: https://youtu.be/c9jDnjSRqOESerenity Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/azraerlPERSONAL INFO:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/droppedicecreamTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/droppedicecreamDiscord: https://discord.gg/JycmyqzZz7Reaction Channel: http://youtube.com/c/DroppedIceCreamTwitter: https://twitter.com/DroppedCreamInstagram: @droppedicecream_liveIce cream artwork by FloatyNebulaTIMESTAMPS:0:00 Introduction to Serenity0:50 Download Process1:34 Graphics/ Performance3:04 Gameplay5:51 Combat7:12 New Lands \u0026 Quests8:21 Audio9:11 New Items \u0026 Spells10:02 Miscellaneous10:38 Addons11:33 Opinions \u0026 Who It's For Usually the modlist just needs to be updated. Its your game, your modlist, your computer and I cannot stop you. Fozar's added perks for Stalhrim is now level 2 for Ebony Smithing and Nordic is now level 2 for Orcish Smithing. I find it that if you wait for that, your smithing and enchanting will already surpass the rewards usefulness. Put it somewhere easy like, If you run into any issues see the next section. 1) The music is awful, like absolutely awful; 2) the graphics are not on the level of most of the other lists; 3) some bugs (rare for the most part, the only one that got me was a large hindrance, my horse would spawn in the sky when exiting towns or carriages and . A few are listed below. Open Windows Search and copy/paste %LOCALAPPDATA%, Navigate to Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\. Click on Browse Modlists, and download Auriel's Dream from the gallery. To have the highest amount of threads and thus the fastest speed, it is advised to have the working folder on an SSD. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Updated 1 year ago Uploaded 1 year ago Download All Files + loadorder.txt Download File + modlist.txt Download File These are Modlists, NOT Modpacks! 1 More posts you may like r/wabbajack Join 2 yr. ago Your favorite Skyrim modpack? forgot to mention Ebony Warrior XP now unique and corresponds his level. Do Not Go Gentle - A Requiem Wabbajack List Resources Page at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community Do Not Go Gentle is designed as Requiem modlist with Bruma, Wyrmstooth, VIGILANT, and lots of other additions to extend the life of your character playthrough. The 2Handed Bound weapons are still apprentice level, Download Size change: -90MB (Total: 58.8GB), Install Size change: -565.8MB (Total: 80.3GB), Fixed Markarth Heavy guards using Riften's chestplate, Nerfed a few LOTD items, Cyrus Sabre no longer 100% chance to stagger, now its 25%, Regenerated Facegen for Vampire Collection, Download Size change: 4.1GB (Total: 58.7GB), Install Size change: 13.5GB (Total: 79.7GB), XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE v4.80, Unplayable Faction Armors - VIGILANT Voiced English Addon Patch v1.3, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion v5.0.1, VIGILANT SE - Removed until I can update the Requiem Patch properly, Wyrmstooth - The ending gets really broken (weathers, nonstop meteors, dragons) and the broken-ness tends to carry on until forever in some cases, may be back soon, Fixed Bloodthorn not using Immersive Divine Blessing's stats and enchantment count. Thanks spicy chicken for reporting this, Cathedral or Obsidian Weathers Storm Sky Fix for ENB, Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental, Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE v4.1.4, Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Map With Roads - Updated to SSE Version, Legacy of The Dragonborn - museum dome sunlight and shadows v0.4, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion v4.1.0, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) v2.4.1, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Daedric Weapons and Armor v1.0j, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch v4.24b, Better Dynamic Majestic Mountains - Not Needed with Better Dynamic Snow 3.0, Better Dynamic Snow - xEdit Patcher Sciprt - Not needed with Better Dynamic Snow 3.0, Cloaks of Skyrim Ultra HD - Replaced with Cloaks of Skyrim Retextured SE, Cloaks of the Nords - Replaced with Cloaks of Skyrim Retextured SE, EVG Animation Variance - Seems to cause crashes with AllGUD, Flora Fixer - May cause save game bloat due to how many scripts it attaches to plants, Honed Metal - Causes unecessary crashes with the list, Hood Plus Hair for Seranaholic - Replaced with Serana Re-Imageind, Inn Room Costs - Mod was hidden and will probably never come back, NPC AI Process Positioner Fix - Can cause crashes while sleeping in random locations, Requiem - ESF Companions Patch - We're not using the full version, this was made for the full version and was actually producing errors, Requiem - Minor Arcana SSE - Replaced with Requiem Minor Arcana (Requiem 4.0.1), Seranaholic - Replaced with Serana Re-Imagined, Disabled the Modesty and Shield covering animations from EVG Conditional Idles, Enabled Fearless and Steadfast Enemies in Requiem by Default. You don't have to delete the enblocal.ini as that contains tweaks that don't affect how it looks but rather things like screenshot formats, vsync settings. You can just remove the MO2 folder and be done with it. You can have multiple modlists at once, but be sure you know what you are doing. Serenity 2 v1.6.3 Build at: 29.01.2022 11:00 Info: Download Size change: 0.1GB (68.35GB) Install Size change: -4.71GB (92.4GB 97.11GB) Mod Changes: Added optional Ultra Widescreen Patch for Forget Spell (1.0) Added optional Complete Widescreen Fix for Vanilla and SkyUI 2.2 and 5.2 SE (2.0) Added Unofficial performance optimized textures (v9) This should help with enemies yielding and immediately going back to full HP, Fixed gloves from NordWarUA's mods (GAR, New Legion) from going missing with a few types of armors (thanks to NoirC for providing the fixed meshes, you're awesome), Fixed Silver Hand Light Armor having too much Armor Rating, Followers such as Inigo and everyone from Interesting NPCs now require you to complete Dragon Rising before you can interact with them or recruit them. A list of modern combat mods, vanilla qu Add this back if you like it's just an skse plugin. Launch the game through Steam and let the launcher set some settings and create necessary files. Switched bunch of github links so they would not die over time, switched MEGA uploads to CDN. I do however seem to be able to kill bandits and draugr while only level 4 and it's not too difficult. Now treated as elven for balance and not to smite you when you receive it, Requiem - Mortal Enemies - Vanilla Movement, Fixed Dark face on Serana and Rinori Imaryn, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch (Inigo-Auri-Kaidan-M'rissi), Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Daedric Weapons and Armor, Ave's Interesting NPCs Jewelry Replacer v1.0.1, Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold v2.1, Elegant Beauty Stunning Eyes Remastered v2.1, JKs Skyrim - AI Overhaul SSE Patch v1.1.2, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Interesting NPCs Patch v1.2, Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion v4.0.0, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) v2.4, Majestic Mountains - Cathedral Concept v3.2, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz v1.0a, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs v1.0a, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Deathbells and Nirnroots v1.0b, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soul Gems v1.0a, Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Torchbugs and Moths v1.0b, 360 Movement Behaviour - Moving at full speed going backwards in combat is really OP, Bijin Skin - Replaced with Pride of Valhalla, Cathedral Weathers - Replaced with Obsidian Weathers, Cathedral Weathers MCM - Replaced with Obsidian Weathers, Expresive Facegen Morphs - Has some issues with male facegen and High Poly Head, Lucid Rain - Replaced with Obsidian Weathers, Nether's Follower Framework - Look. You go to an alchemist shop, order the item (15% fee) and wait a day, then you can pick them up. While I havent completely given up on this endeavor, in the meantime, there is a great alternative: DroppedIceCreamhas a YouTube series that reviews the current Wabbajack lists: Skyrim Modlist Showcase. That didnt last too long as I felt the siren call of Skyrim once again and decided to try out the Septimus 3 Wabbajack list. Enjoy the game or tweak the following to your liking: Included in Serenity is SunHelm Survival. Remember to disable NightEyeENBFix.esp on right panel if you're swapping away from Rudy ENB - otherwise you'll see red tint, ** Remember to disable NightEyeENBFix.esp on right panel if you're swapping away from Rudy ENB - otherwise you'll see red tint **. Requiem is the core mod behind Serenity. You only have to make sure that you select the same path and tick the overwrite existing Modlist button. Wyrmstooth is a story about hunting a dragon for a bounty. Look through the more recent posts, and/or use the search function, because often your question can be answered there. All replicas can be tempered and enchanted and used as regular weapons. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. All my balance tweaks are meant for at most 1 follower. ), so I am gonna try to expand this section a bit. I downloaded Serenity 2 off Wabbajack. Spamming @ mentions will result in mute. Test at your own risk. Support Me | Is this supposed to be the case, I know requiem usually stops you from killing certain enemies earlier on but just conjuring a spirit wolf seems to kill just about everything currently. I do however seem to be able to kill bandits and draugr while only level 4 and it's not too difficult. None of the other requirements have been changed. Darkvision/ENB - 50% magnitude replaced with reduced duration, which elevated by empower. Lucien is a fully voiced Imperial follower with around 3000 lines of immersive, lore-friendly dialogue. According to him it runs fine, he used the low preset from beth ini but aside from that we didn't tweak anything. Your modlist, your modlist, your Smithing and Nordic is now level 2 for Ebony Smithing enchanting. Wait for that, your computer and i can not stop you 2 is a mid to high list... Perks for Stalhrim is now level 2 for Ebony Smithing and the descriptions been. To high end list in terms of graphics disabled Eating food during.. I can not stop you: Bugfixed an issue that many of effects would follow! In Documents/My Games/ by deleting the contents in it work with a pirated version of the interior for! Necessary if you 're sneaking he wo n't chatter and he 'll whisper if you choose a that. Ago your favorite Skyrim modpack download button it is advised to have the time/energy/patience to actually the! Sneaking he wo n't chatter and he 'll whisper if you 're not a of! 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