4. discussed in 17.6 Discussion Questions 1. Next, do some online research and answer the following question: What qualities important to aircraft does this design provide? Bandwidth. Recommendations to the Architect First and foremost, make sure you know who your stakeholders are and what their needs are, so that you can design appropriate solutions and documentation. Second, allocating and starting a new VM takes a relatively long time, on the order of minutes. It comes in many variants, such as MVP (model-view-presenter), MVVM (model-view-view-model), MVA (model-view-adapter), and so forth. The cooperating elements must agree on behavior, particularly with respect to the states and modes of the system. Von Neumann. These refactorings were based on removing the anti-patterns in the hotspots, so the architect had a great deal of guidance in how to do this. This erstwhile group of information-starved individuals with limited compartmentalized knowledge became a true architecture team. 2.4 A stream cipher is one that encrypts a digital data stream one bit or one byte at a time. In some cases, it may be di cult or ine cient to design a service to be stateless, so we might want a series of messages from a client to be processed by the same service instance. [Dijkstra 72] Edsger W. Dijkstra, Ole-Johan Dahl, and Tony Hoare, Structured Programming. 4. In addition, an architecture can enhance testability by making it easier both to replicate a bug and to narrow down the possible root causes of the bug. Distributed coordination services are complicated to implement, but several proven open source implementations are available for your use. Over and above the contents of architecture documentation, however, are issues dealing with its form, distribution, and evolution. An architecture is a complicated artifact, best expressed by focusing on particular perspectives, called views, which depend on the message to be communicated. This enables exibility in the binding between services, as well as when that binding occurs. What views of the other systems architecture would you like to see and why? Robert Lee Hotz, Mars Probe Lost Due to Simple Math Error, Los Angeles Times, October 1, 1999 This chapter describes the concepts surrounding interfaces, and discusses how to design and document them. Moreover, this calculation does not consider other signi cant costs of bugs, such as lost reputation, lost sales, and additional quality assurance and debugging e ort. Marketability. In most organizations, the development, integration, and staging environments comprised hardware and software procured and operated by di erent groups. Which parts of the system are replicated? Risk Themes Discovered through Architecture Evaluations, in Proceedings of WICSA 07, 2007. Time constraints play a role in determining how long this step is allowed to continue. The uses structure is used to engineer systems that can be extended to add functionality, or from which useful functional subsets can be extracted. Structures, however, are produced as part of design. The answers to these questions can then be made the focus of further activities: investigation of documentation, analysis of code or other artifacts, reverse engineering of code, and so forth. Of course, not all interfaces are under the control of the architect, but insofar as possible the design of interfaces should be consistent throughout all elements of the same architecture. 3. Which architectural choices would you make to design a system that could tolerate complete loss of power and have the ability to restart where it left o without compromising the integrity of its data? Given this view, schema evolution is a form of interface evolution. Elementary Cryptography - Substitutions / Permutations (Ch. HTTP, which has been standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), has the basic form of . Monitor-actuator. Also happily, for many proposes, it is more important to know the order of events rather than the time at which those events occurred. These decisions are best taken early on. 2.10 Transferable, Reusable Model The earlier in the life cycle reuse is applied, the greater the bene t that can be achieved from this practice. Internal interfaces are interfaces between the elements that result from the instantiation of design concepts. Before starting a VM, the hypervisor rst ensures that su cient physical resources are available to satisfy that VMs needs, and then the hypervisor enforces those limits while the VM is running. Predictive model. Practices such as the use of backlogs and Kanban boards can help you track the design progress and answer these questions. We divide our observations into two clusters: process recommendations and product (or structural) recommendations. The architecture should be documented using views. . 4. The server processes the requests and responds. The Therac 25 fatal radiation overdose, the Ariane 5 explosion, and a hundred lesser known accidents all caused harm because the computer was connected to the environment: a turbine, an Xray emitter, and a rockets steering controls, in the examples just cited. Chapter 22, on architecture documentation, covers stakeholders and their concerns in greater depth. The tactics for resource allocation are reduce usage, discovery, and scheduling. Norman Cousins According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the adjective integrable means capable of being integrated. Well give you a moment to catch your breath and absorb that profound insight. Think about whether your major concern is worst-case latency, average-case latency, throughput, or some other response measure. [AdvBuilder 10] Java Adventure https://adventurebuilder.dev.java.net Builder Reference Application. If your computing device is out in the world, so to speak, it may have access to a time signal from a Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite, which provides a time accurate to within 100 nanoseconds or less. [Hamm 04] Linus Torvalds Benevolent Dictatorship, BusinessWeek, August 18, 2004, businessweek.com/technology/content/aug2004/tc20040818_1593.htm. In an acquisition context, the requirements document represents the interests of the acquirer, not those of the developer. The architecture should feature well-de ned modules whose functional responsibilities are assigned on the principles of information hiding and separation of concerns. The need for education in computer security and related topics. Figure 1.2 shows a sketch of a C&C structure of a system using an informal notation that is explained in the gures key. Location in the vehicle. Battery-powered mobile systems include a component, often in the kernel of the operating system, that knows how to interact with the BMS and can return the current battery capacity on request. Avoid leaking implementation details through the interface. Figure 11.1 Sample scenario for security 11.2 Tactics for Security One method for thinking about how to achieve security in a system is to focus on physical security. [Kumar 10a] K. Kumar and T. V. Prabhakar. A description of the software architecture, as it is mapped to hardware and networking components, allows reasoning about qualities such as performance and reliability. It is important to establish clear criteria that will allow a driver to be moved to the Partially Addressed or Completely Addressed columns. Using the manage service interactions tactic described in Section 5.4 can help achieve this goal. Wiley, 2000. [Storey 97] M.-A. These include: The purpose of the design round The primary functional requirements The primary quality attribute (QA) scenarios Any constraints Any concerns Why do we explicitly capture the design purpose? They have enumerated approximately two dozen usability scenarios that have architectural impact and given associated patterns for these scenarios [Bass 03]. Two common examples of maintaining multiple copies of data are data replication and caching. Developers can test only the information embodied in the interface description. This is a great example of the kind of risk that a tactics-based questionnaire can uncover, very quickly and inexpensively. If the module being modi ed includes responsibilities that are not cohesive, the modi cation costs will likely be high. If not, your options are limitedand mostly all badand they may involve considerable rework. The reviewers capture potential problems exposed during the prior step. By contrast, if the state is buried or distributed, this approach becomes di cult, if not impossible. A general discussion of the importance of creating energy-aware software can be found in [Fonseca 19]. This process can also be quite e cient: A typical questionnaire for a single quality attribute takes between 30 and 90 minutes to complete. Start with [Garlan 95]. 19.5 Change Happens Edward Berard said, Walking on water and developing software from a speci cation are both easy if both are frozen. Nothing in this chapter should be taken to assume that such a miraculous state of a airs is likely to exist. It is used in networks and in server farms where failures are expected and common. Although these les are generally not structurally coupled to each other, they are strongly evolutionarily coupled. Most of the data coordination mechanisms that we discuss in the next section rely on this kind of ordering of actions. Regardless of who performs the evaluation and when it is performed, an evaluation is based on architectural driversprimarily architecturally signi cant requirements (ASRs) expressed as quality attribute scenarios. The rewall tactic is a speci c realization of the limit access tactic, which is described in Chapter 11. If insu cient resources are available to service them when they arise, low-priority events might be ignored. The mechanism employed for exception handling depends largely on the programming environment employed, ranging from simple function return codes (error codes) to the use of exception classes that contain information helpful in fault correlation, such as the name of the exception, the origin of the exception, and the cause of the exception Software can then use this information to mask or repair the fault. [Parnas 95] David Parnas and Jan Madey. When the abstract common services tactic is combined with an intermediary (such as a wrapper or adapter), it can also normalize syntactic and semantic variations among the speci c elements. A bridge translates some requires assumptions of one arbitrary component to some provides assumptions of another component. Return messages go directly from the service instances to the clients (determined by the from eld in the IP message header), bypassing the load balancer. The cohesion of a module is the probability that a change scenario that a ects a responsibility will also a ect other (di erent) responsibilities. Have architects join professional organizations. Why? But it was okay. There are likely dozens of design patterns and externally developed components that you could use to address any particular issue. An early and authoritative reference for test-driven development was written by Kent Beck: Test-Driven Development by Example [Beck 02]. Intrusion Prevention System An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a standalone element whose main purpose is to identify and analyze any suspicious activity. This tactic is inappropriate as a means of recovery from unanticipated faults. Figure 12.1 shows a simple model of testing in which a program processes input and produces output. We call this form of entropy architecture debt, and it is an important and highly costly form of technical debt. Heartbeat. If you are using the rolling upgrade pattern, both versions are simultaneously active. Designing the system for location independence means that the location will be easy to modify with minimal impact on the rest of the system. In the nal system integration testing phase, all devices with all functions and all components are built into full-size con gurations, rst in a test lab and then in a test prototype. The propagation involves two classical bits that are transferred to the location of . Figure 7.1 Sample integrability scenario 7.3 Integrability Tactics The goals for the integrability tactics are to reduce the costs and risks of adding new components, reintegrating changed components, and integrating sets of components together to ful ll evolutionary requirements, as illustrated in Figure 7.2. A venerable source is the ACM Risks Forum, available at risks.org. In fact, distributed coordination is one of those problems that you should not try to solve yourself. Depending on what is de ned in a standard, it may also address syntactic, data semantic, behavioral semantic, and temporal dimensions of distance. An interface, software or otherwise, is a boundary across which elements meet and interact, communicate, and coordinate. For example, the fact that using resource X on element A leaves element B in a particular state is something that other elements using the resource may need to know if it a ects their processing, even though they never interact with element A directly. Do you think an architecture evaluation might have caught the risks? Many di erent kinds of people will have an interest in architecture documentation. 9. Equally important, it elevates the risks that were uncovered to the attention of management. This project, in fact, su ers from high architecture debt. In Section 20.4, we present more details on how the di erent types of design concepts are instantiated, how structures are created, and how interfaces are de ned. When scaling VMs, an autoscaler decides that additional VMs are required, and then allocates a new VM and loads it with the appropriate software. Making sure that this is actually the case is a good idea, to avoid unhappy stakeholders and later rework. 10. The golden rule is: Know your reader. [McCall 77] J. Abstract data sources. The pages that are in physical memory can be accessed immediately, and other pages are stored on the secondary memory until they are needed. Thus, all C&C structures are orthogonal to the module-based structures and deal with the dynamic aspects of a running system. React to Attacks Several tactics are intended to respond to a potential attack. Under what circumstances should performance (e.g., how long an operation takes) be a part of an elements published interface? 4.3 Tactics-Based Questionnaire for Availability Based on the tactics described in Section 4.2, we can create a set of availability tacticsinspired questions, as presented in Table 4.3. Thus a designer will employ re nements to make each tactic concrete. (We didnt nd any of this out until after the evaluation.) The speci cs of how this is done depend on the individual elements of the system, but a common example is reducing the brightness or the refresh rate of the display on a smartphone. Revision history. Especially for secure systems, follow the eld to nd out what to do when your conventional encryption algorithms become worthless. Each layer is a grouping of modules that o ers a cohesive set of services. Then the mediator, if invoked from the original interface, would parse the address to determine any apartment number, whereas the mediator would pass the apartment number included in the separate parameter on to the internal interface unchanged. Restrict login. Consider a simple analogy: To plug a North American plug (an example of a Ci) into a North American socket (an interface provided by the electrical system S), the integration is trivial. For example, a demilitarized zone (DMZ) is used when an organization wants to let external users access certain services but not access other services. You can opt to make a one-time payment for the initial 4-month term or pay monthly. If, having developed the three-tier architecture, the team later concluded that the wrong architecture was chosen, the estimated refactoring cost would be $300,000. Early (the occurrence of an event before the time required) or late (the occurrence of an event after the time required) timing can both be potentially problematic. 2 (MarchApril 2010): 1622. Architectural patterns are discussed in detail in Part 2 of this book. However, VM images can be large, and transferring VM images around the network is time consuming. Using a name/value representation instead of start and end tags, JSON documents can be parsed as they are read. Figure 22.4 UML state machine diagram for a car stereo system Each transition in a state machine diagram is labeled with the event causing the transition. Defer Binding Because the work of people is almost always more expensive error-prone than the work of computers, letting computers handle a change as much as possible will almost always reduce the cost of making that change. To use these questionnaires, simply follow these four steps: 1. Users are typically identi ed through user IDs. This structure assigns responsibility for implementing and integrating the modules to the teams who will carry out these tasks. 3. The BMS can be queried to get the current state of the battery. 4. In this chapter we focus on ve of those characteristics: 1. Integrability 7.1 Evaluating the Integrability of an Architecture Tactics-Based 7.2 General Scenario for Integrability 7.3 Integrability Tactics 7.4 Tactics-Based Questionnaire for Integrability 7.5 Patterns 7.6 For Further Reading 7.7 Discussion Questions 8. [Garlan 95] David Garlan, Robert Allen, and John Ockerbloom. That may be the same person (as noted in the quotation that opened this chapter) or it may be a replacement, but in either case the future architect is guaranteed to have an enormous stake in the documentation. Allocation structures establish the mapping from software structures to the systems nonsoftware structures, such as its organization, or its development, test, and execution environments. There are many other equally notorious examples. Prioritize that list based on expected bene t over expected cost. You can identify alternatives by making use of existing catalogs. Variability refers to the ability of a system and its supporting artifacts, such as code, requirements, test plans, and documentation, to support the production of a set of variants that di er from each other in a preplanned fashion. It might be placed on the network, after which it arrives at another component. The architect, pleased that the manager had noticed, explained how he (the architect) had devised a design approach that obviated the need for a bulky, expensive database. Do you agree or disagree that these considerations should be part of the de nition of software architecture? 8 (2011): 10. How might it trade o against performance? Your eTextbook, Quickly navigate your eTextbook with search. [Parnas 79] D. Parnas. One of the designers looked up from his busy scribbling for a moment to grin. ||2 + ||2 = 1. Reduce Coupling We now turn to tactics that reduce the coupling between modules. It works by having project decision makers and stakeholders articulate a precise list of quality attribute requirements (in the form of scenarios) and by illuminating the architectural decisions relevant to analyzing each high-priority scenario. You can start from an existing image and add additional software. You can download it from faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/risk_management/ss _handbook/. This indicates how often two les change together in commits. For example, a module in a decomposition structure may be manifested as one, part of one, or several components in one of the C&C structures, re ecting its runtime alter-ego. The VM Images section discusses this process in more detail. Thus, transferring an 8 GB VM image will take more than 3 minutes in the real world. And so the equation given earlier in the chapter comes into play. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce some of the most important terms, considerations, and tradeo s in employing virtual resources. Remember, architecture documentation is a love letter you write to your future self. And so forth. Figure 23.4 Architecture anti-patterns in Apache Cassandra The majority of issues in an issue tracking system can be divided into two broad categories: bug xes and feature enhancements. (Interview some of your friends and colleagues if you would like to have them contribute QA considerations and scenarios.) Projects that recognize this need for collaboration and encourage it are much more likely to be successful than those that dont. Foster Many factors determine the qualities that must be provided for in a systems architecture. For systems running with a single data center, timeouts and thresholds can be set aggressively, since network delays are minimal and missed responses are likely due to software crashes or hardware failures. The server can be broken into multiple independent elements, which may be deployed independently. The element is not con gured correctly. Organizations have duties, skills, and knowledge for architecture, just like individual architects. A rolling upgrade replaces the instances of Service A with instances of the new version of Service A one at a time. 2. These separate aspects can also be tested in parallel. What questions would you ask about the company with which youre interviewing, related to the areas listed in Section 25.2? Integrability 7.1 Evaluating the Integrability of an Architecture 7.2 General Scenario for Integrability 7.3 Integrability Tactics 7.4 Tactics-Based Questionnaire for Integrability 7.5 Patterns 7.6 For Further Reading 7.7 Discussion Questions 8. Vesely, F. F. Goldberg, N. H. Roberts, and D. F. Haasl. Are there some kinds of knowledge that you need for one but not the other? But users? Adopting a standard can be an e ective integrability tactic, although its e ectiveness is limited to bene ts based on the dimensions of di erence addressed in the standard and how likely it is that future component suppliers will conform to the standard. The members drew out and recognized each others expertise. For example, a request for a modi cation that arrives after the code has been frozen for a release may be treated di erently than one that arrives before the freeze. Essentially, the user is annotating a type with additional checking code. [INCOSE 19] International Council on Systems Engineering, Feature-Based Systems and Software Product Line Engineering: A Primer, Technical Product INCOSE-TP-2019-002-03-0404, https://connect.incose.org/Pages/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductCode=PLE_Primer_2019. Autoscaling: Automatic Creation and Destruction of Instances Consider a traditional data center, where your organization owns all the physical resources. Analysts are interested in whether the design meets the systems quality objectives. Assertions are de ned in terms of speci c data declarations, and they must be placed where the data values are referenced or modi ed. However, factoring the product, pq, and recovering p and q is computationally very di cult on a classical computer: It is in the category NP-hard. But does it pay to do these kinds of refactorings? See Chapter 17 for a fuller discussion of the topic of time in a distributed system. 7. Tactics-Based Questionnaires Another (even lighter) lightweight evaluation method that we discussed in Chapter 3 is the tactics-based questionnaire. Nancy Leveson is a thought leader in the area of software and safety. Although other notations are available (such as message sequence charts, timing diagrams, and the Business Process Execution Language), we have chosen these four as a representative sample of trace-oriented notations. Or establish an informal mentoring relationship nd excuses to interact, ask questions, or o er to help (for instance, o er to be a reviewer). The architecture should be evaluated for its ability to deliver the systems important quality attributes. Implementing Product Line Variabilities (IESE-Report no. Note that there are some super-tacticstactics that are so fundamental and so pervasive that they deserve special mention. Second, service instance 1 may fail after it has acquired the lock, preventing service instance 2 from proceeding. Of course, the humans dont always get it right when the computers get it wrong. An exception or error-handling view could help illuminate and draw attention to error reporting and resolution mechanisms. [Kruchten 03] Philippe Kruchten. 2. These scenarios are then prioritized, with this prioritized set de ning your marching orders as an architect. 7. An architecture may either support or hinder achieving the important requirements for a system. Bound execution times. The Cloud and Distributed Computing 17.1 Cloud Basics 17.2 Failure in the Cloud 17.3 Using Multiple Instances to Improve Performance and Availability 17.4 Summary 17.5 For Further Reading 17.6 Discussion Questions 18. Furthermore, one bene t of using containers is that the size of the container image is small, including only those programs and libraries necessary to support the service we want to run. Computer Security: Principles and Practice. Frank Lloyd Wright In Chapter 2, we said that one major reason architecture is important is that you can predict the quality attributes of any system derived from it, before you build the system, by examining its architecture. [Xiao 16] L. Xiao, Y. Cai, R. Kazman, R. Mo, and Q. Feng. Many systems limit access from a particular computer if there are repeated failed attempts to access an account from that computer. His professional interests include communications and computer systems security and cryptography, including research on pseudo-anonymous communication, authentication, security and trust issues in Web environments, the design of secure remote code execution environments using the functional language Erlang, and on the design and implementation of the LOKI family of block ciphers. The tools and methods that work well for discovering code debtcode inspections, code quality checkers, and so forthtypically do not work well for detecting architecture debt. 4.6 Discussion Questions 1. These are organizational duties because they are outside the control of individual architects. What are the important distinctions between this scenario and the one you created for question 2? Boss. In practice, because engaging them is complicated and often expensive, they tend to be used to evaluate complete architectures. Finding experts in this area and interviewing them or simply writing and asking them for advice. For instance, each module may map to multiple runtime elements, and each runtime element may map to multiple modules. Computer Science University of Torino M.Sc. For example, a requirement of such a system could be that following restoration of power, the system is back on and working in the nominal mode within 30 seconds. Does it need to carry text written in di erent languages? Understanding Quality Attributes 4. In the original MVC model, the model would send updates to a view, which a user would see and interact with. [EOSAN 07] WP 8.1.4De ne Methodology for Validation within OATA: Architecture Tactics Assessment Process, eurocontrol.int/valfor/gallery/content/public/OATA-P2-D8.1.401%20DMVO%20Architecture%20Tactics%20Assessment%20Process.pdf. Canary https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CanaryRelease.html, 2014. The restrict communication paths tactic is seen in service-oriented architectures (SOAs), in which point-to-point requests are discouraged in favor of forcing all requests to go through an enterprise service bus so that routing and preprocessing can be done consistently. Documenting an Architecture 22.1 Uses and Audiences for Architecture Documentation 22.2 Notations 22.3 Views 22.4 Combining Views 22.5 Documenting Behavior 22.6 Beyond Views 22.7 Documenting the Rationale 22.8 Architecture Stakeholders 22.9 Practical Considerations 22.10 Summary 22.11 For Further Reading 22.12 Discussion Questions 23. 16.2 Virtual Machines Now that we have seen how the resource usage of one application can be isolated from the resource usage of another application, we can employ and combine these mechanisms. Referring to the structures described in Chapter 1, which structures would be involved in implementing the package dependencies tactic? Systems may require periodic reauthentication, such as when your smartphone automatically locks after a period of inactivity. However, some consideration will be given to students who miss an exam due to a personal or family emergency, as long as a valid proof is provided. The management gateway then sends that IP address to you. These include performance testing, security testing, license conformance checks, and, possibly, user testing. In this case, the cloud infrastructure and the services developed on it are visible and accessible only within the organizations network. Information hiding and separation of concerns VM image will take more than 3 minutes the. What qualities important to aircraft does this design provide for implementing and integrating modules! Taken to assume that such a miraculous state of a airs is likely to be successful those. Have duties, skills, and it is used in networks and in farms. 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